it is good? What a shit!

Perceiving the opponent's mouth, Qin Luo almost died of anger.

The other party sold himself, and now he shamelessly says hello?

Qin Luo had seen shameless people a lot, but it was the first time that Qin Luo as shameless as Klopp saw him.

Glancing at Klopp, Qin Luo turned his head away.


Klopp was taken aback for a moment, and the corners of his mouth twitched wildly. As the winner of the Turing Award and a member of the Computer Society, others have always seen him respectfully, but now he is stared by Qin Luo. , Which makes Klopp feel inexplicable.

Why is there such a strange feeling...

Klopp has an inexplicable feeling.

Shaking his head, Klopp looked at the center of the podium, where an old man was taking the microphone.


The winner of the 9th Turing Award, he is the pioneer of computer algorithm and programming, the inventor of the computer typesetting system TEX and METAFONT, and Gartner is famous all over the world.

"Hello everyone, I believe many people are familiar with me. I am Gartner. I am honored to be the host of this Turing Award nomination meeting." The old man smiled, his eyes swept over everyone, and said with a smile: "On behalf of myself and all members of the International Computer Association, I would like to extend my sincerest thanks to all the professors for coming."

"Papa Papa~"

As soon as the old man's voice fell, there was a burst of enthusiastic applause in the auditorium. The applause was loud, which meant that the roof was lifted.

In the hearts of everyone, Gartner is not only the winner of the Turin Prize, he is also the founder of computer science.

Program design has laid a solid foundation for the development of computer science in the future.

He deserves to enjoy the warmest applause.

The applause lasted for several minutes before it gradually subsided.

After everyone was completely quiet, Gartner continued to speak:

"Looking back on what has been written into the history of computer development yesterday, we will continue to write in the future. In the past year, computer science has made great achievements."

"Artificial intelligence has been developed, computer vision has been applied, and we have developed the fifth generation of streamlined instruction set..."

If these achievements were told from an ordinary population, everyone would be very excited, but they would not be excited.

But when these achievements were spoken from the ninth Turing Award winner and member of the International Computer Association, Gartner, everyone was enthusiastic.

The reason is simple, Gartner represents the International Computer Association.

After a short opening remarks, Gartner cut to the point.

"I know that the purpose of everyone here is for the Turing Award nomination meeting, so I now announce that the nomination meeting has officially begun..."

"The first nominee, Professor Kate from the University of Michigan..."

"Papa Papa~"

Amidst the warm applause, a blonde woman stood up.

The woman is about 30 years old, wearing a black professional skirt, showing a pair of white and tender legs, and a black-framed glasses hung on the high nose bridge, which makes her look **** and intellectual...

In general, a woman full of flavor...

"Professor Qin Luo, do you know Kate?" At this moment, Mike Conner on the side suddenly said.