Because they are the top reporters of major media companies, they are used to big scenes, what news can make them throw away the camera in their hands!

They really can't think of it!

Quiet, deadly quiet...

Gradually there was no sound in the entire auditorium.

Everyone waited quietly, waiting for the amazing news from Qin Luo.

Simply, their wait did not last long...

Two minutes later, Qin Luo revealed the answer.

"Everyone, before I announce the news, I want to tell you a story..."

"Telling a story?" Everyone was suddenly startled, and their eyes were full of doubts.

What's happening here? Qin Luo actually told stories in front of everyone! They really can't think of what kind of medicine Qin Luo sells in the gourd...

But with good professional quality, they did not ask questions, but waited quietly, waiting for Qin Luo's explanation.

Soon in the eyes of everyone, Qin Luo slowly said: "As everyone knows, I am currently conducting a research on the lithography machine."

"And before I came to the United States, the research has made some small progress."

"But when I felt that the research was successful, something unexpected happened to my opinion."

"The finished test sample was finally stolen."

"And this person who apologized for testing the sample is not someone else, officially Berkeley!"

Immediately afterwards, Qin Luo explained the sequence of events to everyone in detail.

Confused! Capitalized dumbfounded!

As Qin Luo's words were astonishing, everyone stayed in place dumbfounded.

Those present here are not newcomers, but the most senior reporters of various media companies. They know how important test samples and process procedures are to an experiment.

It can even determine the success or failure of an experiment.

And the process regulations are not to be said, this is the core thing of an experiment!

But now someone steals them, and this person is Berkeley!


Everyone opened their mouths and couldn't speak for a long time.

However, their surprise did not end there.

After pondering for a while, Qin Luo spoke again: "There is one more thing, I want you to know."

"The reason why Berkeley is so rampant is entirely because there are people behind him..."

There is someone behind Berkeley...

This matter is not a secret in the circle, but they don't know who is behind Berkeley.

At this moment, Qin Luo seemed to have the intention of putting the other party on the bright side.

At this moment, the eyes of the reporters became hot.

Big news, this is the big news they need.

Once published, it will definitely cause an uproar in the United States and even internationally.

"Professor, who is behind him."

"Who is so daring to do such a thing."

"I will expose them today anyway!"


For a while, reporters in the audience shouted excitedly.

exposure? That is certain, otherwise, he would not be guilty of holding this press conference with huge risks...

"Don't worry, I will definitely announce them. This is also the purpose of my press conference." Qin Luo looked around, his sharp eyes swept over everyone, and smiled faintly.