And what surprised him even more was that the other party's data stream was basically the data he sent before, and the other party was using his "broiler" to deal with him.

You must know that in order to hide himself, he used a special encryption program when he invaded.

Outsiders don't even talk about intrusion, even if they want to find it, they can't find it.

Who is it that can invade 80,000 "broilers" in an instant, this level is impossible even for Wikipedia.

Moore's face grew more and more blue, and his eyes were full of horror.

How to do? How to do?

The interrogator himself over and over in his mind.

"Group leader, if the computer problem is too high, there is a risk of explosion at any time."

"Group leader, the CPU can't stand it..."

"How about unplug the network cable..."


Everyone offered their words.

But the more so, the more gloomy Moore's face became.

Unplugging the network cable is a very shameful thing in the hacker world.

This means surrender.

However, he didn't want to just admit defeat.

"Bang!" At this moment, with a huge roar and a burst of black smoke, his computer exploded directly!

The computer was overloaded and it blew up!


I lost!

And the loss was terrible.

Quiet, deadly quiet.

At this moment, everyone's eyes widened and looked at Moore in disbelief. They never thought that Moore, who was regarded as a god, would lose, and the loss was so miserable.

He doesn't even have the ability to fight back at all!

"Team, leader..."

"Are you okay?"


Do you think I am okay?

Because of the computer explosion, Moore looked ashamed at this moment.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't seem to be okay.

"Qin Luo!" Moore let out an angry roar!


At this moment, the door of the Information Security Department was pushed open, and Logan's figure appeared at the door.

But in the next second, Logan was stunned.

The entire Ministry of Information Security was filled with smoke, and almost all computers were in smoke.

At this moment, Logan was completely confused!

"This...what's the situation?" Logan's eyes widened suddenly, looking at Moore in disbelief.

In his original script, here should be a sea of ​​celebration.

But now, here is a completely dilapidated scene.

"Mr. Logan, we lost!" Moore gritted his teeth.

Although he is very reluctant to admit it, his reality makes him have to admit it.

He lost!


Logan was dumbfounded, this is completely different from the script he imagined!

"What are you talking about? I didn't understand..." Logan rubbed his ears and asked.

"Mr. Logan, we were defeated, the firewall was broken, and even the computers in our department were scrapped because of overload!" Moore said.

Logan: "..."

Not only did he lose his wife, but he also lost his army!

This can no longer be described as shame, but a great shame!

"Moore, I need an explanation!" Logan gritted his teeth.

"The other party should have hired a master, I suspect it is Wiki!" Moore gritted his teeth.

The massive data was cleared instantly, and the broilers were tracked to launch a counterattack.

And to do all this, the other party only took less than 3 minutes.

Out of the world's top hackers who created Wikipedia, there is no other Moore who can do this.

Wiki! Ha ha ha...