Chapter 3997

Seeing Zhou's transition, the blood tiger immediately jumped into the air, took out a dark dart from behind, and flew toward Zhou Zhong.

Everyone didn't expect that the blood tiger would plot against Zhou Zhong.

Zhou Zhong was hit by a sudden dark dart and fell to the ground.

"Mid week." White mirror rushed over immediately and helped up the mouth full of blood in the week.

"Boss." The fat man and everyone reacted, ran over immediately, and watched the blood tiger warily.

"A bunch of idiots." Blood tiger sneered, looking at the dying week, heart very happy.

I thought that just now I knelt down to beg for mercy, but I was the second leader of the blood soul sect. How could I beg for mercy with such people.

"I'll fight with you." The fat man looked at the blood tiger, and his eyes revealed his intention to kill.

"By you?" Blood tiger carefully observed the fat man and found that there was no energy in his body.

Fat man knows that he is not the opponent of blood tiger at all, but when he sees that he is beaten in the middle of the week, he is furious.

Chen Mo also looks at the blood tiger angrily. When he wants to rush up, the blood tiger takes the lead.

In an instant, black fog floated over.

The whole ground was crumbling, and the white mirror quickly helped Zhou Zhong up.

At this time, the ground began to collapse, white mirror and others, unable to walk in the vortex.

"Go to hell, all of you!" Look at the ferocious expression of the tiger.

See, blood tiger releases energy, black smoke billows behind him, the ground at the foot of Zhou Zhong's group, collapse instantly.

Before Zhou Zhong and others had time to run away, they fell in one after another and were buried underground.

After the little brothers of blood soul gang saw it, they immediately ran to the blood tiger with a flattering face.

"The heroism of the second master."

Blood tiger haughtily raised his head, a smile.

"They want to kill me? They're all losers. " The blood tiger looked at the slowly calming ground and felt very relieved.

"Of course, the bravery of the second leader is obvious to all." The little brother beside the blood tiger nodded and continued.

When Xuehu heard this, he was very happy. He turned around and patted his younger brother on the shoulder.

My younger brother thought that although the blood soul Gang is not as powerful as before, it is still powerful. I don't know where the big leader is. Sooner or later, the second leader of blood tiger will become the big leader.

At this time, if you can make yourself develop into a blood tiger's confidant, then the position of the second in charge may also be his.

"Second in charge, I would like to follow you all my life." My little brother bent over in a leisurely way and knew his goal in his heart.

"This is the best way. This is the ancient tomb. Although we haven't found the tomb door, we can make one ourselves. Do you know what I mean?" Blood tiger said to look at the side of the younger brother.

"The little one understands." The younger brother nodded repeatedly, thinking, there is no tomb door, blow out a can not.

"Small, here's the dynamite." Little brother said, immediately ran back to the car, ready to help blood tiger blow up the door of the tomb.

The blood tiger looked at the younger brother holding the explosive to run over and nodded happily.

"Be careful. There are magic tools and treasures in the tomb. If it's blown up, I'll ask you." Blood tiger said, eyes sharp looking at, is lowering the head buried explosives of several people.

"Boom" a loud noise, blood tiger they were choked by smoke can't open their eyes.

"Why so much smoke." The blood tiger squinted and roared.

"Second leader, it's not here. It has to be fried." The younger brother looked at the place just exploded and found that it was not an ancient tomb, and his heart was constantly complaining.

"His grandmother's, go on." Blood tiger vomited and said in a loud voice.

At this time, the underground Zhou Zhong Group heard the explosion and woke up from coma.

"We're not underground, are we?" The fat man looked at the dark around, only a glimmer of light, suddenly flustered.

"What do you say?" Chen Mo shook his head helplessly, thinking that the fat man is really stupid. It is so obvious that the facts in front of him are still being asked.

When Bai Mingjing wakes up, the first thing is to look for Zhou Zhong.

Because after falling, their hands were released.

"Not here in the middle of the week, is it with you?" White mirror touched around, found no shadow of the week.

"The boss is still injured!" The fat man quickly squatted up and began to feel around him.

The fat man suddenly touched a hand and carefully touched it. It was Zhou Zhong.

"Here's the boss." The fat man called everyone over at once.

Zhou is still unconscious, lying in the same place, his dark dart is full of blood.

"Pull out this dart After Jiawei came, he saw the dark dart and said firmly.

Jiawei took out some herbs from the silver bottle and immediately put them into his mouth to chew.

"I'll pull it out. You stop bleeding." When Chen Mo sees it, he knows that the fat man can't bear it, and Jiawei has to stop bleeding, so he squats beside Zhou Zhong.Without hesitation, Chen Mo grabs the dart and nods to Jiawei.

Chen Mo pulls out immediately, and the blood spurts out suddenly.

Jiawei quickly spread the chewed herbs on Zhou's wound.

Chen Mo looks at the dark dart in his hand and feels a little strange.

"Is this dart poisonous?" Chen Mo asks Jiawei curiously.

Jiawei saw that he had not woken up in the middle of the week and began to worry.

"No poison, but I didn't wake up in the middle of the week." Gareth watched for the middle of the week.

It was found that blood was being lost in the middle of the week, and the energy in the body was slowly being swallowed up.

"No, the blood tiger used it." Jiawei suddenly thought of something and looked at everyone in despair.

"What's the matter? Don't scare us." When Bai Mingjing heard this, his body began to tremble and his mind was full of Zhou Zhong.

She thought that if Zhou Zhong died and she didn't want to live, the dark dart should be inserted into her body.

"What's going on?" The fat man also lowered his head and asked anxiously.

Jiawei sighs and shakes his head helplessly.

"Blood tiger, the trick is too vicious. He can actually penetrate his strength into his body. There is no poison on the dark dart, but it is more powerful than poison. " Jiawei opened his mouth and explained that he felt very guilty.

He didn't expect that the blood tiger could use the dark dart to deliver his power. Now, the energy in Zhou Zhong's body has been swallowed up. If he doesn't pay close attention to the treatment, he will lose his life.

"What shall we do? You can't just stay here The fat man thought Jiawei was going to give up, so he said quickly.

"He's losing a lot of blood in the middle of the week. Give him more blood." After Jiawei saw the fat man, he thought of a way.

After fat man hears, immediately send force, instantly change an energy group.

Zhou's body also began to absorb crazily.

Gawai looked at the middle of the week and felt that he had not changed at all.

It turns out that the speed of fat people's blood addition is not as fast as that of the week.

The fat man still insisted that he would wake up in the middle of the week, but he was in a coma.