It is a fantastic thing to place the hope of winning the championship on a third grade player. Throughout the history of NBA, there are only a few players who can be entrusted with this responsibility during the rookie contract.

Of course, ANLO is a little worse than those guys. Even if we compare the scoring ability, he is not particularly outstanding. However, he has one ability which is quite outstanding. That is the efficiency of scoring, especially the efficiency of scoring outside the three-point line. Anluo said that second, I'm afraid no one dares to say the first.

In the current situation of the thunder, Westbrook's breakthrough has been unable to play that kind of explosive scoring wave in the rest of the time. Paul George has that ability, but he's not in good shape. Several successive games by Leonard restraint, he seems to have lost the regular season "only me Joe big general" momentum.

When Westbrook heard Donovan's words, he was stunned. At last, he nodded. He reached out and patted ANLO's arm and said, "Ann, it's up to you this time! I'll pass you the ball and all of us will help you

Adams reached out and rubbed ANLO's head, then pointed to all the people in the Chesapeake energy arena and said, "let's go! old man. They will cheer for it

ANLO didn't have much in mind. Donovan will give him some tasks every game, and tonight is no different. But after Westbrook and Adams finished, he felt that everything was different. It's a kind of trust, from coach Donovan to every player on the team. Of course, it's also a responsibility, a responsibility to Oklahoma fans, to the Oklahoma fans. Before that, it had always been a responsibility for Westbrook.

However, ANLO is confident. He just has to throw all those balls in. This kind of thing is really what he is good at. That's what he's been doing at Thunder all the time.

Pausing back, Westbrook receives the side line ball from Adams, rolls the ball around from behind, easily dodges the forced lorry, and then rushes directly to the free throw line. At this time, the Raptors defense quickly toward the basket. With the exception of Denny green and Leonard, almost all of the other three players were within the free throw line.

Westbrook seemed to be ready to finish his own layup. He took a European step to get away from Hickam and squeezed into the basket from the left. Pau Gasol straightened out his chest and put his hands up. At this point, grant and Adams moved. Adams pulled to the left elbow to give Paul George a cover, who then got rid of Leonard who had been following him, and ran out of the three-point line to catch the ball. At this time, Denny green, who had been defending ANLO, became the closest defender to Paul George. As Westbrook passed the ball from under the basket to Paul George, Denny green rushed decisively. At this time, he did not care about Anluo. After all, Paul George's scoring ability is also very strong, especially this kind of open three-point ball. Just after Denny green rushed over, Leonard made the first move towards ANLO. But before he got close to ANLO, Adams stopped him on the way.

Donovan's tactics are done! Westbrook broke through with the ball to attract the Raptors' defensive retreat. Paul George took cover and ran to the outside line to catch the ball and drew Denny green away. But all this is designed to create opportunities for Anluo.

Just after Denny green approached Paul George, Paul George passed the ball to ANLO, who had already reached the top of the arc. The latter is already ready to set up the fort and blast the ball directly into the basket.


thunder is 5 points short!

ANLO and Paul George, after a hard slap in the back defense, immediately put themselves into the defense. The three-point goal gave thunder hope, but it's a long way to go. The next defense is crucial.

Westbrook has been staring at Lori from the back court, keeping a body distance all the way, and constantly harassing the opponent's dribble. Make every effort to let the other side attack is not smooth, do not miss every possible opportunity to make the other side wrong. However, Lori also mixed with the League veteran, he slightly side body, using his body to protect the basketball, unhurriedly to the ball across the center line.

Westbrook doesn't dare to be too radical. The more critical the moment, the less flustered. This is what Donovan specifically told him. We all know that Westbrook likes to take risks in defense and often takes gamble style steals, but often makes the other side seize the opportunity to break through the defense. This time, he was cautious.

Time flies by. With eight seconds left in this attack, Lori moves. Under the cover of Pau Gasol, he made it to the inside. But in the face of Adams, he didn't play hard. At this point, there is no need for Lori to force layups. Hickam has moved away from grant and cut to the basket from the right side of the three-point line. Lori immediately passed the ball and knew that as long as syakum flew, no one could stop it.

After zikam got the ball, he did fly. But waiting for him is not an effective whistle for a goal, but an offensive foul.

Originally, after Westbrook was blocked by Pau Gasol, he did not catch up. It's little Gasol at the top of the arc. Raptors are likely to send Pau Gasol to the three-point shot. After all, Pau Gasol has already scored three three-point shots from the top of the arc. But when he saw leonarda go to the right to cover for sICAM, he immediately understood what the other side was thinking. So he took another risk. Just give up Pau Gasol, run to the bottom line of the basket, and stand in advance. Then, as he thought, siakam hit him right in the chest.When the referee made an offensive foul gesture, Westbrook, who was hit by Hickam and slid far away, slapped the floor hard, and then immediately turned over to catch the ball.

Meanwhile, Donovan clapped hard on the sidelines. He knows what it means to defend this time! Next, the thunder has the opportunity to continue to close the score. As long as the goal is scored, the score of both sides will be narrowed to within one goal. The attack and defense of ANLO and Westbrook made everything possible. , the fastest update of the webnovel!