Lin Feng checked the invitation card a few more times. After he found that there were no mistakes, he went to his seat and sat down. The students in the class were all looking at Lin Feng strangely.

They had never thought that a good-for-nothing could actually obtain an invitation. Regardless of whether it was to make a fool of Lin Feng or not, just the invitation from Chen Xu, one of the Four Young Masters, was enough to catch their attention.

It was written on the invitation that it would be held on the 22nd floor of the Da He Hotel at 6 PM on the 1st of October.

There was still two weeks until October 1st. Lin Feng looked at the invitation and wondered whether he should go or not. He was thinking about this.

However, there was still some time before the date of the competition. Since he didn't know whether he should go or not, he decided to put these questions to the back of his mind.

Thus, Lin Feng took out a book and started reading it in front of the table.

At this time, Zou Ming walked over and said with a smile, "Lin Feng, it seems like you can come with me."

"I really don't know what they're up to." Lin Feng shrugged and said.

"Who cares what kind of medicine it is, just go and take a look." Zou Ming was still smiling.

"Fine." Lin Feng nodded.

"Ding Ling Ling Ling ~ ~" The bell for the class rang, and all the students returned to their seats.

Every time there was an English class, the whole class would fall into chaos because Liu Xiao was a very gentle and talkative teacher. No matter how chaotic you were, she would at most criticize you and would sometimes ignore you.

Liu Xiao was wearing a sky blue dress today. He was about twenty-two years old, quite young and pretty. Many male students were staring at Liu Xiao. It was unknown whether they were listening in class or observing. The whole class was a bit chaotic.

Lin Feng, on the other hand, was listening attentively to the lecture. He had photographic memory. He would remember every word Liu Xiao said. It could be said that half a day was more efficient, and saving time and effort.

An afternoon soon passed. When it was time to leave school, Lin Feng quickly packed up his things on the table and left the school.

He came to the snack bar he frequented, ate a ten-dollar snack, and hurried to the hospital, jogging all the way to exactly six o'clock.

Because it was already agreed that Lin Feng would come to the hospital at 6 o'clock this afternoon and have Demon Fox bring Lin Feng to report to headquarters.

"Lin Feng came so early!" The demon fox was holding a lunchbox as she ate.

"Yeah, I can't wait." Lin Feng said with a smile.

To Lin Feng, joining a mercenary group was equivalent to leaving the life of an ordinary person. Not only was the money fast, but he also had a special status. For many things, it was beneficial and harmless.

"You still have to pass our chief instructor's test before you can enter. You can't just casually enter." Zhao Bo reminded him.

"What?" You still want to take the exam? " Lin Feng was surprised.

"Otherwise, do you think that you can enter whenever you want?" The demon fox said as she put down the box.

"Well, what kind of exam is it?" Lin Feng asked.

"Probably close combat or something." A smile hung on Zhao Bo's face.

"Come on, let's go. He Qing, you stay here and take care of him." The demon fox stood up and said to Lin Feng.

"Okay, you can go." He Qing sat on the stool and said.

Just like this, Lin Feng followed the demon fox and left the hospital. They went outside of the hospital and stopped a taxi.

"Master, let's go to the Sunset Mountains," Demon Fox sat in the front passenger seat and said to the driver.

"Alright." The driver started the car.

After passing through the turn of nine times and eighteen times, they arrived at the foot of Sunset Mountain. The driver stopped the car, and after paying the fare, the Demon Fox brought Lin Feng towards the center of Sunset Mountain Range.

Under the Demon Fox's lead, the two of them walked for about half an hour before they arrived at a cave. At the entrance of the cave, there were two soldiers wearing camouflage clothing.

Just like this, the demon fox brought Lin Feng into the cave. The cave was very wide and there was a square, which was about the size of a football field.

The people inside were all wearing camouflage clothes. Some of them were training, while others were walking.

The entire mountain was the secret base of the Blood Eagle Mercenaries.

According to the Demon Fox's introduction, other than this plaza being the first floor, there was a second floor and a third floor. This place could be said to be a very large secret base.

The demon fox brought Lin Feng down the elevator to the third floor, all the way to where the chief instructor was. At this time, the chief instructor was training a group of mercenaries, so he shouted, "Stand at attention!"

When the group of soldiers heard the order, they all stamped their feet and immediately stood at attention.

"Reporting to the chief instructor, the rookies have been brought here by 'Flying Fire' as a recommendation." The demon fox saluted and said.

Hm? Flying Fire? Lin Feng thought for a moment and understood. This should be Zhao Bo's code name. He never expected Zhao Bo's code name to be Flying Fire. Such a fashionable code name. Lin Feng snickered.

After the chief instructor heard the Demon Fox's words, he turned to the soldier he had just trained and said, "You may begin your own training. Dismissed!"

When the soldiers heard this, they all dispersed.

After the soldiers had all dispersed, the chief instructor turned back to look at Lin Feng. Lin Feng had been spotted by the chief instructor, and felt that he had been targeted by a venomous snake.

"You are a rookie that is about to join us?" The chief instructor spoke.

"That's me." Lin Feng raised his head and looked at the chief instructor who was slightly taller than him.

Lin Feng was already 1.8 meters tall. This chief instructor was at least 1.9 meters, and he was extremely sturdy and strong, no smaller than the big man who fought against Lin Feng.

"Come with me. I want to see if you are qualified to join us." As soon as the chief instructor finished speaking, he led the way.

The Chief Military Instructor brought Lin Feng and Demon Fox into a room. This room was very spacious. There was a ring in the room that was used by soldiers to practice close combat.

When the chief instructor arrived at this room, he jumped onto the stage and signaled for Lin Feng to come up as well.

Lin Feng acted like the chief instructor and jumped up onto the stage.

"You can attack with your full strength, don't worry about me." The chief instructor crooked his finger at Lin Feng, indicating that he could now go up.

When Lin Feng saw the chief instructor provoking him, in the next moment, he rushed towards the chief instructor and threw out a hook punch.

The Chief Military Instructor leaned back and easily dodged the punch. Then, Lin Feng lifted his leg and kicked him.

However, the Chief Military Instructor directly missed his kick and dodged to the side. Next, the Chief Military Instructor threw out a punch, and since Lin Feng was very fast, Lin Feng had no time to dodge. He could only cover his face with his hands to block the incoming punch.


His fist landed heavily on Lin Feng's hand, and Lin Feng felt as if he had been struck by steel. He retreated a few steps, stabilized his body, and once again rushed towards the chief instructor.

For Lin Feng, who didn't have much combat experience, it was already quite amazing for him to be able to fight like this.

Lin Feng, who had just rushed over, raised his fist again and whizzed forward. This time, the Chief Military Instructor turned his fist into a claw and fiercely grabbed onto Lin Feng's fist. With a shoulder throw, Lin Feng fell to the ground.

Lin Feng, who fell to the ground, felt all the bones in his body being broken. He slowly got up from the ground and stared at the chief instructor. At that moment, the Ringwraith reacted.

"Master, give up. With your current strength, you can't even beat him." The Ringwraith said.

"I know, but I have to use my full strength, no?" Lin Feng silently said in his heart.

Seeing that Lin Feng no longer had any intention of charging over, the chief instructor said, "It's my turn now!"

As his voice faded, the chief instructor charged towards Lin Feng like lightning. He arrived in front of Lin Feng and threw a punch straight at Lin Feng's face. Lin Feng also threw a punch and the two fists collided, making a "bang" sound.

In the next moment, Lin Feng felt as if his fist had hit a steel plate. The palm of his hand slightly cracked open and he retreated five or six steps back before stabilizing himself. As for the chief instructor, he stood still on the spot, not moving at all.

At this point, it was clear who would win and who would lose. Lin Feng did not plan to use zhen qi because it was not a life and death duel, so there was no need to expose his killing intent. Besides, this chief instructor was not serious when fighting with him.

"Alright, I won't fight anymore." Seeing that Lin Feng no longer had the desire to continue fighting, the chief instructor spoke.

"Your strength and reaction is quite good. Your bones are strong too, you can join us." The chief instructor said as he nodded at Lin Feng.

"In other words, I passed?" Lin Feng said happily.

"Yes, come with me. I'll take you to see the leader." The chief instructor led the way.

As for Lin Feng and Demon Fox, they followed behind them. They arrived at a relatively remote room on the third floor. The main instructor pushed open the door and saw a middle-aged man sitting inside.

The middle-aged man was smoking. He laughed as he saw the chief instructor who had entered the room. "Black Hawk, why have you come to my place?"

"There's a new person in our mercenary group that was recommended by Flying Fire. He just passed my test, so I brought him here to see you. I'll help you register." The chief instructor said to the middle-aged man.

"It should be this little brother!" "I have a form here. Fill it in and you'll be on your side in the future." As the middle-aged man spoke, he took out a form from his drawer and handed it to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at the form and found that it was just some ordinary information. He picked up the pen and began to fill in the form. After filling out the form, Lin Feng handed it back to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man looked at the form that Lin Feng had filled and smiled, "So young! "Not bad, come here more often in the evening and let everyone become familiar with you."

"Alright." Lin Feng answered.

"Oh right, I forgot to introduce myself. My code name is Blood Eagle. Just like the mercenary group, I am the leader of this group. You can just call me Blood Eagle." That chief instructor over there is called Black Hawk. " The Blood Eagle said as he flicked away the ash on his cigarette.