
Ford's legs weakened and he sank to the ground.

What's more, it doesn't matter if Intel sever business contacts, this is his decision.

But he never thought that Microsoft was actually a big shot.

And not only that, the emergence of Microsoft is more like an introductory, he led various technology sites to join the war.

Amd, Apple, Oracle...

All the world's top technology companies have appeared one after another.

They unanimously made a choice, gave up asml and chose to stand on Qin Luo's side.

"It's over, it's over, it's over..." Ford's face was ashes, his whole body trembling like chaff.

He knew that the matter had progressed to this point and was completely over.

"Boom boom boom!"

At this moment, the door of the office was knocked.

"In..." Lifting his head, Ford responded.

"Sir, the big thing is not good..." Tyler hurriedly pushed the door in, panicked.

Is something bad? Ford doesn't have much feeling for this sentence.

He has heard the same sentence no less than ten times.


"Huaqing University issued a statement that Professor Lin Qinglan joined the Huaqing Research Institute voluntarily and sued us for defamation." Taylor gritted his teeth.

The wicked sue first!

Hearing these words, Ford almost died of anger.

It was clearly Qin Luo who poached him, but now he sued him for defamation.

He was going crazy with anger.

"Sir, what should we do now?" Taylor couldn't help but ask when Ford hadn't spoken for a long time.

How to do? "I want to know what to do?

All forces are now targeting him, and he has nothing to do.

After thinking about it for a long time, Ford took a deep breath and said sullenly, "Give up."

Lost, completely lost.

There is no suspense about losing.

"Understood!" Hearing Ford's words, Taylor's eyes were happy, he nodded briskly, turned and left.

From the beginning, she didn't think they had a chance to win.

This battle of public opinion has been lost from the beginning...

Half an hour later, saml company held an emergency press conference.

The major media have sent people to participate.

At the meeting, Ford, the president of asml, attended the press conference. He made a sincere apology and admitted that Lin Qinglan was free to join the Huaqing Research Institute, and Qin Luo also has independent intellectual property rights in the manufacture of lithography machines.

At the same time, he apologized to Intel, Microsoft and many other partners, and said that he would bear all liquidated damages.

The press conference was very short, half an hour of free time, and half an hour later, the reporters returned with first-hand information.

Asml admits defeat and apologizes to Qin Luo.

For a time, Qin Luo's name resounded throughout the world again.

"Niu, Niu is out!"

"Luo Shen alone crushed a multinational company. I feel like I am dreaming."

"Mom, I want to be a schoolmaster..."


The news spread back to the country and immediately caught everyone's attention.

Weibo, Zhihu, Hupu...

The major forums in China are flooded with news of Qin Luo.

Attracted everyone forwarded.

For a time, Qin Luo became the idol of countless people.

Qin Luo, as the party concerned, issued a statement from Huaqing University and sued Ford from the moment.

Qin Luo had already guessed the outcome of the matter.

Without the slightest nostalgia, Qin Luo returned to the laboratory early and continued to study Ge guess.