Jiangling City, the eastern suburbs, where there are many factories, every day in and out of the truck is very busy.

On the side of the National Road, a seemingly ordinary factory has hidden secrets. A van drove into the garage of the factory. Two men got out of the car in silence and carried a coffin down.

"You wait here!" A middle-aged man with a moustache gave orders to the two men, then walked into the next factory building and came to the office area on the third floor.

"Wu Teng Jun, the big thing is bad!" The middle-aged man with a moustache walked into the room and said solemnly.

In such a large office, a figure is sitting behind the desk. If Zhou Zhong is here, he will be recognized. It is Wuteng Xiaozuo!

"Mr. Nishikawa, what makes you so flustered?" Taketo Xiaozuo looked at Nishikawa zhouzuo coming in and asked with a smile.

Nishikawa Chou walked quickly to his desk and said in a deep voice, "Mr. Wu Teng, Lord Nakajima, he Dead

"What?" Taketo Xiaozuo Meng stands up and looks shocked at Nishikawa zhouzuo.

"King Xichuan, what's going on here! How can Nakajima's strength die? "

"Killed! It's near the body store in the northern suburbs. " Xichuan zhouzuo said with red eyes.

"Take me to see the body!" With that, taketo came out from behind his desk, and Nishikawa showed him the way to the garage downstairs.

Wuteng Xiaozuo came to the coffin and carefully examined Nakajima's body. He said with great solemnity: "all the internal organs and six viscera were severely damaged. The fatal blow was that the cervical vertebra was broken. The strength of the other party is very strong!"

"Wu Teng Jun, the state of China sent such a master to Jiangling. Did they discover our plan?" Nishikawa asked with concern.

Wuteng Xiaozuo kept pacing on the ground. After pondering for a while, he suddenly gave a sneer and said triumphantly: "what if I found it? We have now developed the M-type virus, which has also spread to the students of Jiangling University. The spread of M-type virus is very fast. Soon the whole city of Jiangling will be covered by M-type virus, and then the whole country of China! Our great empire will be able to occupy China without any shortage of troops! "

Although it is not the first time to listen to this plan, but every time I hear it, Nishikawa Chou can not help but feel extremely excited. More than 70 years ago, they carried out a massacre in this city that shocked the whole world. Today, more than 70 years later, they are in this city again. What they want to do is greater than the last time and destroy the whole country of China!

Wuteng Xiaozuo was very proud at this time. He went outside the gate and looked at the sunny sky outside. Wuteng Xiaozuo confidently said: "the wheel of our empire's domination of the world has started, and no one can stop it! Even if they know what our plans are? Our base here, they can't find it

Nishikawa made a strong nod, and then asked Wuteng Xiaozuo: "Mr. Wu Teng, what about the corpse of Zhongdao adult?"

Takeo turned to the left and looked respectfully at Nakajima in the coffin and said to Nishikawa zhouzuo: "cremate the Lord Nakajima, and then take his ashes back to the great empire!"

"Hay!" Nishikawa nodded respectfully.

At this time, seeing the long sword in the coffin, he reached for it and touched it gently. He murmured, "I will stay with this sword and always remember the contribution of Nakajima to our empire!"


The Ministry of health of the people's Republic of China immediately reported a new virus to all the patients. It was also very powerful.

Knowing that the hospital was going to isolate all the students, Zhou Zhong knew that it was impossible to rely on these doctors, so he volunteered to say, "if the hospital can't be cured, I'll treat it."

"Brother Zhou, are you sure you can? You're very infected. Don't hear me Smile face some worry say.

Zhou said with a smile: "don't worry, I have checked those viruses before, I can cure them. If we want to use the virus to infect the whole country, it's not a big problem if we want to use the virus. If I cure these students now, they will not be able to spread the virus. "

Smiling face three people think it is really such a truth, if you can really contain the virus, say a bad word, even if they sacrifice their lives is worth it!

"Well, brother Zhou, I'll trouble you." Said with a smile.

Zhou Zhong wanted to go into the ward to treat the students. He immediately alerted the hospital and the police. The Dean shook his head and said, "this is not good! Now the doctors in our hospital have been forbidden to go in and out. Anyone who goes in will be infected by the virus. I am responsible for your life! "

Smiling face did not explain, he said to the Dean their identity before, and said solemnly: "Dean, now we are not asking for instructions, but ordering! We are carrying out the task, even if we sacrifice, we have to complete the task! Don't worry. I know you are worried that brother Zhou will bring out the virus when he comes out. This method is easy to solve. When brother Zhou comes out, you can give him a comprehensive examination to make sure that he doesn't have the virus. You can let him out again. "When the president listened to the smile, he talked about it, but there was no way. He was a member of the state secret service. He had to listen and nodded: "well, let this comrade wear isolation clothes, so it's safer."

Although Zhou Zhong was not afraid of the virus, he still put on the isolation suit according to his words to let the president rest assured.

Su Jing also ran over at this time, anxiously said to Zhou Zhong: "Zhou Zhong, you don't want to die? Do you dare to go in now? "

Zhou Zhong said with a smile to Su Jing, "I'm not wearing isolation clothes. Don't worry, it's not so easy to get infected. Besides, don't these doctors have to come in regularly to check on everyone? Doctors are also wearing isolation clothes. They are not afraid. My life is not so precious. "

With that, a man opened the corridor door and walked in without hesitation.

Now the whole corridor is sealed off, and more than 100 students are in these wards. There are four people in one ward. Zhou Zhong first finds Lin Lu's room, and Lin Lu is accompanied by three other girls. At this time, all four of them are in a coma, and their bodies are filled with various instruments and tubes.

Zhou Zhong quickly came to Lin Lu and checked Lin Lu's condition. It was the same as before. There was no danger to her life. Then she relieved herself and went to check on the other three.

But this week can be confused, frown, repeatedly check the body condition of three people, don't understand a way: "what's going on, why don't they have black gas in the elixir field?"

Before the middle of the week, I found a strange mass of black gas in Lin Lu Dan field. I thought that black gas had something to do with the virus. But now I checked the other three women and found that there was no black gas in their bodies.

Zhou left the ward, went to the ward next door, examined the other four people, and the three women, their Dantian also has no black gas!