"I've been following them ever since you were taken away. I've been following them ever since, but I've found out that you're really strong, just that your movements are a bit unfamiliar." Zhao Bo recalled the scene and said.

Hearing Zhao Bo's words, Lin Feng was a little angry in his heart. His face turned serious as he asked, "Teacher Zhao, why didn't you come out to help me just now?"

"The reason why I'm not helping you is so that you can grow. Look, aren't you able to handle this by yourself?" Zhao Bo pointed at the thug who was rolling on the ground.

Seeing that Lin Feng's face had returned back to normal, Zhao Bo continued, "This place will not stay for long, let's get in the car to talk." With that, Zhao Bo walked towards his Honda.

Lin Feng followed behind. The two of them got into the car. Zhao Bo started the car and left the place like a wisp of smoke. They were heading towards the school right now.

Right now, Lin Feng was still a little angry. He was clearly present, yet he did not help him. From time to time, Zhao Bo would use the corner of his eyes to look at Lin Feng.

Zhao Bo realized that the other person's anger towards him had yet to subside, so he said, "Lin Feng, don't be angry. I see that you have less combat experience, so you should give me a chance to show it. Calm down, I'll treat you to a meal another day. "

Lin Feng felt that this made some sense. He really lacked combat experience, so he could accumulate some, so he replied, "Okay, next time you have to treat me to a meal. If there is such a thing happening again, don't just stand there and help me deal with them."

Hearing this, Zhao Bo nodded and said, "Just who did you offend? Why are they looking for you?"

"I heard it's someone called Young Master Shen. I don't know how exactly we offended him, but it was probably at the ball last night." As Lin Feng said this, he thought back to last night's ball and realized that other than chatting with Ma Tingting, there was nothing else special about him.

Could it be that Ma Tingting had called someone over to chat during that time? However, this thought was quickly dispelled by Lin Feng. Earlier, that hoodlum said he was Young Master Shen, surnamed Shen. No matter how Lin Feng thought about it, he couldn't think of any connection he had with Shen.

Lin Feng simply tossed all these thoughts to the back of his mind. When the boat arrived at the bridge, it would naturally straighten out, so he no longer had to care about all of this.

"Then you should be careful as of late. I wonder what tricks they'll come up with." Zhao Bo reminded him.

After passing through nine turns and eighteen turns, they finally arrived at Beijing No.1 Middle School. At this moment, the students had already started their classes. Lin Feng got off the car and quickly ran towards the classroom.

When he reached the door of the classroom, he said, "Report!"

"What's going on with you? Why are you late for class?" The teacher in charge of the class scolded.

"I made a mistake when I came to school." Lin Feng said as he scratched the back of his head.

"Come in. This is your first time. I'll let you go, and the next time you come to my office to report." The teacher very easily let Lin Feng in.

Lin Feng came to his seat, took out a book, and began to listen to the lecture. At the same time, he thought in his heart, "Ringwraith, quickly help me with my photographic memory."

Suddenly, a wave of pure energy rushed out from the ring and entered Lin Feng's mind. The next moment, Lin Feng felt his mind clear up.

… ….

At this moment, Shen Jiajie received a call, "Hello?"

"Young Master Shen, all of our men were beaten to a pulp. I never expected Lin Feng to be so strong, fighting so many by himself." Chen Le said from the other end of the phone.

This bunch of trash, they can't even beat a single piece of trash, what's the use of them? "I think it's better for me to call my own people. If they dare to fight with me over a woman, they won't die!" Shen Jiajie said angrily.

"Young Master Shen, that Lin Feng seems to be a practitioner, ordinary people are no match for him." Chen Le continued to report information about Lin Feng.

"I don't care if he's a practitioner or not. Since he offended me, he shouldn't think about getting away so easily." Shen Jia Jie clenched his fists.

Just as he finished eating, a giant man walked into this fast food restaurant. This man was tall and sturdy, with explosive muscles all over his body, wearing a vest, black pants, and a pair of camouflage shoes. His hair was very short, he had a crew cut, and he was at least 1.9m tall.

As soon as this giant man entered the fast food restaurant, he attracted everyone's attention and became the focus. The giant man directly walked in front of Lin Feng and without saying anything, he made a grasping motion.

Lin Feng used his astonishing reflexes and stood up straight. He took a step back, just in time to escape from the range of the giant man's grasp. Only then did he manage to escape death.

"What do you want?" Lin Feng said in surprise. This man had come to him without a word.

The giant didn't answer him and continued to charge at him. This time, a punch was thrown towards his face, bringing with it a whistling sound. Lin Feng dodged to the side and punched again with his second fist.

All of this happened in the time it took for a spark to fly off of a stone. Only then did the other staff in the restaurant react, giving up their seats and carrying the food towards the door.

After all, no one wanted to get involved in this kind of thing. It had nothing to do with them.

When the giant saw that his two attacks were dodged by Lin Feng, he felt displeased and immediately picked up a chair to the side and threw it at Lin Feng. The next moment, he saw Lin Feng bowing and cleverly avoiding the attack.

Lin Feng was very agile. He scuttled back and forth, leaving the giant with no way to deal with him. The giant's body was a bit cumbersome. While Lin Feng dodged, he was also thinking of a way to deal with it.

After a while, Lin Feng came up with a plan. Using the tiny bit of zhenqi in his body, he channeled it into his fist and quickly dashed towards the giant man. His speed was extremely fast, bringing up a gust of wind.

Approaching the giant man, Lin Feng gathered all his strength and threw a punch towards him. Before the giant man could react, the punch hit his chest, making a "ding" sound. The giant man flew backwards, leaving a dent on his chest.

Lin Feng had used a sliver of his Zhen Qi to punch this fist. If it wasn't for the giant's sturdy body, this punch would have penetrated his body. If it was anyone else, then this punch wouldn't have simply left a mark.

The giant man finally fell to the ground, his hands covering his chest, blood flowing out from his mouth. Lin Feng walked forward and whispered: "Who sent you?"

The giant man was silent. Lin Feng saw that he was about to step on the giant man's stomach and said, "If you don't want to tell me, then I'll see how long you can last."

Lin Feng said while stepping on the giant man. Not long later, the giant man opened his mouth and said, "Young Master Shen sent me."

"It's this Young Master Shen again. He's only been looking for me twice a day." Lin Feng whispered.

After that, he ignored the giant who was still lying on the ground and said, "The boss has paid the bill!"

At this moment, the boss trembled as he crawled out from under the table. This was the first time he had seen such a fight since he opened the shop, so he was inevitably a little scared.

Lin Feng took out a ten-dollar bill and handed it to the owner before turning around and leaving the fast food restaurant.

Everyone was surprised and didn't have time to react. This young man had sent the big man flying with a single punch.

It wasn't until quite some time after Lin Feng left the fast food restaurant that everyone returned to normal.

After leaving the fast food restaurant, Lin Feng was on his way back to his courtyard when he took out his phone and dialed Xu De's number. Not long later, the call connected. "Hello, Lin Feng?"

"Yes, I was. Was there someone surnamed Shen who attended the ball last night?" Lin Feng asked.

Yesterday's ball had been invited by Sood, and he might have been able to ask who it was that was causing him trouble.

"Why, there was indeed someone with the surname Shen last night." Xu De replied.

"Oh!" "Nothing, just asking." Lin Feng lightly said.

Xu De immediately reacted and said, "Did he get someone to make trouble for you?"

Hearing Xu De's words, Lin Feng was shocked. How did he know that someone was causing trouble for him? So Lin Feng said, "How do you know?"

"No wonder you're asking this. That Ma Tingting that you chatted with last night was a woman that Shen family chased for a long time. She probably noticed you because you chatted with Ma Tingting. How is it? Are you okay?" Xu De was concerned on the other end of the phone.

"I'm fine, but I'm a bit annoyed. You didn't know that that Shen fellow had only caused me two troubles today." Lin Feng felt slightly unhappy.

"Okay, I understand. I will contact the Shen family and you have to be careful of your own safety. I will help you deal with this matter." Xu De said over the phone.

"Alright, then I'll wait for your good news." With that, Lin Feng hung up.

When Lin Feng returned to the courtyard, Zhao Bo came out from his room and said, "Lin Feng, why did you come back so late?"

"I ran into someone looking for trouble after eating just now. How unlucky." Lin Feng casually said.

"Is he alright?" Zhao Bo asked with concern.

"He's fine, but his good mood is broken." Lin Feng walked to his room and opened the door.

"It's good that you're fine. Gathering more experience is good for you." Zhao Bo said with a smile.

Lin Feng entered his room and called out in his heart, "Ringwraith, come out for a moment."

"What's the matter, Master?" The Ringwraith asked.

"When can I have more true qi? Right now, there is really too little true qi. I can only use that tiny bit every day." Lin Feng complained.

"These are all accumulated and precipitated. You're still thinking that it's too slow. My two masters only managed to produce this tiny bit of true energy after half a year. Your speed is already very fast." The Ringwraith snappily said.

He felt that he was still very weak. If there were not one big guy but two people in the afternoon, then he would probably have to account. After all, he only had that bit of Zhen Qi and he only had one chance to use it every day.