Huang Shenghai screamed bitterly, and his ankle bone was crushed by Zhou Zhong. The pain made him convulse constantly, and his hands were hard to grasp the ground. But this is the concrete floor, and soon Huang Shenghai's hands are full of blood.

Zhou Zhong sneers, eyes incomparably vicious, again out of the foot.

This time, I stepped on Huang Shenghai's knee, click!

As before, the kneecap was crushed instantly, and Huang Shenghai fainted in pain after a scream.

Zhou Zhong lowered himself and quickly touched the acupoints on Huang Shenghai's back neck with his hand. Huang Shenghai woke up from the pain and faintness. At this time, his whole body was soaked with sweat. His whole body was paralyzed, and he was wearing thick gas.

Zhou Zhong sneered: "let you faint, what can't feel, isn't that too cheap for you?"

All the people in the room were scared by Zhou Zhong's venom. If they feel dizzy, they will be awakened again and continue to suffer. This This is the devil!

Zhou Zhong gave a grim smile, and his eyes fell on the remaining five instructors, saying word by word: "did you smoke my brother with a belt before? I will return them one by one! "

Several instructors were pale with fear, and felt that they were excited. A warm current overflowed from the crotch, and then trickled down the pants legs. They were scared to urinate.

Zhou Zhong frowned in disgust, went to the two instructors who had not been beaten by him, grabbed one of them by the arm and snapped.

The whole arm was directly broken, and a small arm bone was pierced out of the skin and exposed to the bright air.

"Ah The instructor fell on the ground in pain, like a fish thrown ashore, rolling constantly.

Then Zhou Zhong caught another drillmaster. The drillmaster was scared and was about to run. Zhou Zhong was just going to exert his strength. CLICK! This is more cruel than just now, and almost tore off the instructor's forearm.


In the small house, screams come and go, becoming a real hell on earth. But this time, the hell is no longer Guo Shiqiang and Bruce Lee, but Huang Shenghai and those instructors.

After breaking Huang Shenghai's arms, Zhou Zhong avenged Guo Shiqiang and Xiao Long, and dragged Guo Jie over like a dead dog. And then wake up his acupoints to wake him up.

Vaguely, Guo Jie opened his eyes, but when he saw the scene in front of him, he even thought that he would not open his eyes for the rest of his life.


Scream province constantly from the mouth of Guo Jie, in front of him Huang Shenghai lying on the ground, with a large pool of blood, legs and knees were trampled flat. Looking at the front, several other instructors are lying on the ground constantly pulling out, some people's bones even pierced the skin and flesh in the air.

This This is hell!

Week impatiently to its scold way: "OK, what is called, I did not break your bone again!"

Guo Jie saw Zhou Zhong next to him. He was scared to urinate.

"Mid week, you Why are you here? "

Zhou Zhong chuckled and said, "why, didn't you think I was here? I'll tell you now, I'm not only here, but I'm also responsible for them now! "

Although Guo Jie guessed it, he was still pale when he heard Zhou Zhong admit it.

"Mid week, you You're a capital punishment. You're dead! "

Zhou Zhong burst into laughter and glared at Guo Jie: "Guo Jie, who did you think I was doing this? It's not all you! Collude with Huang Shenghai to frame me for stealing arms, right? "

Guo Jie's face suddenly became cloudy and clear. He said: "Zhou Don't talk nonsense in the middle of the week. It has nothing to do with me! "

Huang Shenghai really wants to kill Guo Jie after hearing this. At this time, you don't admit it? It's none of your business. It's all my business, isn't it? Huang Shenghai is really can't move, even the strength to speak has no, otherwise must rush up to bite this goods.

Zhou Zhong is too lazy to talk nonsense with him. Now he admits that it is useless to frame himself. When things are at this point, there is no way back. Even if the truth is revealed, he has killed so many instructors. Can the state spare him?

Zhou Zhong is low beside Guo Jie and looks at him coldly.

Guo Jie was frightened and asked, "Zhou Zhong, you What are you doing? "

Zhou Zhong laughed, patted Guo Jie on the shoulder and said, "don't be afraid. I wanted to kill you, but now I've changed my mind."

"What do you want to do? If you let me go in the middle of the week, I will explain to my brother-in-law that he will not hold you responsible. " Guo Jie was naive at this time, thinking that his brother-in-law could handle this matter well, and he asked Zhou Zhongyang for help.

Zhou Zhong shakes his head and says that Guo Jie is really a useless dandy. Is he stupid or naive? This matter is beyond his brother-in-law's ability to handle. I'm afraid even his brother-in-law will soon be dealt with.

Zhou Zhong grabbed Guo Jie's hand and said word by word: "I wanted to kill you to relieve your anger, but now I think of a more calming way. That is to crush the bones of you and Huang Shenghai, and not let you die! I want to make you suffer severe pain every day, even every breath will be painfulAs soon as the voice fell, Zhou Zhong had begun to start, crushing Guo Jie's whole palm with a click.


Guo Jie, a rich man, who has suffered such pain? He kept howling, but his pain did not end. In the middle of the week, he crushed all the bones all over his body. Every time he felt dizzy, he would wake up and let him experience the greatest pain in his life all the time.

After dealing with playing Guo Jie, Zhou Zhongyou did the same thing and crushed Huang Shenghai's whole skeleton.

This kind of cruel means, frightens those instructor excrement urine air current, dense airtight room is filled with stench smell.

Zhou Zhong frowned and couldn't stay any longer. He came to Guo Shiqiang and Bruce Lee and said to them, "brother, I owe you this time. When you wake up, just tell me the truth. You don't have to hide what you know. I've written down this feeling in Zhou Zhong!"

With that, Zhou Zhong did not wait for Guo Shiqiang and Bruce Lee to open their mouths, and they directly touched their acupoints, and they fainted on the spot.

Then in the middle of the week, I checked their injuries. Bruce Lee's injuries are all skin and flesh. It's OK. Guo Shiqiang's side is the same. The only problem is that leg. With today's medical technology, even if it is connected, it can't walk normally.

Guo Shiqiang's massage was used to treat the fracture of the bone in the upper leg, and then combined with Zhenqi's manipulation.

After dealing with all this, Zhou stood up in the middle of the week, opened the window behind the small room, jumped out, and several breathing rooms had disappeared into the dark night.