"Heaven has become obscure?"

Ye Yu's eyebrows wrinkled slightly. He looked at Li Wuzhen doubtfully. "And this kind of thing?"

"Master said well!"

Xiao zhantian nodded in agreement with what Li Wuzhen said.

"Uncle Ye Yu, you haven't been promoted to Qipin. You're not sensitive to the changes of Tianji."

Xiao zhantian's face showed a dignified color and said in a deep voice, "in recent days, I often feel the dust in my heart."

"All the time, I thought someone wanted to be bad for me, but I didn't think"

Xiao zhantian's eyes were shrinking. "I didn't think it was a sign of great changes in the world!"

Xiao zhantian said, the living room, into a silence.

For a while, Ye Yu said in a deep voice, "no matter what, we should be ready for the great changes in the world!"

When ye Yu finished speaking, Li Wuzhen nodded, "you are right, younger martial brother! If you are prepared, you will be safe! "


in Xiao Zhan's eyes, "what kind of preparation should we make?"


Ye Yu's eyes glistened and he whispered.

"The great changes of heaven and earth will usher in turbulent times!"

"In the turbulent times, only strength is our most reliable dependence!"

Hearing the words, a light burst out from the eyes of Li Wuzhen.

Clap a table to exclaim, "say well!"

"Only when great power comes to itself can we become the strongest again, and go further and further!"

The sharp sword in his eyes is uncertain.

Li Wuzhen has been inspired by his words.

I wish I could dance with my sword at this moment. The sword Qi rises in the sky and breaks nine days and ten places!

"Master, you can pull it down!"

Xiao zhantian turned his mouth and pulled down the platform, saying, "now you are overdrawn!"

"If you want to recover, at least you have to calculate by year!"

Xiao zhantian pondered for a moment, and then said, "and I think the world is about to change!"

"When you are old again, the cauliflower is cold!"

"... Wu is really speechless.


the warm blood of Wuzhen is poured by the cold water of Xiao zhantian.

"Cough..." Li Wuzhen gave a dry cough. He did not know what to think of, and his eyes lit up immediately.

"By the way! There are still younger martial brothers! "

Li Wuzhen's eyes showed a happy color, "as long as you drink a bowl of congee, how can you make it up!"

"The loss of Qi and blood can be replenished, but what about the spirit?"

Xiao zhantian looks at Li Wuzhen. There is no light color on his face.

"This time your mental strength is overdrawn! It's not easy to recover! "

This time, Li Wuzhen is silent.

There is no good way for Li Wuzhen at the moment.

Because spiritual power is ethereal, different from the power of Qi and blood, it can also be supplemented by drugs.

Once the mental power is consumed excessively, the recovery time needed will be extremely terrible!

And there is no panacea for restoring mental strength!

I can only meditate and ascend slowly by myself.

And the world is about to change.

At that time, spiritual recovery will break out, and the world of practice will usher in a comprehensive prosperity!

It is the so-called "one step behind, one step behind".

If Li Wuzhen doesn't catch up with this wave in the first time.

Then monkey will be left far away by others!

For a long time, Li Wuzhen sighed and his face was lonely.

"Ah... Maybe that's life!"


the lonely color on Li Wuzhen's face gradually dissipated and replaced by a firm color.

"But I want to let Li Wuzhen admit defeat"


The sound of a sword started from Wu Zhen.

The shadow of green shadow sword flashes away at Liwu's side.

"The sword of heaven is the wave of fame!"

On one side, the voice of Ye Yu began to ring.

"Who says elder martial brother can't recover?"


Li Wuzhen and Xiao zhantian look at Ye Yu at the same time, "younger martial brother (martial uncle), do you have a way?"