"What do you want to do? Stop teasing me! Kill me! "

Martin collapsed on the road, completely despairing, looking at Ye Yu with a look of lovelessness.

Martin tried to run away, but every time the feather stopped in front of him.

Such ghostly speed, like a blink of an eye, made Martin collapse directly.

Ye Yu came to Martin and looked at Martin, who was in panic and despair. He shook his head and said, "this is the Marquis vampire? Is it comparable to the Wupin washing pulp border warrior? It's ridiculous! "

"Such a weak will can only bully ordinary people with physical fitness. If the will of the Chinese is as strong as steel, can you compete with it? "

Martin had a bitter smile on the corner of his mouth! I thought the Chinese warrior was a special case, but I didn't expect that all of you Chinese warriors were so horrible! No, you're a lot scarier than him! "

Ye Yu raised his eyebrows and looked at Martin sharply. "Have you seen other Chinese warriors?"

Martin's face fell into memories, and his eyes flashed with admiration. "Three years ago, you, a Chinese warrior, had a conflict with our vampires."

"At that time, the Chinese national warrior was also Earl level. Oh, he was the martial artist of the four levels. He injured and maimed many of his peers, even the Marquis vampire, and finally angered the church's law enforcement elders. "

" elder William is a Duke level vampire. After fighting with the warlord, he was seriously injured. In the end, elder William let him go after he abolished the foundation of blood absorption. "

Martin sighed, and then said, "the Chinese warrior from defeat to the end was thrown away like a scrap, never seeking to bypass even a word! I can't forget his fierce fighting spirit and fortitude like steel! "

"Four delicacies, bone essence, blood sucking and foundation damage..." Ye Yu squinted slightly and chewed these words in his mouth.

"What's the name of the Chinese warrior!"

Ye Yu reached for Martin's collar and held it in the air, said coldly.

Martin was held up in the air by Ye Yu, afraid to move.

Because his neck was strangled, Martin's voice was weak. "He, his name is Xing Meng!"


As soon as Martin's voice fell, he realized that Ye Yu was suddenly in a terrible state.


A long bloody dragon appeared on Ye Yu and raised its head to make a roar!


The bloody dragon hovering over Ye Yu made a dragon chant, and a pair of dragon eyes without any emotion stared at Martin.

For a long time, the bloody dragon turned around and disappeared into the leaf feather.

Ye Yu calmed the boiling blood and released his grip on Martin's palm.


Martin fell straight down on the road, took a deep breath over his chest and coughed violently.


Martin's eyes are dull and his pupils are dilated. He is almost scared to death by the horrible momentum of Ye Yu!

When the long blood dragon appeared, Martin felt a mountain of pressure. He could not move at all, even tremble!

Under the gaze of the long blood dragon, Martin felt his soul frozen.


Ye Yu points to the sword, and a thundering sword Qi excites him,


Martin shrieked in horror as he felt the flash of the thunderbolt sink into his heart.

"Ah... I'm not dead?"

The scream lasted for a moment before Martin realized that he wasn't dead.

"Stop howling! I won't kill you now! "

Ye Yu looked at Martin and said in a cold voice, "go back and tell the speaker of the church and the elder named William that they want the blood of their ancestors. Two days later, the statue of liberty will come down!"