The "one-on-one" between Angelo and Mitchell did not last long. After all, different from the past, the era of relying on the infinite singles of stars to attract the audience and win the game is gone. Now the attack and defense system needs more players to participate in the game. Players in the game to do more is to integrate the individual into the overall system of the team, rather than let the whole to accommodate the individual.

The Jazz had a good lead in the first quarter. Home combat, they found the state earlier than thunder.

After the brief encounter between anlow and Mitchell, jazz Ingels began to play his part in the elbow. He hit two jump shots in a row, leading the jazz to another 11-2 offensive climax.

At this time, the first quarter of the game has just passed 7 minutes, thunder behind the score has been opened to double digits by the other side. Donovan had to call a pause. This period of time, the Jazz offensive pressure is too strong! He has to come to relieve the pressure on the field and replace the out of form wesbrook and Robertson.

After pausing back, thunder's attack slowly found its own rhythm.

After Westbrook's break, anlow automatically enters the role of the organizer. Donovan confirmed this point after he showed excellent passing ability in the last game.

Conley is a No. 1 player with outstanding ability in both attack and defense. Moreover, he has a more sophisticated experience than Mitchell. Therefore, Anluo in the first position has not played more relaxed than the second position. Fortunately, when Alexander and grant were on the field, ANLO's pressure on the offensive side was much less.

Under the cover of Adams, ANLO gets rid of Conley's entanglement. However, the change of defense over Gerber or brought him great pressure. Although more flexible and faster than the other side, ANLO tried several times but could not shake the other side. Not every defender is Chris Paul. It's difficult to play small and big.

However, ANLO looked at Alexander's figure as he moved around. Young people are always very active in the game, active defense, active running, actively looking for opportunities. By the time Anluo saw him, Alexander had already thrown the defender away and cut into the free throw line with no ball from his teammates. This is obviously a good opportunity! Naturally, ANLO would not hesitate.

Anluo's pass made Alexander feel very comfortable. He naturally received the ball during the March, and then he flew up. He immediately let go of Angelo. The gobel that ran at him was a high throw.

The basketball crossed a high arc and fell steadily into the basket.

Alexander excitedly rushed to Anluo, two people in the middle circle near a passionate collision. ANLO has a very familiar sense of Alexander's reaction, which he did to Westbrook three years ago. At the thought of this, Anluo couldn't help but smile. Time flies! In a flash, he is also a veteran! A veteran who can take care of new players in the game.

In the first quarter, ANLO played for 10 minutes. It's two minutes more than the last one. Before you know it, ANLO has already surpassed Westbrook in the playing time. However, the situation of the game is not ideal for the thunder. When Anluo finished, thunder was 5 points behind. But the difference was once again double-digit by the Jazz in the last two minutes. In the second quarter of the match, Donovan went out of the ordinary and directly let ANLO and Gallinari take three substitutes. Although he didn't like d'antony's employment policy very much, it has to be said that this kind of platoon arrangement is really effective.

Anluo was the first to take the lead, blowing the horn of attack at the beginning of the game. After he took a step backward to hit a three-point goal against Conley, at the defensive end, he successfully interfered with Conley's shooting by taking advantage of his height and arm extension. Then, he ran to the basket and flew up to complete his first dunk in the new season.

Originally, Conley and anlow were in the outermost position. When anlow broke the ball, the Jazz had no one to stop him from scoring. Although Conley caught up with him, he was already behind when he started. He could only watch Anluo finish a smashing windmill dunk.

When Anluo blew the horn of the attack, the rest of the thunder on the court also took action.

Gallinari followed up with the 5-point momentum of anluolian, hit a goal outside the three-point line, and then Alexander also had three points. Under the fierce attack of these guys, thunder played a wave of 16:5 counterattack climax in the first three minutes of this section, and made the score 43 even.

With Snyder's suspension, the atmosphere of the game suddenly became tense. The boos in the energy program stadium became louder, and the confrontation and physical contact between players became more frequent in subsequent games.

After the pause, Mitchell began to work. In fact, he's been helping the jazz score. However, in the first few minutes, he preferred to use his own shot to solve the problem. Of course, Mitchell's projection ability is not bad. However, his shooting rate is really not high in these minutes.After a short rest, he finally opened up!

After bypassing Shaquille O'Neal's cover, Mitchell pulled straight up and threw in the ball against Gallinari, who was rushing towards him.

Mitchell returned three points to help the team regain the lead, and the two teams saw each other several rounds later. Alexander played well and scored 7 points in a row to help the team finish the counter pass at 2:15 before half-time.

However, in the last two minutes, the Jazz again took the lead. First O'Neal scored 5 points in a row, then Mitchell broke through the dunk. If it wasn't for Westbrook, who shot a three-point shot outside the three-point line, thunder would have handed in a blank sheet in the last two minutes of the second quarter.

At the end of half-time, the score of both sides was set at 59:64, the visiting team thunder was in front, and the home team jazz was in the back.

Thunder fell behind the Jazz in the first half, which did not surprise everyone. After all, the Jazz are a very strong team. This level of competition, who is in better shape, will be able to occupy the initiative of the game. Of course, the difference of 5 points is not really a gap between the two teams. There is no more than 20 points to say that there is any advantage. , the fastest update of the webnovel!