Zhou Zhong said to Li Chao with a smile: "don't worry, I will handle it well."

Seeing Zhou Zhong's face of confidence, Li Chao thought that Zhou Zhong's character was impossible to suffer, so he didn't say anything.

"Come on, take me to the hospital to see your baby son." Zhou Zhong said to Guo Jie's parents with a smile.

It is said that Zhou Zhong can cure his son's injury. Guo Jie's parents are so happy that they ask Zhou Zhong to get on the bus and go to the hospital.

Zhou Zhong comforted his parents, then followed Guo Jie's parents to the hospital.

Guo Jie's family is not poor. He lives in the best hospital and ward in Jiangling city. Huang Shenghai is also in the spotlight. In order to bribe the Huang family to make trouble, Guo Jie pays Huang Shenghai's medical expenses.

At this time Guo Jie is a vegetable, lying in bed can not move, but fortunately can speak, conscious.

Seeing Zhou Zhong come in, Guo Jie's eyes turned red instantly and his face was full of indignation and roaring.

"Mid week! I will kill you! Kill you

Zhou Zhong frowned, turned directly and left. He said in a cold voice, "I never save my enemy. If I cure him, I will fight with me again."

Guo Jie's parents were in a hurry. They held Zhou Zhong tightly and said, "no, no, no! We will never do the right thing with you any more. Save my son. "

Guo Jie's father also denounced Guo Jie and said, "shut up

Guo Jie did not dare not listen to his father's, immediately shut his mouth, but when looking at Zhou Zhong, his eyes were still full of hatred.

The center of the week sneered, Guo Jie, since your family has been troubling me for several times, then I will not teach you a lesson. You really think that there is no one at home in Zhouzhong, so you can bully me?

"Ten million, I'll cure him!" Zhou Zhong said firmly.

"What? Ten million, that's too expensive! " Hearing the price, Guo Jie's parents immediately shook their heads and said they could not accept it.

Zhou Zhong said calmly: "why, isn't your son worth ten million? If you don't think it's worth it, you can do it. "

Two people hesitated for a while, Guo Jie's mother asked uneasily: "can you cure it first and then give money? If you can't cure it, we won't give it. "

Zhou Zhong simply nodded: "OK, you go out, don't let anyone in, I cure him, you give money."

"OK, Xiaojie, you should cooperate with the treatment, and your parents are waiting for you outside." There is no other way for Guo Jie's parents. They went to the best doctor and said that Guo Jie's injury could not be saved at all. Now is their only hope.

But Guo Jie has a shadow in his heart. How dare he stay in the same room alone with Zhou Zhong? Crying for his parents not to leave, but Guo Jie's parents went out.

Zhou Zhong locked the door and sneered at Guo Jie on the bed.

Guo Jie was frightened and asked, "Zhou Mid week, you What are you doing? "


Outside the ward, Guo Jie's parents were waiting anxiously. At this time, the hospital got the news and rushed to ask what was going on inside.

Guo Jie's parents said that they wanted someone to treat their son, which made the Dean angry and said angrily, "do you know what this is? How can you find someone to treat the injured at will? Who is responsible for something? Wait for someone to come out and you'll go. Our hospital doesn't accept patients like you! "

Guo Jie's parents realized that it was a very serious thing for them to do so, so they apologized to the president, but the president did not accept it at all and asked them to leave immediately.

As time went by, two hours passed before the bones of Guo Jie's body were connected. Because Guo Jie's injury was not long ago, he could go to the bottom, but he could not walk for a long time.

Guo Jie was also excited. He thought he was going to lie in the hospital bed all his life, but he didn't expect to have another day to stand up. Excited, he forgot to hate Zhou Zhong and stood up with the bed.

Zhou Zhong opened the door and said to Guo Jie's parents, "I have cured people."


At the door, Guo Jie's parents and the hospital's president and doctor couldn't believe it. They all rushed to the ward. When they saw Guo Jie standing on the ground with his whole body smashed fracture, they were deeply shocked.

"Come on! Arrange a general examination for the injured! "

The president said excitedly that he could know how serious Guo Jie's injury was. It was a wound that could not be cured by medicine now!

The doctors were busy and took Guo Jie for a comprehensive examination.

At this time in the middle of the week, he spent all his true Qi in his body. He sat on the side and quietly ran jiuxiao Yulong Jue. Guo Jie's parents were also anxiously waiting for the results of the examination. Two hours later, the Dean pushed the man back, and the look on his face was still unbelievable.

"The wounded Really good, the whole body skeleton has been connected! " The dean said strangely.

When Guo Jie's parents heard what the dean said, their heart finally came down, and their faces were filled with joy.

"Thank you very much, Dean." Guo Jie's parents said gratefully.Zhou Zhong also stood up at this time and said to Guo Jie's parents, "how about, can I take the money to leave now?"

Guo Jie's parents are not vague, took out 10 million cheques and handed them to Zhou Zhong, saying, "Zhou Zhong, this 10 million is for your diagnosis."

He took the check and said, "now that I've cured him, the hospital has no problems, right? If something happens to him in the future, don't look for it. "

Guo Jie's parents had a hospital examination, and then they had a bottom in their hearts. They nodded and said, "don't worry, we won't look for you."

With the assurance of Guo Jie's parents, Zhou Zhong left the hospital with a smile. Since you said that the Department of problems would come to me again, it would be easy.

Back home, his parents asked Zhou Zhong how things were going. Zhou Zhong told them not to worry, and he would solve it soon.

The next day, the Hospital VIP ward.

Guo Jie has to stay in the hospital for a few days. Anyway, their family is not poor. Sitting on the hospital bed, Guo Jie's eyes are full of bitterness and said: "Dad, mom, this can't be done. The boy in the middle of the week hurt me so badly. If I don't break his whole body, I can't swallow this breath!"

Guo Jie's parents were also a little moved by what they said. Yesterday, they even lost their head and gave Zhou Zhongqian money. Guo Jie was injured by him. Isn't it natural for him to cure him? How can you give him money? No, I can't.

Guo Jie's father said in a cold voice, "son, why do you say that?"

Seeing that his parents also agreed to revenge Zhou Zhong, Guo Jie said with a grim smile: "can't he fight? Well, we don't look for him. We can catch his parents and discount their legs! I think he is still arrogant! "

Guo Jie's father nodded his head and said, "OK, I'll call your brother-in-law and ask him to find some good skills to repair those two old guys."