Chapter 4293

"It's OK. I've always been very interested in those ancient documents and books. Thank you very much for your perfection."

Zhou Zhong took the jade card with a character of ice from Chen cangsheng's hand and left.

Lin Siyu and Yang Xixi are taking care of Meng Yu, so it happens to be OK. In the middle of the week, they come to the library.

Today's library is not as prosperous as before, and even covered with weeds in front of the tower, showing depression.

In the middle of the week, he was familiar with the way to the sixth floor. Because he enjoyed the treatment of elders when he was in the ice tower God sect, he was able to climb the sixth floor.

There are seven storeys in the library. In the middle of Zhou Dynasty, I wanted to go up and have a look, but I was stopped by the garrison.

"The top floor of the library, no keepsake, no entry!"

The old man who had stopped him appeared in front of Zhou Zhong's eyes again, with an old face like the bark of a dead tree, which made people afraid.

"Here you are!"

In the middle of the week, with a bit of dark power, the token will rush into the token, bend one's finger, and the token will fly towards the old man.

Zhou has a sense of propriety in the center. He always feels that the old man is not simple, so he controls the degree. If he has no strength, it is impossible to take the jade card.

I saw that the old man's big hand was like a dragon. He was very flexible and stopped the jade card.

The secret door leading randomly to the seventh floor was opened: "all ancient books on the top floor can only be read here, not copied. Take them away from the library!"

Zhou Zhong swallowed and salivated. The old man was really not simple. At that moment, he cut off the connection between himself and the dark force on the jade card.

I'm afraid I'm not a born expert, but why the old man didn't do it before the ice tower God sect was in crisis? It's really strange.

Climbing to the top, a breath of age came. Although there was no dust, we could feel that no one had been here for a long time.

To the surprise of Zhou Zhong, there is only one bookshelf on the top floor.

After approaching, there is only a brocade box on the bookshelf. Open the brocade box, and a heavy ancient book lies quietly in it.

There are three big characters in space record.

Chen cangsheng must have never been to the top of the library. It's true that there is no martial arts skill in the world.

All the books in zongmen library are books of classics.

Turning over a few pages, Zhou learned that this space records books similar to historical records.

It records the events in the dark space for hundreds of years.

The dark space is roughly divided into four continents and eight wastelands, and Tianta kingdom is located in the most remote East wasteland among the eight wastelands.

The space record only records the history of the East famine. Compared with the North famine, the East famine is just like a lower plane.

In the eastern wilderness, the power above the kingdom is the Empire, and the power gap between the Empire and the kingdom is just a cloud and mud difference.

Zhou Zhong's eyes fell on the three golden characters of "Gu Shen Zong" on the space record.

According to the records, the ancient Shenzong was the first sect in the eastern wilderness. When it was most powerful, it controlled all the empires in the northern wilderness with the power of one sect.

Among them, the most powerful were the Bifang Empire and the Jinjia empire.

In the middle of the week, I just feel that these are too far away from myself now, let alone the illusory ancient Shenzong.

Even what is recorded in this space record is hundreds of years ago.

There's no way to prove it. Zhou Zhongping is shocked and looks down.

Before 460 ad, the ancient Shenzong controlled the whole eastern wasteland. Although there were occasional wars, the people lived and worked in peace and contentment.

In the same year, a black robed master wearing a mask appeared to break this harmonious situation.

Masked man is said to be able to change the color of heaven and earth with every move. It is his appearance that breaks the delicate balance between empires.

The ancient Shenzong, as the overlord, should come forward to stop the chaos.

However, the ancient Shenzong disappeared overnight, and all the empires had their own ambitions. In addition, there was no restriction, so the dark war began.

For several decades, there has been more and more chaos, and rivers of blood have flowed, and the eastern famine has even brought about an area without people.

Zhou Zhongli thinks that the masked man mentioned in the space record must have something to do with the man with blue eyes and black robes he saw before.

Looking down, the masked man shows his intention after provoking the empire war. What he did is the ancient god sect.

But no one in the world knows where the ancient Shenzong was. Masked men searched for decades in the eastern wilderness, and finally disappeared in a relic.

It is said that he entered the Jiulong Shenhuo temple in the ancient Shenzong, and there was no news after that.

Zhou Zhong thought for a while and closed the "space record". Now the most important thing is to find Han Li's soul.

But the man with blue eyes and black robes is missing. Zhou Zhong believes in his intuition.

The masked man recorded in the "space record" must have been implicated in the man with blue eyes and black robes, which is the only clue in the middle of the week.

Then he decided that the dead horse should be the living horse doctor and went to look for the ancient god sect.At least we can have a clear goal. If we look for it aimlessly, we may not be able to find the whereabouts of Han Li.

When he came down from the seventh floor in the middle of the week, he was pulled by the old guard: "never be confused by appearances. What you see is not necessarily what you see."

After saying this, the garrison disappeared in front of Zhou Zhongyi. Zhou Zhongyi couldn't understand the meaning of his words.

When he arrived at the hall, it was the morning of the second day. Chen cangsheng was commanding a group of people, trying to break the battle.

"Lord, now that the leopard in the clouds is over, I can break the big battle of protecting the emperor, but I need to do some preparation, so it takes three days."

Zhou Zhong stepped forward and said frankly.

"Do you really have a way?" Chen cangsheng asked in disbelief. You should know that the big formation of protecting Zong was the array left in ancient times.

"It's natural. I want to ask the patriarch some questions." Zhou wanted to ask Chen cangsheng if he knew about the northern famine.

"But it doesn't hurt to say so!" First, he defeated the plot of leopard in the clouds. Now he has a way to break the battle. Chen cangsheng is in a good mood and says with a frank smile.

"I don't know if the patriarch has ever heard of the ancient Shenzong and knows anything about it."

Zhou Zhong expressed his doubts.

When he heard about the ancient Shenzong, Chen cangsheng's face changed obviously. He knew that Zhou Zhong saw it in the book of space record.

"The ancient Shenzong is too vague for the present era, and there is no way to verify what is described in the space record. I don't know more about the ancient Shenzong than you do."

Chen cangsheng shook his head helplessly and said truthfully.

"After breaking the big battle, I may be leaving the icetower God sect. I don't know when I will be able to return to the icetower God sect. I hope the Lord and several elders will treasure it!"

In the middle of the week, the so-called world has no end banquet, now it's time to separate.

Although, as Chen cangsheng said, the ancient Shenzong is illusory, at least he has to go out of this tower country to see the wider world outside.