Everyone is wondering whether it was Olga, Harper Lee, or Donovan who got the honor by surprise.

Of course, the influence of the Nobel Prize is not limited to this.

The international community has long been arguing about the ownership of the Nobel Prize in Literature.

There are even certain investment institutions that specifically open a market on who the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature is.

The names of Donovan, Olga, Harper Lee and others are impressively listed.

Among them, Donovan raised his helper with a loss of 0.2.

Everyone believes that Donovan, the winner of the Kafka Prize in Literature, is the person who has the best chance to compete for the Nobel Prize in Literature.

"Donovan! It's definitely Donovan!"

"The Kafka Prize for Literature is the Nobel Prize vane, I can't think of anyone except Donovan."

"Hehe, I don't think so, I think Booker will be the winner of literature, and Olga is more qualified to win..."

"How to say?"

"After all, "Flight" has created a new narrative genre..."


On the Internet, discussions about the winners of the Nobel Prize in Literature have already been tumultuous, and various forums and websites have put the Nobel Prize award ceremony on the front page!

"Qin Luo, I'm afraid your judgment is going to be wrong. Olga doesn't seem to be welcome."

The award ceremony hall of the Royal Academy of Music in Vienna.

Taking advantage of the time before the awards ceremony began, Cameron leaned in front of Qin Luo with a smile.

He is holding a mobile phone in his hand, and the interface is showing the rate of transfer of the betting website.

Harper Lee has the highest rate, Olga second, and Donovan has the lowest rate.

Of course, the lowest odds here does not mean that Donovan has a low chance of winning, but on the contrary, it shows that Donovan has the greatest chance of winning among three.

After all, gaming companies are not charities, and their purpose of opening is simply to make money.

They have this complete set of odds conversion formula, which is simply risk control.

When everyone is betting that Donovan will win the Nobel Prize in Literature, the bookmaker will lower the odds appropriately for profit.

Donovan's odds at the end of the month just show that the more people bet on him, almost everyone believes that Donovan will win the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Not popular?

Hearing Cameron's words, Qin Luo raised a faint smile.

"Olga doesn't need to be welcomed by everyone, he just needs to be welcomed by the jury." Qin Luo smiled lightly: "After all, it is not the public who decides the ownership of the Nobel Prize in Literature, but later. The judges who will be on stage."

Yes, ordinary people do not have the right to determine the ownership of the Nobel Prize. The only people who can determine the ownership of the Nobel Prize are the Nobel Review Committee composed of members of the Nobel Foundation and professors from major universities.

Olga's work does not need to meet everyone's appetite, he only needs to meet a dozen people with decision-making power.

For Qin Luo's words, Cameron's mouth raised a faint smile.

From the bottom of his heart, he did not agree with Qin Luo's statement.

Although the judges who decide the Nobel Prize belong to the jury, the judges are also people, and they will be affected if they are people, and they are no exception.

"Qin Luo, shall we make a bet?" Cameron said with a smile.
