Chapter 4460

Perhaps the reason why Cao Yiming did not choose to follow him was that he knew that he was soft hearted. Once Cao Tianyi begged for mercy, he was afraid that he could not bear it again.

He would ask Zhou Zhong to intercede for Cao Tianyi. He really didn't want to embarrass Zhou Zhong any more. So he simply chose to stay out of the way. As the saying goes, seeing nothing is pure.

Cao Tianyi has no dignity. He crawls around and begs for mercy. Those individuals who used to fight Cao Tianyi in the Wang family are now indifferent to each other.

When Cao Tianyi was in power, they naturally praised him incomparably. Now Cao Tianyi is a dying man. Who is willing to offend the master for his sake.

Seeing that no one took care of him, Cao Tianyi seemed to know that he would not escape death: "in the middle of Zhou Dynasty, you and the Wang family are not good people. On the surface, they are aboveboard, but secretly they are doing some shady business!"

"If I die today, I will never let go of your royal family as a ghost. I will curse your royal family. Men are thieves and women are prostitutes."

All kinds of extremely vicious words, blurted out.

In the middle of Zhou Dynasty, he was extremely indifferent. When Cao Tianyi did those things before, he should have expected today's scene.

Wang Qian waved his hand to the people of the Wang family to drag Cao Tianyi down.

"Wang Hao, as the successor of the head of the family, has helped the tyrant and bullied others. He is really not good enough to be the head of the family. He is temporarily removed from the position of the successor of the head of the family for later investigation."

When Wang Qian learned about the identity of Zhou Zhongying Zun, he gave Zhou Zhong enough face and directly removed Wang Hao's status as the successor of the family leader.

"Mr. Zhou Zhong, if you'll be OK later, can you have a detailed talk with me?"

After dealing with family affairs, Wang Qian made an invitation to Zhou Zhong.

Zhou Zhong was also very puzzled about why the king's master was so enthusiastic that he followed him to a secret room.

Wang Qian seemed to see the question in the center of Zhou, so he took the lead in saying, "the reason why I attach so much importance to you is that you have defeated the elders of the underworld cult!"

"You know that Xia Liya has been fighting with me for many times. Although she is only the middle strength of the earth saint, even I, the latter part of the earth saint, has been defeated in her hands. It is precisely because the skills practiced by the people of the netherworld cult can restrain the monks, and your dark power seems to be able to restrain the netherworld cult!"

"Even if I can restrain the underworld, what does it have to do with it?"

Zhou asked.

"It's a long story. You may think that the underworld Shinto is a new sect. In fact, it is not. The underworld cult has existed for a long time. Several generations ago, the royal family shouldered the task of exterminating it. At that time, the royal family was extremely powerful, and it was said that there was even the power of Dihuang power. At that time, the underworld Shinto cult was unable to raise its head under the pressure of the royal family The Wang family is not as good as one generation, which leads to the reversal of the form. Today's generation is no longer the opponent of Hades, and can only reluctantly resist. "

"But the underworld cult seems to have received extremely strong foreign aid. Now only one deacon can crush the Wang family. If Wang Hao's generation arrives, the Wang family may be about to perish. But at this time, news comes from the front line that you defeated Xia Liya. Naturally, the royal family will treat you as if you were right. Especially, I have personally inspected the corpses of those members of the underworld cult After that, it is more certain that your dark ability can restrain the underworld gods! "

Wang Qian expressed what he thought in his heart.

"Even so, this is the mission of your royal family for generations. What does it have to do with me?"

In the middle of Zhou Dynasty, the reason why he made a move to the Ming God sect was to find out the clues about the ancient god sect and the people in blue eyes and black robes. He had nothing to do with the royal family.

He didn't want Wang Qian to take his seat according to the number. He thought that he was intentionally helping the Wang family when he gave his hand to Hades!

"You don't know something about it. Every generation of the Wang family's owners always have a word-of-mouth ancestral precept. When the Wang family is in decline, a person of destiny will appear and lead the Wang family to kill Xiang Shuguang. At first, they thought it was just a joke, until they saw you. Now is the time for the decline of the Wang family, and you must be the one of the destiny in the ancestral precepts!"

Zhou was almost speechless in the middle of the week. Wang Qian's ability to catch wind and shadow was too strong. If someone else was strong, wouldn't he become the destiny of the king's family!?

"What is hanging on this wall is all the booty left by the ancestors of the past dynasties. After each booty, it is a heroic story of the ancestors' confrontation with the Hades cult!"

According to Wang Hao, Zhou Zhong looked at a wall not far away and saw that the objects on the wall were extremely strange.

"These weathered skulls are the skulls left by the first king's family leader, who led his family to fight against the Ming God cult and killed 13 elders of the Ming God cult!"

"And the broken sword is the third generation of master. When he fights with the elder of the underworld cult, he breaks the sword in his hand with one hand, and then takes his life!"All the things hanging on the wall were skulls, an axe, and even more importantly, a hoe for farming.

Is it possible that some master of the Wang family killed the great power of the Ming cult with a hoe, and then left a souvenir?

Zhou Zhong wanted to ask about the underworld religion, but when he saw the rise of Wang Qianzheng's talk and the scene of spitting, he couldn't interrupt.

When Wang Qian was distracted and thinking about whether the dark god cult was really involved with the man with blue eyes and black robes, he suddenly looked at Zhou Zhong: "I don't know how Yingzun plans to deal with the dark god cult?"

Zhou Zhong was stunned for a moment, but he didn't seem to have any plans. So he talked about the composition of the Ming religion.

"As far as I know, no one has ever seen the true face of the leader of Hades, which is extremely mysterious!"

After listening to Wang Qian's remarks, Zhou Zhong was more convinced that the blue eyed and black robed man might be the leader of the underworld cult, which was in line with his style of conduct and never left any flaws.

"There are also elders and hall leaders in the back. All of them regard Naxia Liya as the deacon of the Hades cult. In fact, they are not. They are the seven senior leaders who sit down by the elders. They are called the seven crime department. They are arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony and lust. They are all new cruel roles in recent years!"

"As for the previous death of naxialiya, it is the jealousy of the seven crimes department. In addition, there are six other people who are missing!"