The crowd suddenly made a chuckle of disdain: "Why? Just because they are professors, because they are highly educated, and because they have made great contributions to society, and they can just put out a scientific research result, they can promote the development of society. "

"If you become a professor and contribute to society, you can also have privileges."

"If you don't contribute much, just line up honestly."

"..." After gritting his teeth, the young man finally failed to speak.

Although he is not a big boss, but in terms of his contribution to society, even if he adds up to eight, he will not be worth a professor.


"Boom boom boom~"

With the roar of the huge engine, the blue and white "big bird" soared into the sky.

After flying all the way west for more than ten hours, the outline of Stockholm appeared in Qin Luo's eyes.

The Royal Academy of Sciences was established in 1739 and is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden. It is the highest academic institution and the largest science center in Sweden. It has undertaken the selection of multiple academic awards and the editing of high-level journals. The Academy of Sciences aims to develop science, especially mathematics and natural sciences. It is a scientific institution that does not belong to the government but exists independently. Up to now, the Royal Academy of Sciences has 350 scientists and 164 foreign academicians.

It can be said that it represents the most sophisticated level of European academics.

Ten minutes later, the plane landed smoothly at Stockholm Airport.

Dragging the suitcase, Qin Luo reached out for a taxi and hurried towards the Royal Academy of Sciences.

The annual award ceremony held by the Royal Academy of Sciences and the Crawford Foundation will be held in the auditorium of the Royal Academy of Sciences.

At that time, award candidates and attendees from all over the world will gather there.

Although Qin Luo had learned of the fact that he won the prize through Deligne a long time ago, this spoiler prize was always not as refreshing as he held the trophy and held the check.

Qin Luo trembled with excitement when he thought that his Crawford Prize would be his first international award.

The taxi, crossed several overpasses, passed a dozen streets, and drove straight to the outskirts.

If it weren't for seeing the route of travel and the route on the navigation almost always, Qin Luo would have a feeling of being ripped off.

Here, Qin Luo had to admit that the map of Gaode is powerful, even if it is 13,000 kilometers away from China, the map of Gaode is still very useful.

Half an hour later, Qin Luo and others got out of the car at the gate of the Royal Academy of Sciences.

Soon, a gray-haired old man greeted him.

"Old Wang, long time no see." The old man took three steps and did two steps before he came to Wang Xuecai and asked with a smile, "This is Qin Luo. I have always heard that our Yan University has a genius, and I finally met today. ."

As he spoke, the old man smiled and patted Qin Luo on the shoulder, looking familiar.

Who is this? Professor at Yan University?

Professor Qin Luo of Yan University has seen almost all of them, but Qin Luo has no impression of the old man in front of him.

"Let me introduce to you, this is our professor Zhang Xinde and Professor Zhang from Yan University. Three months ago, he went to the Academy of Sciences for exchanges and studies, and he is now presiding over a high-energy particle collision experiment." It seems that he was aware of Qin Luo. Wang Xuecai quickly explained the doubt in his eyes.