To everyone's surprise, thunder's ascent to the west this time is only a short experience. Because, on the third day they easily beat magic, they were defeated by an old team!

San Antonio is a fantastic team. The Spurs have, in fact, begun a few downhill seasons. But every time people think they're about to start rebuilding, they're going to show up in the top three of Texas. You know, San Antonio Spurs have not missed the playoffs for more than 20 years.

This season, the Spurs have not been bad at the beginning of the season. Compared with the Los Angeles twins, Houston, Oklahoma and other Western teams that were widely discussed before the start of the season, their performance was really excellent. But even so, people always think that with the deepening of the season, the Spurs will be overtaken by the team behind. Both Aldrich and Derozan are all star players, but one is old and one is out of date. It's hard to lead the Spurs further! Perhaps, the time to enter the playoffs in a row will be set at 21 years.

But it was such a team that beat thunder, the number one in the West. What's more, it's not hard for them to win!

In the sense, every time the Spurs meet thunder, they play very well. Especially Aldrich!

At the beginning of this year, the Spurs and thunder had a big fight in San Antonio. The scores of both sides reached 324 points! In that game, although the Spurs finally regretted to lose, but in the last season to be able to get nearly 160 points under the defense of thunder, the Spurs' state is really some terror. On that night, Aldrich scored a career high 60 points.

This game, Aldrich broke out again. 4 points and 43 assists. Aldrich's performance is quite explosive!

In this game, the coaches of both sides continued the excellent starting lineup.

The Spurs are led by Derozan and Aldrich, with Les on the inside and Murray and Forbes at the back. On the thunder side, Westbrook and anlow lead Robertson, Gallinari and Adams. The Spurs still let Aldrich play the fourth place this season, and Donovan also took Robertson to the third position to limit drodzin.

In contrast, the thunder's strong point in the outside line, although Murray and Forbes defense is very good, but facing the Westbrook and Anluo such backcourt combination still lacks a point. But the Spurs have an advantage inside. Aldrich's favorite is to face Adams such a slow pace inside. And in position four, Gallinari does not have the ability to greatly influence him.

After the game started, the two sides played very hard. The coaches on both sides were aware of their strengths, so Aldrich and ANLO began to fight against each other across several players.

The first rhythm was played by the Spurs. When the two sides played 12-12, Murray shot a cold arrow outside the three-point line, opening the Spurs to open the score. Subsequently, Anluo in the right elbow area of a backward jump shot did not feed the Spurs continue to open the scoring opportunity. The Spurs didn't waste the chance either. Drozan pushed the ball quickly and ran into the free throw line, taking a European step around Robertson, who had been defending the ball, and scored.

17: The Spurs opened the gap to five points.

Then, Anluo responded to the three points, droozan turned back, three points were also in, the Spurs firmly maintained the lead.

In the last three minutes of the first quarter, both sides began to change their rotation lineup. Substitute Alexander continuous breakthrough layup time, help thunder chase the difference to only 1 point. At this time, the re - entry Aldrich is two dry pull jump shot to stabilize the situation. At the end of the first quarter, the thunder team was 30:32 behind.

In the second quarter, thunder won. In the first half, both sides are substitutes. And thunder can take the lead in this section, the credit has to be counted on these players who come out of the bench. Alexander and grant are the two guys that have already stretched the Spurs. With Noel and Ferguson's Epiphany from time to time, the situation is even more difficult for the Spurs. They can only send Aldrich and drozan in advance, however, although the two players play well, but under the internal and external attack of ANLO and Westbrook, there is still nothing they can do.

At the end of the first half, Oklahoma City had finished the anti super. Of course, they didn't lead much. After all, the score was set at 59-54.

At the beginning of the second half, the Spurs launched the most fierce attack. Murray, who took the lead in charging with the flag, entered the league in the same year as Anluo. Although he did not become an all-star player like the latter, his ability was also well honed. After that, Aldrich began to play hard inside. Neither Adams nor Noel can limit each other well.

In addition to the offensive side of the strong performance, the Spurs in the defensive side also put a lot of effort. Their strategy is to nip Anluo's point, Forbes close defense, Derozan at any time. It has to be said that the Spurs' players may not be able to attack, but their defense is very good. Under the "care" of Forbes and Derozan, even if Anluo has a variety of scoring methods, it is difficult to make it out.Of course he can pass the ball, but the feel of his teammates is not very good. Especially Gallinari, this "Italian cannon" throughout the game did not find the right heart, perhaps Aldrich gave him too much pressure!

At the end of the third quarter, the Spurs led by 4 points 90:86.

The Spurs' 4-point lead didn't look like an advantage, but thunder lost only 4 points in the end.

In the last quarter, because Anluo almost played the whole quarter in the third quarter, Donovan put him on the bench for nearly five minutes. In fact, according to edonowan, this time will be longer. But the situation on the field has become very unfriendly to the thunder.

By the time ANLO came on the field, they were already double-digit behind.

In the next few minutes, ANLO began to exert himself. Four three-point shots. But the situation has not changed much! Aldrich, Derozan and Murray helped the Spurs to hold their edge, and every time ANLO scored, one of those guys would come forward and respond.

In the end, thunder lost 118-122 away. , the fastest update of the webnovel!