Chapter 4188

The eagle king died miserably, and the other disciples of the golden sword sect lost their desire to fight. The tree fell down and the monkeys ran away.

The ghost good wants to pursue, is stopped by Zhou Zhong.

"The poor bandits should not be chased. Let's go back and report the news. We will wait for the enemy to come and kill them one by one."

Zhou's extraordinary strength makes Lin Siyu flatter him even more.

At the same time, the king of the golden sword sect is in the ice tower God sect. He finds his master long Tianxiao and inquires about Zhou Zhong's whereabouts.

"Master, do you have the whereabouts of that boy?"

Long Tianxiao replied: "Liu Feng, Zhou Zhong has already gone to the dark dreamland. You have gone for nothing."

Heavenly King: "master, don't worry. Even if the boy escapes into the dark, I will kill him. When he resurrects in the dark space, we will destroy him completely! "

Long Xiaotian's eyes flashed: "I had a hard time pulling a relationship and accepted seven princes to be his apprentice."

"I wanted to support him as king. In the future, our teachers and disciples could regard him as valuable. But I didn't expect to be killed by Zhou Zhong on the way."

"He killed the respected seven princes. How can I go to heaven tower kingdom? Disciple, we will not have a good time in the ice tower God sect in the future. "

"So you must kill him! Let the Tianta Kingdom see our attitude, which is also an account. "

The king of heaven knelt on one knee and assured long Tianxiao, "master, that week was just a little disciple who had just entered the sect. I will kill Zhou Zhong and recover your face."

Long Tian Xiao waved his hand and asked him to step back: "go now, kill Zhou Zhong as soon as possible, and solve the trouble in my heart."

"Obey your teacher's instructions!" the king of heaven accepted

The king of heaven got up and said goodbye to his master. He rushed back to the dark dreamland to find Zhou Zhong's whereabouts.

After returning to the base camp of the golden sword gang in the dark dreamland, the heavenly king summoned the eagle king, but he was told that the eagle king was not there.

"The eagle king is not here? It's up to you to do it. Check the whereabouts of a great enemy. This man is called Zhou Zhong. By the way, I'll find out what the identity of Yingzun is. I dare to fight against my golden sword Gang! "

"My subordinates, you can see it! I'm sure you'll succeed. "

This subordinate left soon, another subordinate came down.

"Newspaper The king of heaven, Zhao Kun, disciple of the ice tower God sect, asked to see him. "

The king of heaven wondered, "what are the disciples of ice tower God sect doing to our golden sword sect? Do they want to take control of the golden sword Gang? I will never agree to it

The king of heaven asked his subordinates to go down and invite Zhao Kun. Zhao Kun soon came to the king of heaven.

Zhao Kun exchanged greetings: "king of heaven, you and I came out of the icetower together. We are brothers of the same school. Today we are lucky to see each other."

The king of heaven thought complex, he did not have a good face, straight to the point and asked: "younger martial brother, what do you mean here?"

Zhao Kun didn't expect him to be so direct The king of heaven, younger martial brother, I come to the dark dreamland. It's not the order of the sect that I come to your golden sword Gang to seize power. It's a private matter. "

After listening to Zhao Kun's words, the heavenly king's face lightened a lot.

"There's something I can do for you, younger martial brother, but it's OK to say so."

Zhao Kun explained his intention: "king of heaven, I want to use the power of your golden sword Gang to help me find out an enemy. He is nicknamed Yingzun."

In the heart of the king, Zhao Kun has a grudge against Yingzun? What's more, qihuazong didn't deal with Yingzun.

In an instant, the king had a plot in his heart.

He agreed to Zhao Kun's request: "younger martial brother, I will help you with this matter. I will send someone to check the whereabouts of Yingzun. I'll let you know as soon as I hear from you

After thanking the king, Zhao Kun went down to have a rest.

In the heart of the king of heaven, a plan has been made.

Since they have hatred among the three parties, it is better for him to invite the three parties to sit down together and let qihuazong and Zhao Kun inquire about the real and the virtual of xiayingzun for themselves.

When he thought of it, he sent his staff to send invitation cards to qihuazong, Zhao Kun and Zhouzhong.

In the name of his heavenly king, he invited the three parties to the Juxian building in Donghe city for a drink.

After a while, the disciple who went to explore came back in fear.

"Newspaper King of heaven, the latest news. Eagle king The eagle king, he is killed

The heavenly king was furious: "what! The eagle king is dead! My right arm just died! Who did it! Check it out again!... "

In the middle of the week at the auction house, I received an invitation from the king of heaven.

After knowing the content of the post, Lin Siyu and GUI Liang persuade Zhou Zhong not to attend the appointment.

Lin Siyu was worried: "Mr. Yingzun, the king of heaven suddenly invited you three parties to attend a banquet, which is called" get together for a drink "and get to know each other. In fact, it may be the Hongmen banquet. You killed many people of the Jinjian sect. "

GUI Liang also advised: "master shadow, you must not be deceived! I know something about the heavenly king's mansion. It's not good to pay attention to you. "

Zhou Zhong felt his chin and thought of something. He suddenly asked them, "do you think there is a dark spring in the golden sword Gang?"Lin Siyu and GUI Liang nodded without thinking.

Then Lin Siyu's eyes moved and thought of something.

Scared, he asked Zhou Zhong, "Mr. Yingzun, you are not the one who has taken the attention of the golden sword Gang, are you? You can't do it. You want to pull your teeth out of the mouth! "

The ghost good head shakes with the rattle like: "no, absolutely not! Mr. shadow, if you think so, I'm sure I won't go with you. Isn't this going to die? "

Zhou Zhong takes a deep look at GUI Liang. He's not fully loyal to him, and he's still thinking about whether he'll die or not.

Zhou Zhong laughs but does not speak, hides this matter in the heart, left a heart eye.

If you want people to be loyal, you must give them something.

"Gui Liang, give me your steel fork, and I will strengthen it for you. Last time, I remolded it with your own steel fork. This time, I will use Gang Jing as the main material to refine a steel fork

GUI Liang is very happy. He just handed his steel fork weapon to Zhou Zhong, and his loyalty to Zhou Zhong is deeper.

Zhou Zhong smiles, takes the fork and borrows it from the furnace.

Remove most of the material impurities in the steel fork, and melt the vigorous essence into it to form the steel fork body with the vigorous essence as the main body.

In addition, the toughness of the fork can be adjusted so that it will not be too rigid and broken, and the shape can be changed flexibly in the struggle.

After that, the warm cultivation weapon, gathering spirit, and other arrays are added to the steel fork to make the ordinary steel fork of GUI Liang take on a new look.

"Try it." Zhou Zhong threw the steel fork to Gui Liang.

GUI Liang happily took over and went to the martial arts arena for an experiment.

There is no change in the characteristics of the practice of blessing on the steel fork, and it is better.

The strength of GUI Liang has been promoted to the peak of green belt and half step of blue belt.

GUI Liang hit him casually, catching up with his previous all-out strike, which made him very satisfied.

To appease the good ghost, Zhou Zhong set out to make himself a magic weapon he once owned - a trident.

His previous Trident, which was destroyed in a battle, is very handy.

Therefore, he rebuilt a new Trident based on the dark stone according to the previous Trident shape.