"Mr. Dale, what is the big thing that makes you so serious?"

"Is it about Professor Qin Luoqin?"

"More than one hundred colleges and universities around the world have expressed their support for Qin Luo. What are your thoughts on Mr. Dell?"


Before Dell could speak, the reporters in the audience had already begun to ask questions.

Questions followed one after another, and each one was more acute.

For a moment, the corners of Dell's mouth twitched wildly, and there was a feeling of speech loss.

"Ahem..." Dell raised his hands and pressed down. When everyone was quiet, Dell said: "Everyone's questions, I will answer later, but before that, I have another one. Things have to be announced to everyone."

The crowd opened their eyes and held their breath, quietly waiting for the "big event" that Dell said.

"Ahem..." With a dry cough, the expression on Dale's face became extremely sincere, his eyes swept across the crowd, and finally stopped in front of a camera lens.

"Professor Qin, I know you are watching the live broadcast."

"On behalf of myself and the entire company board of directors, I hereby express my sincerest apology to you."

While talking, Dell and all the directors got up and bowed deeply to the camera...

"Sorry, Professor Qin..."

Although Dell's voice is not loud, the words are not long, only six short words.

But these 6 words are heart-stirring!

Confused, completely confused!

They never expected that things would turn out to be like this.

Michael Dell, who was invincible, chose to apologize.

And still in front of so many news media!

Everyone could hardly believe their ears.

"Old Ai, slap me quickly, I feel like I'm dreaming..."

"Fuck, Michael Dell lowered his head, is this a joke?"

"Unexpectedly, the businessmen of great power would bow their heads to Xueba..."


After a short silence, the press conference room instantly exploded.

They originally thought that the purpose of Dell's press conference would be to fight Qin Luo righteously.

But the facts made a big joke with everyone.

Michael Dell unexpectedly apologized to Qin Luo along with the board members of Dell Computer.

This scene simply refreshed their cognition.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would even feel that the script in their hands had been reversed!


"It is I who am sorry to Professor Qin, it is I who am sorry to the academic world, here, I express my sincerest apology...

Looking at the picture on the TV, Deligne's eyes widened. This Nima, Michael Dell apologized like that? Is there a mistake?

Isn't it all said that Michael Dell is indispensable? How long has passed since then, why did you admit it?

Forgive Deligne for being older, he suddenly realized that his mind was a little awkward.

"He gave up?" Deligne muttered to himself with wide eyes.

Admit defeat?

Qin Luo thought for a while, then nodded heavily.

Even the apology has arrived, it should be a surrender...

No matter what others think, Qin Luo thinks like this anyway.

"I think so..." Qin Luo nodded and said with a smile: "And Dell is not the only one, others will come to apologize soon."

Deligne:? ? ?

Come to apologize?

Deligne didn't understand why Qin Luo said so.