"I can hear you. Didn't you go to bed?" Lin Feng silently said in his heart.

"I just woke up. I'm already 3% recovered." The Ringwraith said.

"Do you repair yourself in your sleep?" Lin Feng asked in surprise.

"Yes, and if I encounter any special materials, I will be able to recover them." The Ringwraith said.

"Then do you have some other special ability?" Lin Feng tried to ask, because the Ringwraith had said this afternoon that it would know something else.

"Yes, I will." The Ringwraith said proudly.

"Then will you go back in time? Or foretell the future? " Lin Feng thought, how great it would be if he could reverse the flow of time. This way, he could avoid many things that shouldn't have happened, such as his father's passing.

"It's too hard, but I don't. If it's to help you get out of the realm of ordinary people, I can still do it. " The Ringwraith said slowly.

"Out of the ordinary?" Lin Feng's interest was piqued. If it was outside of the range of ordinary people, wouldn't he be able to soar to the heavens?

"That's right, I can still do that." The Ringwraith confirmed.

When Lin Feng heard Ringling's confident words, his whole person became cheerful. After all, he had nothing left but this ring that would not abandon him.

"Then what should we do?" Lin Feng asked curiously.

"First find a place with no people, then I'll teach you." The Ringwraith guided Lin Feng.

Hearing the Ringwraith's words, Lin Feng, who was walking on the street, became more and more remote. He walked to a secluded area and thought to himself, "Alright, I'm in a place with no one else."

"Now look at the ring and say," The Ringwraith continued to guide him.

The next moment, Lin Feng looked at the ring and spat out a word, "Collect!"

Right after he finished speaking, Lin Feng suddenly felt the surrounding space spin. When he woke up again, he found that he was in another space.

"Eh? "Where is this place?" Lin Feng looked around and saw a young child standing there, smiling at him.

"This is the inside of the Universe Ring. Welcome, you are the third person to enter." The young child looked at Lin Feng and said.

"Who are you?" Lin Feng was confused, how could there be a child in this ring?

"I'm a Ringwraith. I'm the one who often talk to you. Remember me?" The Ringwraith walked up to Lin Feng and said.

"So it's you. I was wondering who it was." Lin Feng suddenly realized and said while patting the back of his head.

"Then what do I have to do to get out of the normal realm?" Lin Feng asked immediately.

"Look at the mural on the wall." The Ringwraith pointed to a wall.

There was an image on this wall, of a man doing something.

"Look at the next wall!" The Ringwraith pointed to the next wall.

The next wall was also a picture of a person, making a movement, but the difference was that both of them were acting differently.

"There are a total of twelve images here. If you follow the movements of the people on the images, you will discover the benefits after a long time." The Ringwraith said slowly.

"Is this the way to get out of the realm of normal people?" Lin Feng could not believe that he was able to escape just by doing something.

"That's right, you have to insist on doing this. Otherwise, it won't have any effect." The Ringwraith added.

Seeing how confident the Ringwraith was, Lin Feng wanted to test this set of movements and see if it was as good as he said it was.

"Then I'll try it now." As Lin Feng spoke, he followed the first picture and began to do the movements on the map.

After the first position was completed, Lin Feng stood there, his eyes looking at the second picture, slowly changing from the first position to the second.

Then slowly, from his second position, he changed to the third, fourth, fifth …

When he finished this set of actions, Lin Feng felt his body heat up and sweat began to flow down. His sweat was mixed with some black substance.

Lin Feng was shocked when he saw the black substance.

"What is this black thing?" Why is it flowing out of me? " Lin Feng was surprised.

Seeing Lin Feng's panicked expression, Ringling smiled and said, "These are the impurities in your body. If a person eats grains and grains, there will always be impurities in their body." This will not only help you get out of the realm of normal people, but it will also help you get rid of impurities. "

After hearing what the Ringwraiths said, Lin Feng began to move more and more seriously. After doing it again and again, Lin Feng's body finally couldn't hold on any longer. He lay on the ground panting, and he was completely exhausted.

"Alright, that's enough for today. Don't overdo it, otherwise it will backfire on your body." The Ringwraith said from the side.

"Then how should I get out?" Lin Feng stood up and asked.

"You only need to say a single word and you will be able to leave." The Ringwraith said.

"Fire!" Lin Feng spat out a word from his mouth.

In the next moment, Lin Feng discovered that the sky was spinning and the earth was spinning. He returned to the place where he entered the ring earlier. This place was relatively remote and normally no one would come here.

Lin Feng had just emerged from the ring. His entire body was covered in sweat, and his entire body was reeking of stench. As he took a step forward, he discovered that his body had become much lighter than usual.

"Could it be that this is the advantage of doing that painting?" Lin Feng silently said in his heart.

"Did you notice? I said that the movements of that painting are very beneficial, but you have to persevere." The Ringwraith said.

"I will persevere. What's the name of the map?" This was the first time he had encountered such a magical map.

"Heaven and Earth Diagram, how powerful is it?!" The Ringwraith said proudly.

"Indeed, it has broadened my horizons this time." As Lin Feng spoke, he left this remote area.

Now, Lin Feng was once again thinking about where he should go tonight. Now, his whole body was reeking and he needed to take a bath. He walked to a hotel and stopped in front of it.

After a long struggle with his thoughts, he decided to spend the night in a hotel. He paid 100 for the room, and the deposit was 100. After paying the fee, Lin Feng came to the hotel room.

The first thing he did when he arrived at the hotel was to take a bath. After he washed away all the black impurities and sweat stains, Lin Feng reclined on the bed, his limbs stretched out as if he was writing something big.

Lin Feng was lying on his bed as he recalled the scene of his marriage annulled this afternoon. The more he thought about it, the more unwilling he became, so he swore in his heart that in the future, he would make all of you regret! He clenched his fists.

In the whole comfortable environment, the tired Lin Feng went to bed early. When he woke up, it was already the next day. He put on his backpack and walked towards the school.

After resting for the night, Lin Feng felt completely refreshed. It was unknown if it was because of the Heaven and Earth Diagram yesterday, but today, he felt as if he could walk effortlessly and he felt much lighter than before.

As before, Lin Feng carried his backpack and arrived at the school. The moment he entered the class, he saw Zhang Yufan already sitting there. He walked over and greeted his, "Beautiful girl, why are you so early today?"

"Rogue, stay away from me." Zhang Yufan snappily said.

Lin Feng thought to himself, he was originally greeting him, but now he actually told him to ignore her as soon as he arrived. This is too preposterous!

Thus, Lin Feng didn't want to get involved with Zhang Yufan any further. He walked over to his seat and sat down. He put down his backpack and thought to himself, "Ringwraith, come out for a while."

"What is it, Master?" The Ringwraith asked.

"Can you let me have a photographic memory? I'm going to class." Lin Feng silently said in his heart.

"I can, but the duration is limited. After all, I haven't completely recovered." The Ringwraith said.

"How long will it last?" Lin Feng asked. It would be great if he could continue with one lesson. After all, Lin Feng's grades had plummeted, and the gap between him and his classmates was just too great. He would be able to make up for a little bit.

"Forty minutes." The Ringwraith answered.

"Great! How often can I use it?" Lin Feng said happily.

Every ten minutes! "This is quite easy." The Ringwraith said.

"Great, Ringwraith, I really like you." Lin Feng thought to himself that his academic performance could finally be saved.

According to what the Ringwraith said, the lesson would last for forty minutes, and after that, the lesson would end for ten minutes.

"You don't have to like me too much. Isn't it normal for people to have photographic memories?" "Some people can have photographic memories without my help." The Ringwraith explained.

The homeroom teacher, Yang Hong, walked into the classroom. Today, she was dressed in a black business suit and short black skirt. When paired with black high heels, he gave off a unique vibe.

"It's right now, hurry up and let me have a photographic memory." Lin Feng thought to himself. He seized the opportunity to speak to the Ringwraith as Yang Hong prepared to give her lecture.

Just as Lin Feng finished chanting in his mind, the ring immediately sent a wave of pure energy to Lin Feng's mind. Lin Feng immediately felt a cool sensation in his head.

This morning, Lin Feng did not sleep on the table. When the teachers who came to the class saw Lin Feng's energetic appearance, they all thought that the sun had risen from the west.

The people in the class jeered after school.

"That trash didn't sleep today."

"That's weird, didn't he sleep soundly in the past? Why is he not sleeping today?"

Everyone expressed their amazement, but only Lin Feng knew that he had gotten the ability to imitate memories, and was eager to listen to a few more classes.

"Lin Feng, wait a moment." Just as Lin Feng was about to leave the classroom, a male voice called out to him.

Lin Feng stopped and turned around. It was Zou Ming.

Zou Ming was the only person in Lin Feng's class who could talk to him. Everyone laughed at Lin Feng, but he couldn't. Moreover, he often invited Lin Feng out for a meal.

Zou Ming knew a bit about Lin Feng's situation, but he didn't look down on Lin Feng because of this. He was still better than Lin Feng, and could be said to be a good classmate.

Of course, if there was anything, Lin Feng would be happy to tell Zou Ming. The two of them would analyze the situation together.

"Zou Ming?" What's the matter? " Lin Feng turned around and said to Zou Ming, who was tidying up the desk.

"Let's have lunch together. I know a bit about what happened yesterday." Zou Ming tidied up his desk, stood up and said to Lin Feng.

"Alright!" Lin Feng promised.

The two of them left the school together. They chose a restaurant that was very close to the school and went inside.

"How many gentlemen?" The waiter quickly came over and greeted them.

"Both of you." Zou Ming said indifferently.

"Very well, please come with me." After saying this, the waiter brought Lin Feng and Zou Ming to a relatively remote seat.

Just as he sat down, Zou Ming opened his mouth and asked, "Did the Wang family cancel the engagement?"

"Yes, I made that clear yesterday afternoon." Lin Feng truthfully said.

Zou Ming's family had some business dealings with the Wang family, so it wasn't strange for them to know about this. In a few days, the entire city would probably know about it.