Less than a minute after the start of the game, the Lakers and the thunder each completed an attack. Judging from the score, the two sides tied. Although the fans at the scene did not see any way, but the players of both sides have some new understanding of their opponents.

Thunder really felt the defense of the Lakers, from the whole system to every point, are very strong. Especially in this attack to complete the score of Anluo, don't look at his last backward jump shot so chic, but it really took a lot of effort.

It is precisely because of this attack that the Lakers also have a profound understanding of the thunder's attack. Their defense is not bad, the players in the implementation of the overall strategy, very determined. Moreover, the players of the Lakers didn't mess up because of the rotation and mutual cover of the thunder players. However, Anluo scored, which is more of the embodiment of Anluo's personal ability and a part of thunder's overall strategic system.

Even the Lakers can't guarantee that every round can be prevented to the extent of this round. Once the thunder can find the chance to score, it is likely to be out of control. This is very clear to all.

After Angelo scored, the ball was exchanged and the Lakers launched a new attack.

James took the ball to the front court in no hurry, and the other Laker players quickly switched to attack.

McGee made a cover for James at the top of the arc, but the latter failed to get rid of the defense under his pick and roll, so as to get into the interior. Westbrook's reaction was quick. After McKee made the move, he immediately went around and took the lead. However, James slightly side of the body, left shoulder slightly heavy, against Westbrook began to hit.

Vogel's role in putting James in number one is reflected. After all, Robson can be said to be the strongest point of thunder's individual defense. If we don't consider James's physical exertion, it's not too difficult for him to play Robson one-on-one, but now James is also a man with a bonus of 36. It's too difficult for him to face Robson's defense throughout the game. But it's a lot easier when he's dealing with Westbrook.

James is like a tank, pushing Westbrook to the basket. Then he made a sudden impact with the other side, rose up with the strength of the rebound, pulled his right hand, and successfully hit the ball into the basket.

4: 2

the Lakers, who are away from home, have taken the lead for the time being.

Compared to the luxurious interior configuration of the Lakers, the thunder is a little thin indeed. Gallinari himself can't protect himself in the fourth position. In the face of Anthony Davis, a big man who can play both the fourth and the fifth position, his defensive ability is not enough. As for Adams in position five, he was also a lonely man. Not to mention, he was always taken out of the box by the players of the Lakers.

Therefore, in the face of James unreasonable strong inside, Donovan is powerless. However, the thunder's next attack also made the Lakers feel powerless.

Westbrook made a sudden acceleration in front of the midline to throw James away and then went straight to the basket. In this league, there are some players who have no way to limit as soon as they rush, except for fouls. There is no doubt that Westbrook is one of them. His style has always been very strong, after the rush up and not too much fancy skills, mostly pure strength and explosive competition.

But this time, the Lakers held him down!

In fact, strictly speaking, the Lakers are not holding down Westbrook. After all, he gave up the last layup. Maybe the grade is also older, especially since entering this season, Westbrook has changed his playing style again. Compared with the flying style in previous seasons, Westbrook now plays much more mildly.

When he rushed to meet McKee, everyone seemed to see the omnipotent regular season MVP. As a result, Westbrook dropped his right hand and threw the ball from McKee's armpit.

For a moment, there was a sigh of regret at Chesapeake energy arena. Although the current Westbrook can lead the team to win the championship, but we still miss the flying Westbrook. However, when everyone felt sorry for Westbrook's choice of passing, few people saw that he didn't jump as high as before.

People always have to be old. After all, not everyone is a pervert like James. Westbrook is one of the few tough guys in the league, but he's also 32 years old. A lot of superstars have started to go downhill in their career at this age. If they want to play on this field for a longer time and don't want to be a veteran, they have to transform.

Westbrook is now trying to do something like that. This is not the same as his transformation in the previous two seasons, when he made a sacrifice to balance the harmony of the team's dressing room and give Paul George and Angelo more opportunities. It has to be said that Westbrook has made too many sacrifices for the thunder's two consecutive titles. And this season, Westbrook is not mainly because of who to sacrifice. Of course, there must be some factors in it. After all, thunder didn't spend nearly 200 million dollars to keep enrol in Oklahoma for soy sauce. Both the club and the fans want to see Angelo do well this season.The basketball was passed back by Westbrook to Adams standing on the free throw line, but the latter didn't end the attack. Instead, he covered Anluo with the ball and handed the ball to the opponent. The latter is also very determined, directly close to Adams pulled up the ball to throw out.

This is a very practical cover tactic. The big man takes the ball at the top of the arc and helps the shooter block the defender. Then he gives the ball out and has the chance to score. In that case, no one can keep up. As long as the catcher is awesome enough, with a relatively stable projection ability, he can score the ball.


The ball is in! For such a shot, Anluo has always been sure.

4: 5. Thunder completed the anti super.

Of course, it's only a minute after the game, and in less than two minutes, it's just the beginning. No one is more dominant. Generally speaking, at the beginning of the competition, both sides have their own gains and problems.

The Lakers didn't limit Angelo's scoring. Their defense didn't have a big problem. After all, all the goals Angelo scored were those that could not be defended. But the thunder also can't limit the impact of the Lakers on the penalty area, this is still in the case that the big guys of the Lakers don't participate in the offensive end. Once Davis, McKee and James are on the line, the thunder will be more difficult.

This situation did not make us wait too long. Before half of the first quarter, the Lakers began to adjust their offensive strategy. Bradley began to hold the ball, James stood on the flank, and Davis and McKee formed a complete set of offensive formation from the outside to the inside. Although Angelo can still find a gap in the defensive system of the Lakers to score, the thunder is still slowly falling behind in the situation.

Vogel's transformation was decisive and effective.

It has to be said that although James played no less than any point guard in the No. 1 position this season, if he wants to release his fighting capacity completely, he will still get his most familiar position. In addition, there is also a Davis on the court, James's defensive pressure has dropped a lot. In such a relaxed environment, if he wants to score, it's really hard for the thunder to stop him.

But if James is the only one who plays well, Donovan still has a way to deal with it. However, the attack tactics after Vogel's transformation pose a great problem to Donovan.

In the attack of the Lakers, Bradley dribbled the ball from the top of the three-point arc to the left, forming an attack triangle with Anthony Davis in the bottom corner and McKee in the inner line. Next, Bradley passes the ball to Anthony Davis in the bottom corner, who catches the defensive attention and then passes it to McKee standing under the basket. As a result, the Los Angeles Lakers used a continuous pass to move the attack from the outside to the inside. The inner line is the relatively weak area in the thunder defense.

There's no way. Gallinari has to go back to assist. At this time, standing on the right three-point line, Denny green began to run a small distance to the left, and McKee saw the opportunity to pass the ball to the weak side of Denny green. Meanwhile, LeBron James, standing near the right free throw line, moved to the bottom corner of the right outside line to receive the ball.

Throughout the process, the thunder players are running with each other. The Lakers didn't always give the players a chance to take the ball. But on the whole, they are still very passive. Too passive defense will be a problem sooner or later, and players will spend a lot of physical strength, a long time, the pressure behind the game will increase a lot.

Denny Green's outside line was ready to shoot after receiving McKee's pass, but anluofei jumped on it quickly. After losing a good shot space, instead of snatching the shot, Denny green quickly passed the ball to LeBron James near the bottom corner of the moving right outside line. After passing the ball, Denny green didn't stop, but quickly cut from the outside to the inside.

After LeBron James received the ball, he didn't have a chance to score. Although he got rid of Robertson's entanglement under the cover, Adams from the inside rushed out for the first time. Adams's supplementary defense is in place, and with his height, armband directly blocked James's hand space.

Although prevented James's hand, but thunder's inside line actually became more void. In this case, LeBron James, who has excellent vision and passing ability, can't miss it. He hit the ball one by one and passed it to Denny green, who cut into the inside, who rushed to the basket and scored.

Angelo watched as Denny green drove straight into the basket. He also shook his head, helpless. Although the defensive responsibility of Denny green is on his head, it is too late for him to overtake the other side.

In fact, it's not very complicated tactics. After many times of covering and transposition, the Lakers let James find Denny green and finish scoring. But it is such tactics, but almost mobilized all of thunder's defensive strength, so that in the end, they lost one.

If the fans know enough about the Lakers, they will find that Vogel's tactics are actually born out of Phil Jackson's triangle attack.The characteristic of triangle attack tactics is that through continuous movement, a pseudo attack triangle tactics is established on one side to confuse the opponent, and then the real triangle attack is formed by attracting the opponent's clips and the own offensive players' running without the ball.

It's not the first time that the Lakers and Bradley, Bradley and McGrady have played such tactics.

The starting point of this tactic is the point guard. When Bradley got to position one, it was the beginning of Vogel's "triangle attack". It's a feint to move the dribble to form an attack triangle in advance and pass it to the inside line at the beginning to attack the basket. After encountering a serious illness, he quickly transferred the ball to the weak side for the second attack.

This is a kind of transfer attack tactics of "virtual strong, real weak" and "attacking from east to west". If the opponent's defense can't keep up, and he has one or two players with outstanding long-range ability, then the attack can be ended at this step.

However, teams such as thunder can change their defense and make up their defense in time, but they are not afraid. But it's just the beginning of a set of tactics.

After receiving the basketball, Denny Green has two ways to deal with the ball. One is to get rid of the defense by running quickly to create a good shooting space for self attack, the other is to choose the player who has a better chance to pass the ball when the shooting time is not good. After all, at this time, the defense of the other side has been disturbed by them.

James near the corner of the powerful attack threat, still plays an important role in containing, no matter who their opponent is, the other side's defensive players can not and dare not empty James. It's this powerful holding power that will attract enough defensive power when James catches the ball. When there is a huge void in the opponent's interior, James and his teammates only need a simple pass and cut to score.

A new pot of old wine, Vogel, this is a new. The head coach chosen by the Lakers this year may not be the most qualified, and the ability may not be the strongest, but it is definitely the most suitable one for this team.

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