At 8:00 p.m. on October 19, the final pre-season match of nba2019-20 season came to an end at Chase Center Stadium in San Francisco.

Although the water brothers have played very well, the home warriors lost 104-115 to the Los Angeles Lakers. As in the last game, Davis, McGee and Howard took turns, and the warriors' weak interior was blasted by the Lakers.

No one knows how many points Cole used, but it's clear that after Durant and igordala left, the warriors' defense dropped a lot. Especially when Russell and the water brothers played at the same time, the warriors' defense did not play a significant role in limiting the Lakers. Not to mention James, even Kuzma, cook and Bradley can easily break through their defense. Curie and Russell, the two players' roles on the field, almost overlap. Instead of playing a positive role, they restrict each other's play.

In fact, after the warriors made a deal with the nets, some people thought that the warriors didn't want to keep Russell in the team. They wanted to trade Russell for an all star level No. 3 player. After all, they already have a Curie and don't need the number one player. Although Thompson was injured at the time, it didn't affect his new season. However, with the end of the off-season and the closure of the free market, the warriors have never made specific moves. No one knows what the warriors are up to, but now it looks like Russell is a tough spot in the warriors' lineup. A little chicken ribs, Russell strength is not vulgar, when he leads the team alone, in the game can play a brilliant performance. But none of the all stars went back to the bench.

There are problems in the team is not only warriors, including thunder, those with the strength to win the championship, more or less have some problems. This is a very normal thing, after all, these teams have experienced staff changes, the running in of the team can not be completed in a day or two. However, there is not enough time left for us. The new season is about to start, and the intensity of the regular season will be improved by several grades. However, it depends on who can adapt to the rhythm of the game more quickly.

Thunder's last preseason game ended two days ago. They beat the Memphis Grizzlies 129-105 at the Chesapeake energy arena, winning five straight pre-season games. Although it's a preseason game, Oklahoma fans are still very excited. They had been worried about their team for a while, after all, Paul George was an integral part of the thunder. When he left, the fans were very angry and disappointed.

But from these games, it seems that the current lineup is also good. ANLO's performance is needless to say, after the baptism of the world cup, he has become stronger. Attack means more abundant, at the same time, the organizational ability is also catching up with Westbrook. It made life better for Adams and Noel. The latter, in particular, may become the next "pie king" in the new season.

In addition to ANLO, the performance of young players Alexander and Gallinari also let everyone praise. The latter is of course normal play, he needs to do is very simple, when Anluo in the offensive side of the defensive attention, he just need to pass the ball into the basket. Of course, Gallinari's breakthrough ability with the ball is also very good. In addition to the defensive side a little bit hard, he is definitely a very qualified championship level starting No. 3 player.

As for Alexander, it was a real surprise. Five preseasons, five starts. Except for Donovan's first game in which he played number one, the remaining four games were all in position two. This adjustment liberated Alexander and ANLO completely. The former is like a duck in the water on the second position, and the scoring efficiency is very high. The latter has the advantage in the No.1 position, with nearly two meters of height and excellent arm exhibition, whether it is shooting, passing or defending, it does better. Even Westbrook couldn't help joking, "maybe I should announce my retirement, feeling like this thunder doesn't need me anymore."

To say the problem, thunder's defense is really down a lot. Robertson is back from injury, but Donovan didn't figure out how to use him. In the first line-up, the offensive side is too slow; in the substitute line-up, his excellent defensive ability is wasted. But in any case, the thunder needs Robertson's defense, he is always an indispensable member of the internal. The depth of the reserve lineup has not been greatly strengthened. Compared with last season, there is less a strong defense of Cantor, more a great potential of Alexander, the others are no change, so it is not good or bad.

On October 23, 2019, the new NBA season officially kicked off.

As the champion team of last season, thunder, like last year, is waiting for the new season at home. However, before the game starts, there will be a link to be envied by the other 29 teams.

Ring awarding ceremony of the championship.

This is not the first time for most of the thunder players. So, people are far less excited than last year. It's the same with ANLO. Winning the championship is not something out of reach for him.However, when the flag representing the championship of the 2018-19 season was slowly raised at the Chesapeake energy stadium, Anluo still felt deeply. ANLO thought he was so lucky! To be able to win a championship at the beginning of a career, and still two. In the whole NBA decades of history, there are not many teams that can win the championship twice, and thunder has successfully entered it. There are some brilliant superstars in every era who never win the championship. Some people, in the last moment to give up the dignity of a superstar, but still regret to leave.

But that's not enough!

Angelo never thought he would lose the chance of winning. No matter where he is, he is trying to make himself the ultimate winner, and he can always do it. High school league, NCAA, NBA, Asian Cup, world cup, each seems impossible, and finally become possible. Now, the new season is about to start, thunder in their own home to receive last season's championship ring. It's a good start and ANLO hopes they'll still be on the podium this season.

The new journey is about to begin. Two consecutive titles are far from satisfying Anluo's appetite! , the fastest update of the webnovel!