Chapter 4503

Zhou Zhong was completely exposed to the sword meaning cut by the demons, which could be said to be in danger.

At the critical moment, the ultimate ice of the week blooms, freezing itself into a huge ice hockey.

Resist the sword from all over the sky. For a time, the ice chips fly, and the extreme ice blocks most of the wujichuan River sword meaning in the middle of the week!

However, he was still seriously injured and his sword intention was scattered. Zhou Zhong supported his body with one hand and barely fell down.

The corners of the mouth are constantly overflowing with blood. I was really careless. I never thought of my sword move. I was so terrible.

I'm afraid I would have died by this sword if I hadn't relied on the great body and the blessing of extreme ice.

Zhou Zhong looked at the demon in front of him, and a little fear rose in his heart. Nothing in the world knows more about himself than himself.

It's like that he doesn't have any privacy in front of the demon, even he has the same mind as himself.

All of his cards, that demon is clear, even his mind, this demon is able to clearly know.

This how to fight, the heart ignited a deep sense of despair.

"Give up, you are indeed evil enough, but I am more evil than you, let me take away your body, in the near future, the whole plane will submit to your feet, in order to repay you, I allow you to leave a trace of consciousness in your body, before I step on this face, you will watch quietly!"

The demon uttered a shrill laugh.

Zhou didn't accept it. He picked up the bone sword again and fought against the demon.

After a few more days, there were only three days left before the start of the jihad.

If you don't go out in the middle of the week tomorrow, a few people will just be able to rush in and forcibly bring out the middle of the week.

Standing up again and again, falling down again and again.

The original faltering belief candle, in this moment, directly extinguished!

Zhou Zhong fainted in the past and saw a tiny bud in the mud ball palace in the middle of his eyebrow. At this moment, it seemed that there was a long drought and rain.

Grow up, a trace of green energy, along the eyebrows of the week, toward the viscera and six bowels.

If you had been careful, you would have been able to find the bud of Zhou.

The gray light spot that darts into the center of the eyebrow.

Originally incomparably thick eyelid at this moment, seems to become brisk up, Zhou Zhongfu hit a thrill.

At this moment, he realized that what the world knows most about himself is himself.

But he is one, and the demon, at best, can only be regarded as a branch.

How could he be his opponent? Before every word, the demon implied that he gave up.

Thinking about it, Zhou Zhong suddenly realized that the demon could not kill himself.

If you lose your body, you will lose the function of torture.

And then, once he has achieved his own belief, he will lose his body.

Then all the previous layouts were destroyed!

"If you are not mad, you can't survive."

With a sneer in the middle of the week, his eyes turned red and his whole body released a trace of evil breath.

In the past, after killing the several major crime directors of the underworld cult, the complaints in their bodies could not be dealt with in the middle of the week.

And dare not let go, harm the world, so they all received into their own mud ball palace.

Originally, it was a great hidden danger. One day, these grievances will accumulate, and when they can't be suppressed.

Will affect their own mood, a careless, they will fall into the devil.

But now, it happens to be a life-saving thing, all the resentment into the body.

Originally suppressed by the week, at the moment, as the demon came into the world, the whole body is constantly circling with resentment.

It even covers the self created by the magic idea!

The devil is also in the heart big dare not good, he did not think, this week unexpectedly so crazy.

With the blessing of the secret method, even if you don't feel right, as long as you don't fall into too deep, you can quit in time. However, if you can't overcome these resentments after the event, even if the Dalao immortal comes, you can't go back to heaven!

A white robe, at the moment changed the voice of enchanting blood red, even the skin of the week, at the moment also become bright red, a blue veins burst out.

Zhou Zhong picked up the bone sword and chopped it toward the demon.

The sword idea is full of resentment accumulated from thousands of years!

Seeing that demon, it could not resist at all, and was directly eroded by resentment.

Today's week has been lost in mind, one mind is to be in front of the devil to completely kill.

All over the sky, the continuous flow of light, the whole space at this moment has become incomparably turbulent.An hour later, the demon was completely engulfed by Zhou Zhong's resentment!

Marinated bean curd, one thing down one thing!

Compared with the power of evil, the power of control is more powerful.

At the moment, Zhou Zhongzhong is full of killing. If you can't wake up in time, even if you kill the demon, you will become a machine that only knows how to kill.

The bone sword in his hand keeps cutting out, which destroys everything in the world.

At this point, the seedlings, which had grown to the size of fingers, grew again.

Continue to devour the week in the body of a mess of resentment and the combination of magic!

At this moment, it seems that the resentment and magic idea, which are harmful but not beneficial, have become the nutrition of the seedling.

Being pulled out of the room with a trace of resentment, Zhou Zhong also recovered a trace of Qingming, but he was still unable to control his body.

Then he forcibly suppressed the resentment in his own body and prevented him from attacking the seedling in the pea palace.

After the seedlings absorb the resentment and magic thoughts, they extradite a little bit of life power and nourish Zhou Zhong's body.

In this way, the breath that had already stopped in the middle of the week is also beginning to climb. Although it is extremely slow, it is actually improving!

It was another day and a night. The elders who were guarding the cave could not bear it.

Even if Cao Yiming tried every means to block it, it would not help!

The elder directly smashed the prohibition outside the mountain cave with one hand, and he was ready in his heart.

No matter how the middle of the week is now going on, we have to force its consciousness to wake up.

If the middle of Zhou Dynasty can't participate in the holy war, and shenguyi is ordered to take the place of gushenzong to participate in the holy war, even if he can't get the right place, what's the matter?

It's better to let Zhou Zhong die on that secret method.