Chapter 2233

"Listen to me, if you want to cross this cave, you must work together. You must not harm people's heart, or you will die! I swear here that I will never frame up my teammates. I have the same idea as me to form a team with me The young man who called Li long stood up and yelled.

"I promise I won't frame my teammates!" So some people came out to form a team with him.

At the same time, the fifteen men attacked the cave together.

At first, a few people to cooperate very well, but I don't know why suddenly 15 people at the same time to the other hand! Fifteen people were killed by the regiment immediately!

Everyone was stunned. It's not unity. It's like 15 chicken thieves. They say they don't harm each other, but they defend each other in their hearts. They end up killing each other at the same time.

Zhou Zhong was watching the group of people trying to pass the test. He immediately felt that the star was really interesting. It was not an ordinary contest. It was a test of people's hearts!

The first test is courage, the second test is strength, the third test is unity and trust! It's easy for a group of people to unite to go through the cave, but as long as one person has a crooked heart, it will be extremely difficult to pass the cave!

"Lu Gang, how many teams should we form?" Wang Mang said to Lu Gang at this time.

GUI Yi said with a gloomy face: "do you think I can believe you? Can you believe me? "

Lu Gang snorted: "I don't trust you, and you won't trust me, but I'm sure you don't want to die, right? If you don't want to die, I will accompany you on a trip. If you want to die, everyone will die together. No one can escape anyway! "

Luo yue'e said with a giggle: "it's still what elder martial brother Lu said. We don't want to die. It doesn't matter whether we believe or not. If someone really wants to die, it's even if the little girl thinks it's bad luck. "

Several people see Luo Yuee a woman to dare to go with them, that also said what? So the top ten stars will directly form a team and walk towards the cave.

All of them stopped discussing and watched how the ten stars would cross the cave.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Cave attack, ten stars will one person against one attack all block, and then continue to walk toward the cave.

We can't see the scene inside, but after waiting for more than 20 minutes, there was no scream or anything like that. It seems that they have passed the cave.

After being inspired, some people began to propose: "did you hear what Lu Gang said just now? Everyone has seen the power of this cave. As long as someone has a different mind, everyone will die! For their own small life, we must medicine unity! Now reorganize the team, each team only needs 10 people, can withstand the cave attack, so that there are no idle people in the team, and there is no need to worry about being betrayed. "

When you think about it, ten people will persuade you to fight against the attack of the cave, and you won't have any wrong ideas.

People began to form a team into the cave, when ye Rong said in a cold voice: "everyone listen! If anyone dares to form a team with the traitors of zhanxingzong, it's the enemy of zhanxingzong. It's my Ye Rong's enemy. After crossing the cave, I will not spare him! "

This group of people and this group of people have heard this sad words!

A few people just want to pull Zhou Zhong to form a team together. After all, the strength shown before the middle of the week is not bad. But when ye Rong said this, they all turned around and left. They didn't want to offend Ye Rong just because of one week.

Zhou Zhong frowned. Ye Rong seemed to want to kill her!

Ye Rong and they have found a team and successfully entered the cave. Zhouzhong is waiting for all the people around to enter the cave one by one, and only one person is left in Zhouzhong!

"Can't one go through the cave alone?" Zhou Zhong stood in front of the cave and said in a cold voice that he would not go back in the middle of the week. No matter how dangerous the road ahead is, he would level off the danger!

Zhou took out the axe, and then slowly turned around the hole, and then the faster and faster, the whole person became a tornado and directly rushed into the cave.

Whoosh! Whoosh!