China is having a headache about buying jade amulets, and other countries in the world are also paying attention to it. After all, the power of the jade talisman is too powerful, and it can threaten the powers. This kind of thing is even more troublesome than the nuclear bomb, so the major countries in the world have to make a careful judgment on this matter.

One of the most envious is the United States, the only superpower in the world since the collapse of the Soviet Union! Over the years, it has dominated the development direction of the world. Even weapons are led by the United States. Although science and technology are developed now, many people disdain some weapons, but you know, there are 224 countries and regions in the world, and no more than 20 countries can build warships! There are only five countries that can build intercontinental missiles! These things seem very common in China, but in the whole world, there are few that can be built independently!

As the only superpower, the United States has the highest number of arms sales in the world. Almost every country and region in the world is using the weapons and equipment built by the United States, that is, what the United States sells them, they can use what they can!

But now, there are people who dare to challenge the authority of the United States. Before the United States had jade amulets, they not only had the ability to produce large quantities of jade talismans, but also sold them to the outside world! Now all countries in the world are competing to buy, they all have, but the United States does not!

How could the US condescend to import other people's weapons?

In the conference room of the White House and the huge round table conference room, a group of American people in suits and big waists sat together, their faces were very angry.

"This is absolutely not allowed to happen! How dare someone challenge the authority and technical department of the United States? Can we develop the same thing? " A white and fat middle-aged man in the United States rolled his old face, patted the table and said, then turned his head to ask the middle-aged white man with glasses on the opposite side.

The middle-aged white man shook his head and said helplessly, "I'm sorry, Mr. President, we don't have such technology."

"No? Is that not going to research and development? What do we do with hundreds of billions of dollars in R & D every year? " White fat American president Jameson asked angrily.

"We can't research and development, and can't that group of mermaids develop it?" Asked Alden, the first adviser to the president of the United States, sitting next to Jameson.

The technology department with glasses shook his head and said, "they can only research and develop biotechnology. Yufu is obviously not biotechnology."

At this time, the defense adviser on the right side said in a deep voice, "I'm sorry, Mr. President, we can't reach the mermaid now."

"Can't reach the mermaid? What does that mean? " Jameson asked with a gloomy face. He was very angry because of the jade Fu, but now the mermaid family can't get in touch with him.

The national defense adviser said with a piece of information: "according to the information we have, the islands in the sea area where the Mermaids are located were bought away by a Chinese of Chinese nationality named Wang Liao. At present, the island is under construction. Since then, the mermaid people have cut off all contact with us. At present, they are unable to communicate with each other. We have sent some people to investigate before, but they have not returned yet. By the way, according to the situation under the control of the FBI, the actual controller of this island is a Chinese named Zhou Zhong. He was a member of the dragon spirit. He participated in the Congress with great strength. After the Congress, he robbed the artifact in front of the God of war. Now he is wanted by the state of China. The jade amulets sold by the West India and Myanmar came from this week. "

"Mid week?" Jameson's face was extremely gloomy, because his nephew Jameson died in the middle of this week! I didn't know the name of President michigawa when I was elected.

"Isn't the mermaid islands not for sale? How did it fall into the hands of that week? " Asked Jameson in a cold voice.

The national defense adviser said with a wry smile: "no way, they took advantage of the loophole, and our non-sale was not included in the law, it was only announced orally, so the local government has no right to prohibit sales. They first purchased the islands through the local people in the United States, and then the local people monopolized the islands to the Chinese of Chinese nationality Wang Liao, and the actual buyer was that week

"Wait!" Jameson suddenly stopped the defense advisor and asked in a deep voice, "do you mean Which island did Zhou Zhong build on? Are the jade amulets and genuine Qi bullets also on the island? "

"According to what we have, it's like this." The defense adviser nodded.

With a grim smile in his eyes, Jameson immediately ordered the first consultant around him: "you should immediately find a way to fill in the formalities of prohibiting the sale of the island, and then go to jackner island to take back the island! Deport them all! In this way, all the equipment on the island will be owned by us! "

After listening to Jameson's idea, the defense adviser stood up and said, "good! The island was originally owned by us in the United States and should be recovered. As long as we can find the production equipment, we will be able to copy it! "

"Well, I'll do it now!" Alden responded with the same look of excitement.

Two months later, after these years of development, the island has made rapid progress, and the whole island has completely changed.Although according to the shade of green trees, and in that piece of green trees, a piece of two-story, three-story white building, beautiful.

To the east of the island, a huge wharf has been built. There are three huge ships berthed on the wharf, all of which are loaded with goods, which are exported from the farm. In the past two months, the farm is on the right track. With the help of the spirit array in the middle of the week, the fish breeding speed and growth speed in all the farms are against the weather! Every day, we can catch and sell all kinds of precious fish of 100000 Jin. According to the average price of 300 yuan per Jin, the total daily sales is 30 million yuan!

In addition to the breeding industry, Zhou Zhong also opened a medicine shop in the plain area under the mountain, specializing in the cultivation of rare medicinal materials, and the auxiliary group of Juling array. The growth was gratifying, and the quality of the medicinal materials was higher than that of the wild ones!

The advantage of wild medicinal materials is that they are wild, and the soil has enough aura to supplement, so the quality is good. These herbs are supplemented by the spirit gathering array. They absorb more aura than the wild herbs, so their natural quality is better.

In the middle of the week, there is a lack of money. It is necessary to spend money on building islands everywhere. So many people spend a lot of money on food and drink every day. Zhou Zhong plans to use these herbs to make medicines and set up a pharmaceutical company to promote the economic development of the island. And after two months of hard work, now there are ten Yufu production lines! There are 18 production lines for air bullets, and the production speed has been greatly improved!

However, the airport was not built on jekyna island. Gao Meiyuan got a professional survey team to carry out environmental protection assessment, and built the airport on the Bote Island, which is 10 kilometers away from jackner Island, which is the third largest island in the whole archipelago.

In the middle of the week, I was checking the growth progress of the herbs in the medicine shop. Two warships on the sea were sailing towards the island from afar, just like two giant beasts.