Facing Han Shiyue's satisfaction and min Rou's disappointment, Ye Yu did not panic, but calmly said, "Auntie, this picture of spring and autumn fragrance is really Tang Yin's real work."

Min Rou hears Ye Yu's affirmation, and leans down again to check carefully.

"It is Tang Yin's consistent painting method that the painters are elegant and the artistic conception is secluded."

Minrou reached out her plain hand and touched the ink lightly. Then she said, "but look at the ink, it's like it's just drawn!"

Min Rou looked at the seal in the lower left corner of the scroll again, and said in surprise, "this seal is Tang Yin's private seal, which can not be used in general imitation."

Minrou straightens up and is full of doubts. She can't tell whether it's a real work or a fake.


Outside the door driver uncle Zhou knocked on the door and shouted to Han Shiyue, "Mr. Han, the master of Qi xuanren is coming!"

Minrou was surprised, and her eyes flashed with a happy look. "Is the teacher coming? Let the teacher in! "


A steady footstep sounded outside the door, and then in the hall came an old man with thin body and white hair and beard.

Seeing the old man come in, Han Shiyue and min Rou hurry up to help the old man.

"How do you come, Mr. Qi?"

"Teacher! When did you arrive? "

Han Shiyue and min Rou shouted at the same time. It seems that they are very happy with the arrival of the old man.

Seeing that Ye Yu didn't know the old man, Han Xue said in Ye Yu's ear, "this is Qi xuanren, a master of contemporary Chinese painting and calligraphy! It's also my mother's teacher. "

With the help of Han Shiyue and min Rou, Qi xuanren made it on the sofa, looked at Min Rou and said with a smile, "girl, how many years have we not seen each other?"

When minrou heard Qi xuanren's inquiry, her eyes turned red and she said excitedly, "it has been five years since she last said goodbye to her teacher!"

Qi xuanren nodded and said with emotion, "I remember that when you first learned painting from me, you were as big as Xiaoxue, and now it's more than 20 years ago in a flash!"

Han Xue, holding the old man's arm, said vividly, "Grandpa Qi, was it my mother or me?"

Qi xuanren smiled happily, stroked his beard, nodded Han Xue's forehead, and said with a smile, "ha ha, you ancient spirit! Your mother is more obedient than you! "

Looking at the apprentice who had been away for many years, Qi xuanren sighed, "Min Rou's talent was the most outstanding among my students at that time, but she didn't go on with painting and calligraphy."

Minrou hears the lost words and says, "ah, I have no luck to continue to listen to the teacher's teaching."

Qi xuanren looked at Ye Yu, who was sitting beside him. He was surprised and asked, "who is this handsome boy?"

Han Xue hears Qi xuanren's inquiry and hurries back to him. "Grandpa Qi, this is my boyfriend. How about that? Not bad! "

Hearing this, Qi xuanren took a deep look at Ye Yu, nodded and said with satisfaction, "nice young man! The eyes are clean, the spirit is full! "

One side of the Han Shiyue heavy cold hum, "don't nonsense, what boyfriend!"! The eight characters have not been written yet! "

Han Xue said angrily to Han Shiyue, "Dad, you don't trust me! Ye Yu has brought a pair of master's works. Are you not satisfied? "

Han Shiyue raised his legs and said in a cold voice, "the work of the master is not fake, but who asked him to bring a fake one?"

Hearing this, Qi xuanren turned to min Rou and asked, "what's the matter? Master's work? Imitation?

Min Rou's eyes brightened, and Qi xuanren said happily, "teacher, please help me to palm my hands and eyes. Here is a painting of Tang Yin. Can you see if it's authentic?"