"Secretary Wang, commander Li, Hello, and I'm glad to see you again." Secretary Wang of Zhou Zhonghe and commander Li shook and said with a smile.

The two introduced Lin Lu and Zhu Qingyi respectively, and then their eyes fell on the sun god bird on Lin Lu's shoulder.

Secretary Wang's face became more serious and said, "the abnormality of the national dragon vein is very important to the country! On behalf of my country, I would like to thank you in the middle of the week! Secretary Wu wanted to see you in person, but yesterday he went abroad because of the busy state affairs. Before going abroad, secretary Wu specially told me that he must thank you very much. "

Zhou Zhong said solemnly: "Secretary Wang is serious. As a Chinese child, Zhou Zhong's duty is to work for the country. Now the Sunbird has come back, but how to get the blood? I promised the Bonnie patriarch of sun your tribe that he would be kind to the sun god bird, so I didn't want to hurt it

Commander Li then said with a smile: "Zhou Zhong, you don't have to worry about this matter. We'll go to Dr. Edward. He has his own way to get blood."

"Dr. Edward?" Dr. Zhou's smile is not reliable. Yufu and Zhenqi bullets can be mass-produced, which can be attributed to Dr. Edward. Dr. Edward came to collect the blood of the sun god bird. Zhou Zhong was very relieved.

"Let's go now." He had not seen Dr. Edward for a long time.

"Well, commander Li, let's go and deal with the matter as soon as possible, and let them go to rest earlier in the middle of the week. It must be tiring to go back and forth these days." Secretary Wang Youcai said with great concern.

So a group of people took the elevator to the underground laboratory. Dr. Edward was informed and rushed out to meet him. His hair was in a mess. I didn't know what experiment he was doing just now.

"Oh, Zhou, you are back!" When Dr. Edward saw Zhou Zhong, he burst into laughter and patted him on the chest.

The week immediately a black line said: "the old man, if you this to the woman this, certainly will die very miserably."

"You're not a woman. You don't pretend to be reserved here." Dr. Edward had a bad look at Zhou Zhong.

At the next moment, Dr. Edward's eyes were immediately attracted by the sun god bird on Lin Lu's shoulder.

"Is this the Sunbird? Show it to me quickly Dr. Edward was very anxious to say.

Lin Lu looked at Dr. Edward with some vigilance. She really felt that the old man was not a good man. He was crazy and couldn't help looking at Zhou Zhong.

Zhou Zhong said to Lin Lu with a smile, "show it to the doctor."

Li Lu didn't worry when she spoke in the middle of the week. She gave Dr. Edward the Sunbird. She thought the bird would resist. However, Dr. Edward took out a flashlight like object to shine at the sun god bird. The sun god bird immediately showed a spirit of enjoyment.

In the middle of the week, he felt that the torch like thing sent out a dark air, and nodded in secret. He was worthy of Dr. Edward. He had already thought of how to deal with the sun god bird in advance.

"Go, I'll get the blood."

Dr. Edward spoke to several people in the middle of the week, then turned and walked to the laboratory.

Dr. Edward went into the lab by himself, then closed the door, and a few people could only watch out of the big glass in the middle of the week. Dr. Edward put the Sunbird in an instrument, and then the bright red blood began to appear in the cup of the instrument. The Sunbird stood in the instrument without any excessive reaction, as if it was not sucking its blood.

When he had enough blood, Dr. Edward took the Sunbird out and gave it back to Lin Lu, saying, "OK, you can take it away."

Lin Lu kept observing the sun god bird, especially the steps. He was afraid that the foot of the sun god bird was pricked under the instrument to take blood, but it seemed that there was no wound.

Seeing Lin Lu's puzzled appearance, Dr. Edward immediately said with a smile: "ha ha, are you curious? My machine can extract blood according to the micro cells without cutting the wound. How about it, isn't it fierce? "

Lin Lu and Zhu Qingyi both felt very novel. They did not expect that there were so many advanced things in this small basement.

"Well, we won't disturb your scientific research. Let's go first." Zhou Zhonghe said hello to Dr. Edward, and then they left the underground laboratory. When they got back to the ground, Secretary Wang Youcai went back to his official business. Commander Li immediately arranged to send people to Longmai with the blood of the sun god bird. Zhou Zhong and his party arranged to invite Yang Huming to find accommodation for them.

But Zhou Zhong didn't want to stay in the capital. They didn't return home for such a long time. Zhou Zhong wanted to go back to Jiangling city to have a look. Lin Lu was the same. She never went home since she left Jiangling last time. But Zhu Qingyi wants to go back to Zhonghai. The green shadow Gang still has a lot of business in Zhonghai.

Instead of letting Yang Huming arrange, the three men bought tickets to Zhonghai and Jiangling, arranged to go back to see each other, and then gathered together to return to the island.When Zhou Zhonghe and Lin Lu landed at Jiangling airport by plane, Zhou Zhong was more excited. This is his hometown. He hasn't come back for so long.

"Will you come back with me in the middle of the week?" Lin Lu took Zhou Zhong's hand and said to him.

Zhou Zhong pondered for a while and felt that it was not right to go back with Lin Lu or not. If we go back with Lin Lu, Lin Lu's family will certainly have a big dinner party when they see Lin Lu coming back, and Han Li will also go back. Han Li has not been contacted for a while in the middle of the week? But if he doesn't go back with Lin Lu, and Lin Lu goes home to have a big dinner party, Han Li is sure to attend. He can't ask Han Li out alone.

"Why don't you go home and I'll come back later in the evening." Zhou Zhong thought for a while and thought that before meeting Han Li at the banquet, he should go to find Han Li first.

"OK, I'll go home first." Lin Lu simply smiles and nods.

Zhou Zhong called a taxi. Lin Lu suddenly dropped the window of the car and said to Zhou zhongzhao, "Zhou Zhong, say hello to my cousin for me and let her come home for dinner at night."

Looking at the back of the taxi, Zhou Zhong's old face was so shy. He didn't expect that Lin Lu could see through his careful thinking. It was also a shame.

Fortunately, Lin Lu didn't seem angry. Zhou Zhong himself stopped a taxi and headed for the city, then called Han Li.

These days, Han Li has been operating her own antique shop. Through reform, Han Li's antique shop has become the most popular antique shop in the country. Han Li has also set up an online shop specially. Customers all over the country can buy antiques online, but the freight is very expensive. Han Li and the largest logistics company in Jiangling city have reached a cooperation, and their family's production Products in the transport process to specialist care.

The largest logistics company in Jiangling City, which is owned by Lin Jianye, naturally takes great care of Han Li.