The Paul George deal is not groundless. As early as last season's playoffs, Paul George and thunder had some disagreements. At the beginning of the season, Paul George went to the defending champion and fmvp. Especially the latter, after all, he won the championship last season. However, in some people's eyes, the total champion Paul George has some feeling of holding his thighs. So he was eager to prove himself. Unfortunately, his performance did not play the desired effect. On the contrary, Anluo got better and better after entering the playoffs and was finally elected as fmvp.

In fact, in the middle of last season, when Paul George and anlow came to play the explosive performance, people felt the atmosphere of the team collapse. Although they didn't seem to have any problems, there was a lot of harmony between the players and the atmosphere in the dressing room was very good. But as ANLO's performance gets better and better, it becomes clearer in people's minds.

In fact, this is an inevitable thing. Every team with two or more star players is hard to be consistent. After all, any team can only have one voice, that is, there can only be one boss. Paul George is not the kind of person who wants to be subservient forever. He wants to be the voice of the team both on and off the field. He could have waited until Westbrook's more thorough transfer of power, but with the development trend of anlow, the owner of thunder might not be Paul George.

In fact, Paul George was not in a good position in thunder. As a "skipper", although with excellent offensive and defensive ability and natural style of play in Oklahoma quickly won a large number of fans, but when he faced Westbrook and Anluo, still did not have any advantage. After all, both of them are the players that thunder got at the draft convention. So far, both Westbrook and anlow have had their careers in this team. Although Americans pay more attention to interests first, NBA League is also a business, but the more we lack, the more keen we are. Those players who live in one city will still be more likely to be loved by the fans.

On this point, Westbrook and anlow do have a huge advantage.

Westbrook doesn't have to say that from the moment Durant left, he was the absolute core of the thunder. Even if he has been transformed since last season, he has handed the ball out on the court. In fact, he has always been the boss of thunder. Even if Paul George stays in Oklahoma, he'll have to wait a few seasons before he's up. Maybe Paul George didn't want to wait that long even without ANLO!

Presti may have seen this, and finally decided to send Paul George away. He didn't want to risk losing an fmvp and still end up with nothing.

The departure of Paul George means the end of two years of thunder rule in the league. This is definitely a pity. If Paul George can stay in the thunder, plus an increasingly strong ANLO and a little impulsive Westbrook, even in this new pattern of the co-existence, the thunder is still the most likely team to win the championship, none of them.

Unfortunately, when this deal happened, everything changed. This is not a good thing for the current situation of thunder, but it has a very positive significance for the whole league. Next season, the League no longer has a true sense of the three big teams, the emergence of the total champion team let people see dazzling.

When Paul George joined the clippers, he also had a great chance to win. After all, when thunder, the last big three team, disbanded, the strongest paper teams in the league would be the two teams in Los Angeles. Especially the clippers, the depth of their lineup is absolutely the only one in the league. After all, they were the playoff team, and now they have two more top ten players in the league, and their strength will definitely change dramatically.

From a star point of view, the Lakers are in second place, and no team has the courage to be first. Having two top five stars in the League at the same time is rare even in the history of NBA. However, they missed out on a series of reinforcements in order to wait for Leonard, which made the overall team of the Lakers not as competitive as the Clippers.

These two teams, together with Durant and Owen's nets, are the three strongest teams in the title race next season. As for thunder, the team, which has won two consecutive titles, fell into the second group after losing Paul George. Like the warriors who lost Durant, the Rockets who didn't make any movement, and the Bucks who are still looking for help for adeto Kunbo, thunder now has the strength to attack the championship, but it is not favored by people.

Seeing that a new dynasty was about to appear, the middle way suddenly collapsed. What a pity! But from the thunder people's subsequent reaction, it is not particularly depressed.

"Everyone has a choice. As a professional player, being traded is a normal thing! No matter where Paul is, I don't think our pursuit will change. He is a great player and his future will certainly be more brilliantAlthough Anluo is in China, it is still involved in the waves of this transaction. For Paul George, he didn't feel particularly close or unhappy. The other side is strong and is a player who can help the team a lot in the game. In terms of ability alone, Paul George is excellent. Throughout the NBA, it's hard to find a few more players of this level in position three. But now that it's done, these things are not things that Anluo can intervene in. Of course, it's not something Paul George can intervene in. Paul George couldn't have left Oklahoma if Presti didn't nod.

"I think next season will be very exciting."

When asked by the reporter about the possibility of thunder defending the championship next season, Anluo went around and vaguely replied: "as you can see, many teams have made sufficient preparations for the championship. This summer, the pattern of the alliance has changed dramatically. It's too early to talk about the championship. We all need time to get used to this league , the fastest update of the webnovel!