He believed that before long, he would be able to surpass Qin Luo.

Seeing the scene outside the car window retreating fast, in the rearview mirror, the blue Civic was approaching with lightning.

Seeing this scene, Qin Luo's mouth showed a faint smile.

How can a game without an opponent be called a game?

As an "old driver" with a driving level of LV3, Qin Luo felt that he had to make the other party completely desperate, and he had a lot of traffic.


The crisp sound of the horn once again passed into everyone's ears, and everyone awakened like a dream.

Looked at the Civic sedan that was still left behind.


Everyone couldn't help but swallowed and opened their mouths wide, unable to speak.

Qin Luo hasn't been overtaken yet? This simply refreshed their understanding.

And the more crucial thing is that even though the Civic behind him has tried his best to overtake, it still couldn't pass.

"How is this possible?" Zuo Long was completely dumbfounded, but the opponent was a motorcycle racing clan!

Their familiarity with this road is even better than that of the people who built it.

They know every overtaking point, every speed-up zone...

Even if some drivers came, I am afraid they have already been overtaken.

But the current situation is true, and Qin Luo is firmly ahead.

"This is how the car drove." While speaking, Qin Luo lightly braked and slammed the steering wheel. The coach car entered the curve like a bolt of lightning.

Elegant corners!

Quiet, the whole carriage, the needle drop can be heard.

They stared at Qin Luo in disbelief, as if they were staring at a monster.

He would actually go round a corner!

Moreover, the brakes were only tapped in the middle, even the handbrake was useless.

This is incredible!

Zuo Long, Song Shuhang, and even the woman who was stunned from the beginning, were shocked at this moment.

They looked at Qin Luo's eyes as if they were looking at a car god.

Just like Schumacher.

"Damn it!" In the Civic, Wang Quan desperately held the steering wheel, his face was dark, the veins on his forehead violently, and his eyes were already scarlet.

Coach car VS Civic.

Whether it is power, handling performance, or acceleration.

The two cars are very different. It can be said without hesitation that the Civic is enough to get rid of the eight streets of the southeast coach. This is not a contest of magnitude at all.

But now?

He was still left behind, and he didn't even find a chance to overtake.

Whenever he wanted to speed up and overtake, the coach car Qin Luo drove would accidentally appear on his only way, forcing him to slow down.

This is true whether it is a straight or a curve.

At this moment, he was driven crazy by Qin Luo!

Suddenly, Wang Quan saw a curve ahead. It was a big curve, enough for three cars to move forward side by side.

No matter how hard Qin Luo stopped, he would definitely be able to pass it.

Wang Quan sneered, slammed on the accelerator, and the speed increased again.

Near, near, he is getting closer and closer to Qin Luo, it seems that he can overtake at any time!

At this moment, Wang Quan lightly braked and slammed the steering wheel.

Elegant corners! Not only Qin Luohui, he is not bad either.

"I want to see how you stop me!" The light of his eyes looked towards Qin Luo.

The next moment, his eyes widened directly, his face full of incredible appearance.

Zhao Ming didn't mean to brake at all.