Successful separation!

And the rocket has successfully entered the middle layer!

Seeing this scene, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

In the process of rocket lift-off, it will not only encounter the problem of temperature increase.

The separation of the propulsion system is also one of the problems.

In the history of human spaceflight, there are countless precedents that tell us that separation is terrible!

If you are not careful, the entire rocket will explode and break into pieces!

Simply, this time the separation process went very smoothly...

Looking at the deeper and higher the rocket, Bai Hang could no longer conceal his inner excitement. His eyes were shining with brilliant light, and he said with excitement:

"Professor Qin, I think we should almost succeed..."

"Don't be too happy, the test has just begun now." Qin Luo gradually narrowed his eyes, staring motionlessly at the temperature sensor in front of him.

On the screen, the temperature is rising sharply.



In a blink of an eye, the temperature has approached the 3000 mark!

"Have you ever calculated how high temperature the internal electronic components of Professor Bai can withstand?" Qin Luo asked.

Hearing that, Bai Hang nodded and said: "Under normal atmospheric pressure, the internal components can maintain operation at a high temperature of 4500 degrees Celsius."

"But in outer space, under the irradiation of many cosmic rays, his ability to withstand it is still unknown."

Yes, testing on the ground can withstand a high temperature of 4500°, but this does not mean that he can also do the same in the universe.

After all, there are countless rays in the universe.

They can greatly damage the internal structure of electronic components and cause many parts to fail. Under these conditions, no one can guarantee how high the temperature it can withstand.

4000? 3500? Even lower!


Hearing Bai Hang's words, Qin Luo suddenly flashed a ray of light.

"It's okay, I didn't know before, but we will know soon!"

Why build a propeller?

Why develop organic resin coatings?

The reason is simple, it is to make China's aerospace business to a higher level!

For this reason, Qin Luo is not afraid of any challenge.

Even if this experiment fails and the rocket disintegrates in the middle layer, Qin Luo must get the most accurate data.

Data is like surfacing, as long as you accumulate enough, success is only a matter of time.

Of course, this is only the worst scenario Qin Luo imagined. If the situation is a little better, Qin Luo feels that there is no chance of success.

After all, judging from the current situation, both the rocket's flight attitude and the parameters of various electronic components are normal.

Bai Hang nodded, his eyes swept across everyone's faces: "Dear colleagues, I hope you will keep your eyes on the screen, and be sure to record every parameter change firmly."

"My task will be cumbersome and difficult, and I know everyone is very tired now and needs rest."

"But I, Baihang, hereby implore everyone to continue to stick to their posts, I am here to thank you all!"

While talking, Bai Hang bowed to everyone!

Are you tired? Honestly, it's really tired.

But when thinking of the upcoming success, an impulse emerged in everyone's hearts.

Their bodies seemed to have endless energy, and they turned to work again.

Temperature, flight path...

Various parameters are recorded.
