Chapter 1015

Seeing that Zhou Zhong was in a trance, Zheng Cang thought that he was tired all the way, so he said with a smile, "Mr. Zhou, I've got people ready for the room. Go back and have a rest. Don't worry about the war. Take your time."

"Well, please, general Zheng! "Zhou Zhong and others came out of Zheng Cang, and soldiers took them to their rooms to rest. After walking for so many days, she finally had a good rest. Zhuo and Yao were very happy.

Zhou Zhong went back to his room and began to think about the next strategy. First of all, Zhou Zhong must not look at the earth, and then he was defeated under his own eyes. Secondly, now that you are in the camp of Tianjing continent, Zhouzhong doesn't want to let Tianjing land suffer too much. It's better to find the people who find the earth quickly and know how to go back to earth.

In the evening, Zheng Cang held a banquet in the army to entertain Zhou Zhong and his party. Zhou Zhong and others are experts sent by Tianjing mainland. This new force can make their army more powerful, so the officers and men are naturally very welcome.

After another night's rest, the next morning, Zheng Cang called several people from Zhouzhong and took them to the ammunition depot.

"In the middle of the week, did you have a good rest last night? Keep your spirits up. It's time for you to show off your strength soon Zheng Cang said with a laugh.

Hearing this, yuan xinglie was quite excited and asked, "general Zheng, are you going to attack the enemy?"

Zheng Cang nodded with a smile on his face and said, "yes, tomorrow! Today, we're going to the armory to show you the gift I prepared for the earth gang. "

Zhou Zhong and others followed Zheng Cang to the armory, where the guards were very strict. When soldiers saw Zheng Cang coming, they immediately saluted.

Looking at the weapon box in charge of the city, the officer opened it and saw that it was in order. Although these siege equipment and Dr. Edward's artillery can not be compared, but the number of ah. Moreover, the power of these siege equipment can reach the concentration period, and the power of successive bombing in the past is also amazing.

Zhou Zhong has now learned something about the earth. There are a lot of things on the other side of the earth, but the quality is low. Isn't that right? Once these siege weapons are launched, I'm afraid that most of them will be killed or injured.

Zheng Cang looked at these siege equipment, just like the wolf saw the meat, the coyote saw the beauty, said with high spirits: "tomorrow you will go out with me, this time say what also want to take Shangyuan stronghold!"

When they came back from the military fire depot, yuan xinglie and others were all excited. They were selected by Tianxiao Pavilion. They went to the space battlefield to kill the enemy and make contributions. Now the opportunity has finally come. Of course, they are happy.

But Zhou Zhong is sad, how to do? Tomorrow, Zheng Cang will lead his troops to attack the stronghold of Shangyuan on the earth. Judging from this posture, it is estimated that Shangyuan stronghold is more or less ominous this time, but he doesn't know what to do.

"Brother Zhou, are you ok?" Since she was rescued by Zhou Zhong last time, Zhuo Yao has always had an unspeakable feeling about Zhou Zhong. She often cares about Zhou Zhong. At this time, everyone is very happy and looks forward to tomorrow's war. Only Zhou Zhong looks worried and doesn't know what he is worried about.

Zhou Zhong recovered his look and said with a smile, "I'm ok. I'm going to fight tomorrow. Let's go back to practice hard and adjust our state."

"Yes All of a sudden, everyone turned positive and said in unison that Zhou Zhong was the real leader in their heart now.

As night fell, the red sun in the sky faded until it completely lost its light. The space battlefield at night is really a sleeping beast, silent but dangerous.

On the wall of Heshan stronghold, a figure flew over the city wall in an instant while two soldiers on the night watch did not pay attention.

"Well? What passed just now The tall and thin soldier suddenly turned around vigilantly and asked with dignity.

The fat soldier next to him looked at it and said with derision, "did you steal a drink at night? If you drink too much, there will be no one. "

The tall and thin soldiers went to the front of the city wall and looked at it for a long time, but he didn't find any figures. Fat soldier impatiently came to urge: "OK, OK, don't be nervous, let's go."

The tall and thin soldier had to follow the fat soldier.

Zhou Zhong stood under the city wall, the whole person pasted on the wall, heard the footsteps on the wall gradually away, Zhou Zhong just showed a smile, and then quickly left the wall, the figure disappeared in the dark.

This is the front line, so the Tianjing land is very close to the earth's stronghold. It has been calculated in the middle of the week. If you want him to move forward at full speed, you can get there in four hours from Heshan stronghold to Shangyuan stronghold on earth! If you want him to move faster, he can get back to his room before dawn. All this can be done without knowing.

Zhou out of the stronghold, the speed to the extreme, four hours, finally came to the stronghold of Shangyuan. The scenery here is no different from that of Tianjing mainland, but the stronghold is too small and the city wall is too low, which is a few grades lower than Heshan stronghold.

If you look at the soldiers on the wall of the city, they are much lower in strength, but there are a lot of them.

Shaking his head, Zhou Zhongli sighed: "with this strength, it's really impossible to prevent it. Tomorrow, Zheng Cang will have to bomb the siege equipment for two rounds. It is estimated that this stronghold will be razed to the ground."Zhou Zhong looked dignified, and then lingered for half a sound. Looking at the sky, it was already late. If he didn't go back, he might be found. So Zhou Zhong approached the wall of Shangyuan stronghold. With a flick of his hand, a ball of paper was popped up. After all this, Zhou quickly turned away and disappeared in the night.

On the wall of the night watchman was suddenly hit by a paper ball, and immediately angrily scolded.

"Who the hell is it? Who's down there? "

When he called out, soldiers on the wall surrounded one after another, and the huge searchlights shone down on them, but there was no room below.

"No one. What is this?"

The soldiers opened the paper group, which wrote the strength of Heshan stronghold, the number of siege equipment, and the time of attacking Shangyuan stronghold!

Seeing this, the soldiers did not dare to neglect them, so they went to report to the general.

The guard General of Shangyuan stronghold is a state-level general, which is equivalent to the three-star general on the mainland side of Tianjing. Get the soldier's reward, immediately read the note.