"Teacher Zhao, don't order so many bars. Two people can't finish them all. Besides, you are still injured." Lin Feng asked worriedly.

"It's fine, come have a drink with us." Zhao Bo's interest was piqued. No matter what, he would drink until the end.

Lin Feng raised his cup and clinked it with Zhao Bo's. He poured a cup of wine into his stomach, and the two of them ordered a few dishes and began to eat.

Just as the two of them were eating, three or five hoodlums came to the restaurant. Since the restaurant was packed with people, the hoodlums who had just arrived did not have a place to sit.

When the leader saw that there were still plenty of seats available at Lin Feng's table, he came over and said, "We'll take this table, let's eat somewhere else for the two of you."

After saying that, Zhao Bo's expression turned cold and replied, "You want us to go somewhere else to eat? Are you stupid? Do you think that's possible? "

"Do you understand what our big brother is saying? If I tell you to go, then you'd better be sensible. Otherwise, don't blame us for forcing you." The other hoodlum saw that Zhao Bo and Lin Feng were unwilling to leave, so he came forward to advise them.

"Okay, I want to see how you guys did it." Zhao Bo was still sitting in his seat, calm and composed, without a single trace of fear.

"Brothers, show him some colors." As he spoke, he casually picked up a beer bottle.

As soon as the leading hoodlum finished his words, the other hoodlums all rushed forward towards Lin Feng's table.

At this time, Zhao Bo moved. He stood up and kicked, directly kicking the first hoodlum that rushed over. The hoodlum flew out and crashed into another two people before stopping.

Soon, another hoodlum rushed in front of Zhao Bo, raised the beer bottle and threw it at him. Zhao Bo dodged to the side and grabbed the hoodlum's shoulder like a pair of pliers, then threw him over the shoulder.

Due to the chaos, a hoodlum rushed in front of Lin Feng. Lin Feng who didn't have any fighting experience didn't know what to do, so he used all his strength to kick someone's leg, breaking that person's leg on the spot.

Before Lin Feng could feel how much his strength had increased, another hoodlum pounced at him, and he did the same thing.

When he saw that his brothers had been knocked to the ground, he didn't know what to do. He didn't know why Zhao Bo and Wang Lin were so strong.

The surrounding crowd all cried out in alarm. Zhao Bo was too powerful, overturning four people just by himself.

"Didn't you want to force it? Come on! " Zhao Bo provoked the remaining lackey.

Seeing that Zhao Bo was so good at fighting, the leader of the lackeys didn't dare to come over. Immediately, he threw the beer bottle in his hand and ran away.

When the other thugs saw that their leader had already run away, they immediately got up from the ground and left while supporting each other.

After this small episode, Lin Feng realized that Zhao Bo was actually this powerful. It seemed like the rumor that he was a retired commando was true, and he might even have a greater background.

"Being disturbed by them like this, I don't have any interest anymore." Zhao Bo looked at Lin Feng and said.

"Teacher Zhao, I didn't expect you to be so formidable." Lin Feng said in admiration.

"You're not bad either, a single kick can break a person's bones." It was obvious that he saw the scene from before.

Only now did Lin Feng realize that his ability had increased by so much, regardless of whether it was strength or reaction, he was happy. It seemed that he was not far from breaking away from the range of a normal person.

"Ringwraith, Ringwraith." Lin Feng drank wine with Zhao Bo as he called out in his heart.

"Master, what's the matter?" The Ringwraith asked.

"If I continue like this, how long will it take me to get out of the realm of ordinary people?" Lin Feng asked curiously.

"Half a year at the latest, or at the fastest, three months. Why are you suddenly asking about this?" The Ringwraith was confused.

"No, I just want to see when I can get out of the range of ordinary people." Lin Feng silently said.

"Master, you just need to persevere. You'll be able to do it very quickly." The Ringwraith added.

Zhao Bo looked at the time and saw that it was already 12 o'clock. He said, "I think it's getting late. Let's go back to the school. We still have to go to class tomorrow."

"Alright." After saying that, Lin Feng stood up from his seat.

When the two of them returned to the courtyard, Lin Feng immediately fell asleep. The moment he slept, it was already the next morning.

At this time, Lin Feng was in the courtyard making the Heaven and Earth Diagram. Now, Lin Feng had gotten used to doing the Heaven and Earth Diagram every morning, then he would take a bath and go to school.

"Lin Feng, I'll drive along the way to the school." Zhao Bo walked out of the room and said as he looked at Lin Feng who was in the middle of creating the Heaven and Earth Diagram.

"Alright, wait for me. I'll go take a bath first."

… ….

Lin Feng and Zhao Bo drove the car to the school. Just as they got out of the car, a few female students looked over.

"Look, isn't that Class 3's trash?"

"Why did he come to the school with Teacher Zhao? Could it be that they are very good friends?"

Zhao Bo's popularity was quite high within the school. At this time, it was inevitable that others would discuss his relationship with Lin Feng.

However, Zhao Bo didn't care. Just like Lin Feng, the two of them were the same. No matter how others discussed, they still did what they liked and let others talk about it.

Lin Feng walked into the class and immediately saw an old acquaintance.

"Why did you call me over this time?" Xu De stood next to Zhang Yufan and spoke to her.

"Can't you find some time to pick me up and go to school?" Zhang Yufan said to Xu De.

"When I have time, I will naturally do so. The problem is that I am too busy to spare any time." Xu De shouted.

At this time, Lin Feng walked over.

"Hey!" "Little brother, we meet again." Xu De saw Lin Feng coming over and greeted him.

"Yeah, you guys fought again?" Lin Feng asked.

"Why do you two know each other?" Zhang Yufan's eyes opened wide, as if it was unbelievable that the two of them knew each other.

"We met a few days ago by chance." Lin Feng smiled brightly.

"Oh right, I have an invitation here. Little brother, come to a dance when the time comes." As he spoke, Xu De took out an invitation card and passed it to Lin Feng.

"I can't dance." Lin Feng wanted to reject.

"It's fine, just learn it. Alright, I have to get busy, you guys chat." Xu De forced the invitation card to Lin Feng, then patted his butt and left.

Afterwards, Lin Feng opened the invitation card and took a look. It turned out to be a ball that was being held in a private club on Four Seas Road at 8 o'clock tonight.

"Zhang Yufan, are you going to the ball tonight?" Lin Feng looked at Zhang Yufan and asked.

"Of course I want to go, or else I'm afraid he's fooling around with another girl." Zhang Yufan clenched his fists as he spoke.

Lin Feng and Zhang Yufan chatted for a while before the class began. Lin Feng was full of energy as he listened to the lecture.

… ….

With a blink, it was night. Lin Feng arrived at the door of the Four Seas Road private club as promised. At that moment, Lin Feng wore casual clothes, a pair of shoes for dozens of dollars, and a face of poverty.

He saw that most of the people who came here were in luxury cars, Mercedes, Lamborghini, BMW, and other vehicles parked in front of the clubhouse.

When the security guard saw Lin Feng walking over, he stopped him and said, "Where did you come from?" "This is a private club, not just anyone can enter."

"I have an invitation. I'm here for the ball. Take a look if you don't believe me." As he spoke, Lin Feng handed the invitation over to the security guard.

The security guard looked through the invitation card again and again to confirm that it was correct before letting Lin Feng in.

Lin Feng entered the private club and saw a large hall. There were tables in the hall with some delicacies and red wine on the table.

People were dancing to the music in groups of twos and threes. Some were dancing in pairs, while others were dancing by themselves. There were all sorts of people dancing in groups of twos and threes.

In the end, Lin Feng found Xu De at a corner. He was chatting with some girls who were holding red wine and chatting elegantly.

Since it was Lin Feng's first time in a place like this, he didn't know what he should do. He picked up a glass of red wine from the table, took a sip, and held it in his hand.

As time passed, more and more people came to the ball, but Lin Feng did not recognize any of them. He only knew Xu De and Zhang Yufan.

"Lin Feng, come over here!" Just when Lin Feng felt that this place didn't suit him and he was preparing to leave, Xu De called out to him.

Thus, Lin Feng walked in the direction of Xu De and entered the human circle.

"Let me introduce you, this is Lin Feng." Xu De said to everyone.

Just as Xu De finished speaking, several people looked over at Lin Feng. There were both men and women.

Some of the men saw Lin Feng wearing a few dozen pairs of shoes and a casual outfit that added up to no more than a hundred yuan. Immediately, their desire to get to know each other faded away.

However, there were some who didn't judge people by their appearance.

"Hello Lin Feng, I'm Ma Tingting." Ma Tingting extended her right hand towards him.

Seeing that, Lin Feng also extended his hand towards Ma Tingting and said, "Hello." They shook hands.

"Shall we go over there and talk?" Ma Tingting said to Lin Feng and pointed to a corner where no one was.

"Sure." Lin Feng promised.

When the two of them reached a corner, Ma Tingting asked, "Are you still a student?"

"Right. I'm currently in my third year." Lin Feng sized up Ma Tingting and said.

At this moment, Ma Tingting was wearing a blue dress, blue high heels and a oval face. She had two big watery eyes and her hair was loose. She was a very beautiful woman with a lovely figure.

While Lin Feng was communicating with Ma Tingting, not far away, a man named Shen Jiajie was staring at them with hatred.

"Young Master Shen, that guy's clothes are so shabby. Why would Ma Tingting be hanging out with him?" A man said to Shen Jiajie.

"Who knows what that woman is thinking?" Shen Jiajie said snappily.

"She actually left our Young Master Shen to have a chat with a poor brat. Is she crazy?" The man continued.