v10 Chapter 1299: I work, don't worry

Deligne took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed the number of the school office: "Help me get a ticket to Yanjing..."


Of course, such a scene is not only happening in the United States, not only in Princeton, such a scene is widely staged all over the world.

Yenching became the focus of the world's academic circles for a while.

Of course, when the professors rushed to Yanjing, Yantai was not idle either.

Arrange the venue and issue invitations...

But all well-known media in the world have received invitations.

The storm of school reform kicked off at this very moment.


Putting down the phone, Chen Qiangsheng showed a bright smile on his face. He reached out and patted Qin Luo on the shoulder, and smiled and said: "Qin Luo is two days away from the launch of the press conference. Please prepare as soon as possible. I have a hunch that this The academic reform will not be calm."

If this is China's internal media, there is no problem.

But this conference not only received China Media, but also foreign media.

Huaxia Learning Reform!

In the face of such explosive news, they must dig deep, and all kinds of sharp issues will certainly emerge in endlessly.

As the initiator of the academic reform and a symbol of Chinese academia, Qin Luo must be the one who has been most questioned.

On such an important occasion, there can never be any mistakes.

Once they made a mistake, they didn't know whether it was Qin Luo personally or the entire Chinese academic community.

"What kind of person I am, Chen Bu, don't you know? Don't worry, you are very stable." Qin Luo said with a smile, patted his chest.

How many storms did Qin Luo experience?

Not ten times and eight times.

Didn't Qin Luo get through it safely?

A small press conference, to be honest, Qin Luo really felt nothing...

Very stable?

It seems that if someone else said this sentence, Chen Qiangsheng would be very relieved.

But when this sentence came out of Qin Luo's mouth, Chen Qiangsheng always felt speechless.

How many big news Qin Luo made?

Eight times, or ten times?

Chen Qiangsheng is not good at math, he can't figure it out.

"Before you were on stage, the people sitting underground were professors from various colleges and universities. They wouldn't deliberately make things difficult for you, but this time is different. This time the people sitting in the audience are the media!"

"Their mouths are worse than anyone else!" Chen Qiangsheng said.

Media reporters have long been called the uncrowned king. This hat is not for nothing.


Qin Luo thought for a while, and smiled faintly.

Chen Qiangsheng said this as if his mouth was very gentle.


The three-day period is not long, not short.

Almost in the blink of an eye, it was over.

During these three days, Qin Luo kept wandering between Yanda and Huaqing.

While preparing for the upcoming "learning reform" media conference, he participated in the research of computer materials.

When the first ray of sunlight in the morning shone on Qin Luo's face, Qin Luo opened his eyes.

Dressing, brushing teeth, eating...

After a simple wash, Qin Luo opened the door and walked hurriedly towards the auditorium.

The "Learning Reform" press conference will be held at 9 o'clock in the morning. Qin Luo, as the "landlord", was arranged by Chen Qiangsheng at the entrance of the auditorium to be responsible for reception.

Originally Qin Luo refused, but later Chen Qiangsheng's words made Qin Luo give up the idea of ​​rejection.