Westbrook's dunk may be the only action that can move the atmosphere more easily than Anluo's three-point shot. At least, at the Chesapeake energy arena. Although many people have a lot of complaints about this kind of physical potential playing method, but such a powerful goal, it is still the fans love.

Brooke Lopez, 213cm tall, is the most successful traditional center in the league's transformation. He has a very outstanding medium range projection ability, and the low post attack is also very outstanding. When the League gradually entered the era of fast-paced small ball, he began to actively adapt to the changes of the league, expanded his shooting range beyond the three-point line, and developed a three-point shot ability more accurate and stable than many guards. In the past few big players very embarrassing season, the great Lopez has always been a very popular No. 5 player.

After coming to the Bucks, the great Lopez is like a fish in water. The percentage of three-point shots even reached 50%. Who would have thought that the classic center, once the most in line with the trend, could evolve into a new center suitable for modern basketball with the change of time. It's shocking because many players can't change it if they want to. Howard has been practicing free throws and shooting since he was a Laker, and finally changed three or four teams, but he didn't improve.

In addition to the offensive side of the excellent scoring ability, great Lopez's defense has also changed a lot. At the beginning, because of his huge body, Lopez's defense and movement ability were very poor.

In the last two or three seasons, Lopez's defensive ability has been thoroughly developed under the Bucks system. Although his rebounding data is not good, the impression is not good, but he did a good job in limiting the efficiency of the opponent's attack. In the regular season of last season, the average field defense of the grand Lopez opponents 16.5 times, ranking sixth in the league, more than the Bucks second most adetuo Kunbo more than six times, in the case of such a heavy defense task, the big Lopez still limited the opponent's shooting percentage to only 42.2%, which reduced the opponent's shooting percentage by 5.9%. You know, in the regular season last season, enbid's opponents all had 47.9% shooting percentage, while yokic's opponent shot 50.1%.

It's really amazing that an opponent's shooting percentage of 45% is really something. Although Lopez's defensive efficiency is partly due to his defensive opponent's outside shooting, but last season's great Lopez in the defense of the opponent's two-point goal when the effect is also very good. Lopez limited his opponent's 2-point shooting rate to only 43.6% in the regular season last season, ranking fifth among more than 200 players in the league who have made no less than five two-point shots in all defensive opponents.

The most prominent defense style of Lopez is blocking, which is also the most familiar one. Therefore, in the face of such a big player, Westbrook is really tough! If you score a goal, you'll get the top five goals.

Looking back, adetuo Kunbo began to work with Lopez at the top of the arc. The latter pulled to the top of the arc to pick and roll, and adetuo Kunbo then covered to get rid of the defense and went straight into the basket. Adams and Robertson immediately wrapped up, facing the impact of adeto Kunbo, Adams is difficult to keep up, so need more defensive strength.

In the face of the bag, adtokumbo decisively chose to pass the ball.

Robertson followed adetuo Kunbo to the basket, and Lopez was empty. This is an excellent opportunity!

Of course, generally speaking, it is not a big problem to empty the center outside the three-point line, but it is a problem to empty a center like Lopez.

Adetuo Kunbo passes the ball from the penalty area to Lopez, who stands outside the three-point line on the right. The latter catches the ball, slaps it on the floor, then pulls it up and throws it out.


The ball is in!

As the biggest three-point shooter, Lopez likes to score in this way.

ANLO and Westbrook looked at each other speechless, shrugged their shoulders and began to enter attack mode. As a matter of fact, they had anticipated such a situation for a long time. Donovan had taken this into consideration when he set up his tactics. But he always believed that the breakthrough to the forbidden area of adetuo Kunbo than the three-point line outside the great Lopez threat is much greater.

From the point of view of scoring probability, it is true. Although in today's basketball game, the players' attack range is more and more broad, but the proportion of scoring within the three-point line is still far more than that outside the three-point line. After all, you know from the first day of basketball that the closer you get to the basket, the easier it is to score.

Donovan stood on the long side with his arms in his arms, his face as usual. A three-point goal doesn't make a big difference. But soon Donovan had to rethink and adjust their defensive strategy.

Westbrook and anlow made a pick and roll match on the left side of the three-point line. The former threw the ball from Matthews' head to Anluo when he crossed the three-point line, while the latter drew a distance to the right, which attracted bradeso and Matthews two defenders to rush forward. At this time, Anluo pulled up, but he just made a fake shot, made a shot to attract the defensive attention of the other side, and then threw the ball to the empty cut in Westbrook.At this time, there was no one in front of Westbrook. Originally under the basket, Lopez was brought to the free throw line by Adams, and Westbrook sped in. After receiving Anluo's pass, he didn't dunk again and took two points with his right hand.

In retrospect, adtokumbo and Lopez planned to do it again. Bradeso took the lead in launching the first round of charge. He also used the great Lopez to get rid of the defense and break through the thunder defense. The thunder shrinks quickly and doesn't give bradeso any chance to finish a layup. But bradeso's goal was also achieved. He throws with his right hand and passes the ball to adtokumbo on the other side of the elbow.

After receiving the ball, adeto Kunbo started the first time, under the cover of great Lopez, got rid of Robertson and was about to lay up. At this time, Adams quickly received the basket, straightened his chest and raised his hands. As a result, adtokumbo had long eyes in the back of his head, and his backhand threw the ball into the hands of Lopez, who was pulled out of the three-point line again.

Almost in the same place, after receiving the basketball, Lopez opened his hand and threw the ball easily.

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