Thunder suffered a great defeat in Toronto!

The last game, thunder in the final stage of several consecutive mistakes to the Raptors, and finally lost the game. This defeat, people all feel very sorry. After all, thunder has been infinitely close to their second championship trophy. The players fought hard and were always positive.

But in this game, it was a little angry to lose. Basically, thunder was in the downwind all the way. From the beginning to the end, they did not play a few decent counter attacks. In the end, they lost to Raptors by 24 points! You know, thunder since entering the playoffs, played the game, the need to win or lose through the kill ball accounted for at least a third of the game. They haven't lost so badly in a long time.

Of course, angry people are people who like thunder. People who don't like thunder are naturally celebrating with each other.

At the conference after the game, the three thunder giants appeared together. However, one by one, they were dejected and quite depressed. Three days ago, they were ready to win the O'Brien cup by beating the Raptors at home with a huge 3-1 advantage. But they lost the game in the end. At the press conference at that time, whether Donovan or thunder players, docking the next game is still full of confidence.

"As you can see, we are in a very bad state tonight. Both the offensive end and the defensive side, did not play their due level. As head coach, I'm responsible. They are more flexible, more active and more aggressive in the game than we are careful. We didn't deal with the change of attack and defense in time, so that we were in a passive situation and couldn't play our own rhythm. This is my problem! "

Donovan took the responsibility of losing. Donovan was not disheartened when the reporter asked about the next seven wars. He still has confidence in his team.

"Next, we're going to be tough. When a series turns into a game, everything becomes extremely difficult. Well, the game will go back to Oklahoma. We're going to play against each other at the Chesapeake energy stadium and the winner will win everything. For this game, we can only do our best. These two days, we will adjust and play in the best condition. I believe winning in Oklahoma will be the best result of the season

In this alliance, it has always adhered to the naked rule of survival. Whether it is a big family or a fish belly, winning the game will be flattered, but if they lose the game, they will be welcomed by merciless attack.

In fact, before the game was over, people were already talking about it on the Internet. After all, it's a live game all over the United States, and we all know the process of the game.

"Thunder will pay for its arrogance in the end..."

Many people think that the root cause of thunder's disastrous defeat in Toronto is their attitude. They don't think the Raptors are stronger than thunder, but they don't pay enough attention to raptors. Especially after the 3-1 lead, the championship seemed to be at hand, and everyone was ready to celebrate the upcoming second O'Brien cup. Of course, it also includes thunder fans and Oklahoma's local media. Even in other states and cities in the United States, many basketball fans inside and outside the industry feel that thunder will easily beat the Raptors.

Before the start of game 5, fans, the media, including some retired or active players, made their voices. In their eyes, raptors' first finals tour is coming to an end, and thunder will become another team to successfully defend the championship.

Most of the time, people will not inflate themselves, but with the help of others, they will gradually forget themselves and expand. Thunder may not be as inflated as people say, but it is somewhat careless.

"Paul George didn't play what he should have done, he became the key to Oklahoma's defeat..."

If you lose, someone will come out and take responsibility. Donovan took all the responsibility at the press conference, but people didn't recognize it. Of course, there must have been attacks on Donovan, but most of them are against Paul George.

Judging from the data of these two games and the performance against each other, it is no problem to throw the pot to Paul George. Compared with Leonard in the same position, he is inferior in both attack and defense. Especially in the sixth game, Paul George 17 shot 3, 38 minutes to hand over 11 points, 4 rebounds, 3 assists, 2 steals data, such performance is really inconsistent with his giant identity. One out of eight three-point shot was bad, and only two goals were scored closer to the basket, which was really too much to look at. By contrast, Westbrook's 19 points, 8 rebounds, 12 assists, Anluo's 23 points and Adams's 16 points and 13 rebounds are better than Paul George.

Paul George did not perform well on the offensive end, and Leonard's defense caused him a lot of trouble. But his contribution on the defensive side is still great. Only this game, raptors out of Leonard, and Daniel Green, Pau Gasol, van freit and other players to play well. However, few people see the implicit performance of players.In fact, it is not only Paul George who is criticized, but also Westbrook and anlow. It's just that the two brothers bear much lighter things. For Oklahoma fans, Paul George is always a little worse than Westbrook and ANLO. Even if Paul George played MVP level performance in the regular season of the season and was selected to start all star, he was higher in tactical position than Anluo.

"Oklahoma doesn't need Paul George, we have Russell and Ann

"Mr. Donovan should give Ann more power to sell!"


About the next seven snatch war, thunder has not set foot on the field, has fallen. Apart from Oklahoma fans, few people like them! Even the Oklahoma fans, in fact, not everyone is full of confidence in these players. Successive losses have brought down the morale of Oklahoma. On the other hand, the Raptors are in a desperate situation. Now is the time of momentum. If thunder wants to defeat such an opponent, it is really difficult for people to have much confidence in him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!