So, the woman in black's code name was Demon Fox. After hearing this, Lin Feng understood that everyone in the mercenary group had a code name.

Just when Lin Feng and Zhao Bo were having a good chat, the demon fox who went out to eat came back. She walked into the room with a bag of fruits in her hands and said, "Eat some fruits, it's good for your health."

The next moment, Zhao Bo sat up from the bed and said, "I want to recommend someone to join our mercenary group."

After the demon fox heard this, her gaze shifted to Lin Feng. "Is it this young man?"

"Exactly." Zhao Bo confirmed.

"Why do you look so thin and weak?" The demon fox sized up Lin Feng again and said.

Zhao Bo took an apple and took a bite and said, "On the surface, it looks like it, but he's actually quite good at fighting. It's worth nurturing."

"Really?" The demon fox's eyes were darting over Lin Feng's body, as if trying to see through him.

"You'll know once you try." Zhao Bo said as he chewed on the apple.

As Lin Feng heard this, he thought to himself, do I have to fight with this woman in black to test out my own abilities? Lin Feng was somewhat unwilling to fight with a girl.

"Alright then. When He Qing comes, I'll go out with him and give it a try." The demon fox seemed eager to give it a try.

The three of them chatted for a while. When night fell, He Qing finally arrived at the ward. Zhao Bo told him his suggestion. Thus, He Qing, the Demon Fox, and Lin Feng arrived at the square outside the hospital. The Demon Fox wanted to test Lin Feng, so they prepared to start here.

The demon fox and Lin Feng stood face to face, while He Qing stood in the middle, watching.

At the start, the demon fox quickly rushed in front of Lin Feng and threw a punch towards his face. Lin Feng saw the fist whistling towards him and turned his body to the side to avoid the punch. At the same time, his hands turned into claws, tightly grabbing onto the incoming fist from the demon fox.

Lin Feng forcefully pulled forward, and with a shoulder throw, the fall was completed. However, unlike Lin Feng's expectations, the demon fox somersaulted in the air, then firmly landed on the ground and said, "Young man, I didn't expect you to really hit it twice."

"You're too kind." Just as Lin Feng finished speaking, the demon fox charged at him again.

This time, the Demon Fox continued to swing its fist, but its speed was much faster than before. Lin Feng could only dodge and had no chance to grab onto the Demon Fox's arm.

Lin Feng realized that he couldn't continue to dodge like this, so he also threw a punch towards the demon fox. The two of them were just about to collide fists to fists at this time, causing a "pa" sound to ring out.

The demon fox felt as if her fist had collided with a piece of iron. She retreated a few steps and asked Lin Feng with a surprised expression, "Why is your fist so hard?"

Because Lin Feng usually had the Heaven and Earth Diagram, the impurities in his body were usually excluded, and so were the impurities in his bones. His body became especially sturdy, and all the bones in his body were very hard.

"It should be because I have been exercising often." Lin Feng thought for a moment, then forced out these words.

After all, it could not be said that he had that ring and made a map of the Heaven and Earth, right? Lin Feng understood the logic of 'a man without sin, but his wealth is his own fault'.

Therefore, he hid as long as he could. Only he himself knew of this matter, he would not say the words of others no matter how intimate they were.

The demon fox saw that her fist was useless against Lin Feng, so she raised her leg and kicked towards Lin Feng. Facing the demon fox's kick, Lin Feng continued to dodge, but the demon fox had no way of dealing with Lin Feng, so Lin Feng knew that he had to dodge.

After kicking for half a minute, the demon fox was tired and stopped. She said, "I'm not playing anymore. There's no meaning to it."

However, this was not a battle of life and death after all. With Lin Feng's experience, who knew how many times he would have to die. After all, this was just a competition.

With the Demon Fox's skillful appearance, Lin Feng was able to see that she was probably hiding her strength.

He Qing saw that both of them had stopped. He clapped his hands and said, "That's right. Young man, what's your name?"

When Lin Feng saw that the other party was finally starting to take him seriously, he replied, "My name is Lin Feng."

"I'll help you inform the higher-ups. You can join us now. Report to headquarters tomorrow night." He Qing said with a smile.

"I'll take you there tomorrow night. You won't be able to find it by yourself." The demon fox enthusiastically said.

Hearing this, Lin Feng thought, there's a high chance that this headquarters is a secret base.

"Thank you." Lin Feng expressed his gratitude.

Next, the three of them walked into the hospital room and returned to Zhao Bo's room. Right after entering, Zhao Bo asked, "How is it? Who won? "

He Qing saw that Zhao Bo was worried about the results, so he didn't rush to tell him. Instead, he asked, "Guess who won?"

"Mm ~ Demon fox?" Zhao Bo guessed.

"That's not right." The demon fox interrupted.

"Lin Feng?" Zhao Bo was somewhat happy as he said this. After all, if Lin Feng won, it proved that he was not wrong about the other party's identity. At the same time, it also showed Lin Feng's strength.

"It's all wrong. It was a draw. No one was able to do anything to them." He Qing looked at Zhao Bo and laughed.

"Even a draw is not bad, this proves that Lin Feng is quite powerful." Zhao Bo said with a smile.

The four of them talked about the mercenary group. Since Lin Feng had just joined, he didn't understand anything and had a lot of things to learn.

This conversation continued until midnight. Lin Feng noticed that it was getting late and that he still had to attend class tomorrow. Thus, he took the chance to leave, leaving behind He Qing and Demon Fox to look after Zhao Bo.

Right now, after midnight, there were not many pedestrians on the streets. Lin Feng was walking alone on the streets, his heart full of passion. He vowed that after entering the mercenary group, he would work hard to get rid of the reputation of being a trash.

After returning to the courtyard, Lin Feng immediately turned off the lights and went to sleep. On the morning of the next day, he woke up to work on the map of the universe.

As he finished creating the Cosmic Charm ten times, the Ringwraith called out, "Master! Master!"

"What is it?" Lin Feng asked in his heart.

"Now you can do the Heaven and Earth Diagram a few more times. Your foundation has already been built." The Ringwraith instructed.

"Oh, okay. I'll do it a few more times." Lin Feng silently said in his heart.

Following that, after Lin Feng finished ten times, he continued to create the map of the heaven and earth, eleven times, twelve times …

It wasn't until he finished the 15th time that Lin Feng finally couldn't hold on and lay down in his courtyard, dripping in sweat.

When Lin Feng laid down, he felt that the tiny bit of true energy in his dantian had grown quite a bit. He immediately murmured, "It seems that if I continue to persevere like this, I will be able to use that thread of true energy several times over."

"Master, don't you feel that that strand of true energy has become a lot larger?" The Ringwraith said.

"Yeah." Lin Feng silently said in his heart.

"Master, congratulations. You're about to break away from the category of ordinary people." The Ringwraith said happily.

"That's great." Lin Feng was pleasantly surprised.

The grandpa, who was exercising, saw Lin Feng lying on the ground and thought that something had happened to him. He quickly walked over and asked, "Lin Feng, are you alright?"

The grandpa's question pulled Lin Feng out of his surprise and brought him back to reality. He said, "It's fine, I'm just too tired. I'll be fine after lying down for a while."

Just as Lin Feng finished speaking, he crawled up from the ground, patted the dust off his clothes, and walked towards his room.

Returning to his room, Lin Feng washed up, changed into his school uniform, and jogged off to school.

Lin Feng came to the class and sat in his seat. This morning, he had a physical education class, so he was prepared to let others have a good impression of him.

The first three classes soon passed and it was time for the fourth class, Physical Education. The students of senior year (3) had gathered on the field.

The physical education teacher walked over. He was a middle-aged man in his thirties. This middle-aged man was wearing a sports coat. He was most likely a retired soldier.

"Let's do a test today, run 1500 meters, it's the same for men and women, now you can do warm-up exercises." The middle-aged man said in a sonorous and forceful tone.

When many students heard 1500 meters, they immediately started retreating. However, after thinking for a bit, they realized that there was still that piece of trash, Lin Feng. At the thought of this, everyone's spirits rose again.

At this moment, Lin Feng had already made his preparations. He wanted to shock everyone else. Lin Feng's physical fitness was now much better than before. It was as if the sky and the earth had appeared.

After a short warm-up exercise, the PE teacher said, "Everyone, line up and get ready."

As soon as his voice fell, the whole class was already running on the track, lining up neatly and waiting for the start of the race.

Seeing that everyone had lined up, the PE teacher walked to the edge of the runway and took out his whistle. The whistle sounded and everyone started to run.

He had to run seven and a half laps, the entire runway was two hundred meters per lap, and seven and a half laps was exactly fifteen hundred meters.

Lin Feng was the first to run, and he took the lead. This made many people amazed. Since when did that trash become so powerful?

Many people did not believe their eyes and used all their strength to chase, but no matter how they tried, they could not catch up. After the first lap, Lin Feng was still the first one to run.

A large group of people followed behind him. That group of people were trying their best to chase Lin Feng, but for some reason, the more they chased, the greater the distance between them.

By the time the second lap was finished, Lin Feng had already pulled away from the others by half a circle. He turned around to look behind him and felt that this distance was enough, so he maintained this distance.

After the third lap, everyone realized that no matter how much they chased after him, the distance would remain the same.

It wasn't until the end of the sprint that Lin Feng exploded into action. He quickly passed the finish line, causing everyone behind him to be extremely surprised.

Several female students were unable to hold on any longer. They went from running to walking. Seeing this, the physical education teacher shook his head and sighed.

Then he turned back to look at Lin Feng, the first person to dash past the finish line.