Chapter 4041

"This... How could this be possible?" Bai Mingjing looks at Pang Feiming, who is bleeding. He can't believe that for a man like Pang Hao, Pang Feiming can give his life.

Obviously, he is such a dandy, greedy for life and afraid of death.

"Why are you doing this? You know he's already dead. " Bai Mingjing looks at Pang Feiming, who is dying, and is puzzled.

Pang Feiming tried to smile, involving the wound bleeding more fierce: "you won't understand, I have only... I have this one family member."

"I don't want to... Don't want to live alone in this world."

"Jiawei, you stop the bleeding and let Chengwei take it away." Zhou Zhong ordered Jiawei to treat his injury. He took Wang Wei and Chen Mo to continue to track Pang Hao. Now, he should not run far.

But who knows Zhou Zhonggang is about to turn around, but Pang Feiming jumps up directly and hugs Zhou Zhong's waist, making Zhou Zhong hard to move.

"What are you doing? Let go! If you go on like this, you will die! "

Looking at his clothes dyed red gradually, Zhou Zhong could see that Pang Feiming was seriously injured. As soon as he moved, the wound would crack and bleed continuously.

"In the middle of the week, I told you that I was in charge of all this... It had nothing to do with Pang Hao."

"It's me... I've come up with an idea for man-made men to destroy tianque city."

"I helped him disguise as the city Lord and house arrest the people in the city..."

"it's all my idea. If you want to kill, you can just... Please let my father go."

Pang Feiming said that he was extremely breathless, but did not hear Zhou Zhong let go of his mouth. He still did not release himself and tightly held his hands.

Looking at Pang Hao's shirt, he was deeply touched.

Pang Feiming was at the end of his tether. He let go of his hand and fell down again without breath. In the end, he did not close his eyes.

Zhou Zhong lowered his body, closed his eyes for him and said in a low voice: "karma, one person should be the one who does things. You, go all the way. "

With that, Zhou Zhong takes Chen Mo, Wang Wei and Pang Zi to search in four directions. Several people agree to take the signal cigarette as the number. Whoever finds Pang Hao will ring the signal cigarette.

But Pang Hao could be anything. They searched for it for a long time in the middle of the week, but nothing was found. Looking at different faces from all directions, Zhou Zhong couldn't help thinking deeply.

"Captain, what are we going to do? There's no clue. " They searched for two days in a row, but they couldn't find it any more. Almost every place in tianque city was found, but Pang Hao seemed to be missing, and there was no trace.

Chen Mo also said, "yes, when can we go after this? Are we going to fata? "


there is no way to find Pang Hao in the middle of the week. If you want to find Pang Hao, you can only let Pang Hao show himself, or no one can catch him.

Now the question is, "how can he show himself?"

Zhou Zhonghe and Bai Mingjing look at the information in Shan Junbo's hand, and think of Pang Feiming, who is dead to the core, and have an idea in his heart.

On the next day, a message came out of the city. There was a picture of Pang Feiming on the notice, and it was noted below: see you in zizhulin in three days.

Ordinary people don't understand what it means, but Pang Hao knows what it means. He knows that Pang Feiming fell into Zhou Zhong's hands in order to save him.

If he can't be seen within three days, Pang Feiming will be executed. If he doesn't want his son to die, he has to keep the appointment.

After deformation, Pang Hao, wearing a big straw hat, looked at the photos on the notice and clenched his fist tightly.

And Zhou Zhong and others just think that if Pang Feiming can die for Pang Hao, then hope Pang Hao is not so inhumane.

Fortunately, the emperor did not bear the painstaking efforts, Zhou Zhong in the purple bamboo forest, etc. to restore the real Pang Hao.

"And my son?" Pang Hao turned his head and looked around. He didn't find Pang Feiming's shadow. He had to look at Zhou Zhong and stare at him.

Zhou Zhong took out an urn and looked at Pang Hao: "in order to save you, he gave his young life."

"What? How could it be? " Pang Hao is not willing to admit this fact. "My son is still so young, how can it be? If you say no, it's gone."

"You're sorry." Zhou Zhong handed the urn to him. "You should confess your guilt quickly, or your son will die in vain."

Pang Hao took the urn, gently put it on the ground, and then without saying a word, he rushed directly towards Zhou Zhong.

"You murderer, I will avenge my son!"

Zhou Zhong looked at Pang Hao's red eyes and said: "if I win, you have to obey the law."

Pang Hao didn't eat it: "don't think about it! Today I'm going to pay you off with blood. "After that, Pang Hao's action became more fierce. With one punch and one blow, they all went straight to Zhou Zhong's fatal point, and Zhou Zhong didn't dare to neglect him any more. Bai Mingjing waited outside the purple bamboo forest, but they didn't know Pang Hao had come in for a while.

Gradually, Pang Hao's physical strength is more and more unsustainable, can only drag, avoid positive contact.

Zhou Zhong was thinking about how to capture him alive and hand him over to Shan Junbo. After a stupefied effort, Pang Hao's eyes lit up: "son!"

Zhou Zhong looked behind him. At that moment, Pang Hao slapped Zhou Zhong on the back. Zhou Zhong was in a coma.

"Captain? Captain? Where are you? " Pang Hao just wanted to reach out. As a result, Zhou Zhong heard the voice of the white mirror not far away.

So Pang Hao dragged Zhou Zhong to the Bush beside him. He turned into Zhou Zhong and limped towards the white mirror.

"Spiegel... I'm here."

As soon as Bai Mingjing saw that "Zhouzhong" was injured, he met him anxiously. Holding "Zhouzhong" he was about to go outside.

"Is Pang Hao here?"


"Then he ran away again?"

"Yes, he's too hard to catch." Pang Hao leaned on Bai Mingjing's shoulder and looked at the urn in his hand: "Mingjing, do you have any medicine? I'm in pain...

looking at the pathetic "Zhouzhong", Bai Mingjing felt his vulnerability for the first time. Without saying a word, he let go of "Zhouzhong" and squatted down to find medicine.

But she did not find, "Zhou Zhong" after she squatted down, raised the dagger in her hand.