"You don't reinforce the array?"

Liu Mingde widened his eyes and looked at Ye Yu in disbelief.

Ye Yu nodded and said casually, "yes, I have said that the way of the array is just the beginning."

Liu Mingde looked at the shrinking barrier, swallowed his saliva and asked, "how long can this array last?"

Ye Yu pondered for a moment and held out a finger.

Liu Mingde said with hope, "an hour?"

Ye Yu shook his head.

"A quarter of an hour?" Liu Mingde's voice began to tremble.

Ye Yu shook his head again and said softly, "one minute!"

One minute!

Liu Mingde almost spits blood when he looks at the bland leaf feather. He can only hold on for one minute. But look at your expression, it seems that he can hold on for a century. What a big heart!

With his fingers folded and his hands behind him, Ye Yu sighed with a sigh at the increasingly gloomy sky and the roaring storm. "I'm tired of seeing more beautiful scenery!"

"This farce is over!"

When ye Yu finished speaking, the invisible barrier above all burst!

Countless rain head cover face toward the people smashed down.

"Damn boy, go to die!"

In a trance, Liu Mingde seemed to hear the pure and proud laughter.

In a house of baiyun temple, Zhou Kaige clenched his fists and looked excited.

In one corner of the courtyard, the hidden figure was shocked, and an invisible momentum was about to emerge.

"Law: rain!"

At the moment when the rain was about to fall on the heads of all the people, Ye Yu opened his mouth and drank lightly.


Everything seems to be holding down the pause key. The heavy rain suddenly stops after Ye Yu drinks.

A drop of rain violates the laws of physics, staying in the void and connecting into a line, as if hanging a curtain for the whole world.

"How can it be!"

>Qingxu widens his eyes and looks at all this in front of him unbelievably.

The howling wind is still raging, but the rain is strangely stopped in place!

Is it just because of Ye Yu's light drink? It's too scary!

"Decrees: wind rest!"

Did not wait for Qingxu to slow down the spirit, Ye Yu is again open mouth light drink a sentence.

People all felt the stagnation of breath. It took a long time to realize that the howling wind had disappeared!

No! Did not disappear, but with the rain, the same was set in place!

A piece of yellow leaves is still in the middle of the air crazy tremor, it is enough to prove that the wind has not disappeared!

"Follow your words!"

Qingxu's face is pale. He looks at Ye Yu steadily, and there is boundless fear in his eyes.

Ye Yu just stood in place and drank a few words, then he could let the rain catch the wind and rest. What's that?

In fact, what Qingxu said is not wrong. It takes the body as its symbol and follows the law!

This is the information recorded on the last page of the book basic spell solution.

Take the body as the rune paper, let the energy pass through the body, draw the rune, and open the mouth to activate the rune. This is the way to express in the eyes of Qingxu!


There was a dull sound in the void. The wind and rain Charms above the head of Qingxu suddenly burst into smoke.


Qingxu looks up and pours out a mouthful of blood, and then he falls to the ground with a faint breath.


It seems that time is flowing back. The raindrops in the void will be collected by the thick black clouds in the sky.

When everyone breathed freely, the withered leaves fell, and the strong wind disappeared without trace.

Ye Yu looks up at the sky. In the sky, black clouds are pressing against the top, electric snakes are dancing wildly, thunder is rolling.

"Decrees: scattered clouds!"

In an instant, there is no lightning, no black cloud!

The brilliant sunshine is scattered on the cool mountain top again, and the warm light makes everyone feel like new life.