576 Chapter 576 determines the new order of the solar system

Jupiter's high-speed, hit a big busy, the spacecraft does not need to move, there is no refined gas, swallowed into the stomach in the big mouth of the spaceship.

More than ten hours, the Grand Theft Auto said: "Currently collected 20 tons of and twelve tons of, enough Warcraft factory for half a month. It is time to leave here, return to Valley Star."

Li Xiuwen listened and was very satisfied with this result.

How long has this, there is such a big harvest, which is much faster than the planting of hydrogen elements in the Earth Island.

Just Jupiter is far from the earth, the distance between billion kilometers is enough to make the most of the country, and like a french blocking them to imitate the World of Warcraft.

For them, refining the hydrogen in the ocean is the most practical solution.

Li Xiuwen has a little doubt, asked: "This thing only occupies a corner of the warehouse, why not collect some?"

"If we don't go back, the nuclear fusion reactor of the Gulu Shen Base lacks the raw material, it is necessary to stop power generation. Immigrants in the Earth are likely to be hungry."

Grand Theft is explained carefully.

Unconsciously, Googi has become the most populous alien, with a number of more than one million, more than ten times more than the murricane Mars.

Such a huge amount of population is a heavy pressure and is also a difficult responsibility. People go to Go Valley, but they are not coming to hungry, it will seriously hurt the reputation of Warcraft.

"Then return it."

Li Xiuwen nodded, he has experienced the powerful gravitation of Jupitar, and there is no unstead of leaving.


NASA is now a bird gun, and many astronomical telescopes are arranged on the moon, Mars, and the reconnaissance space is much stronger than a year ago.

A telescope is launched a year ago, and it is necessary to suffer. Haha and satellite, and space station materials share a rocket with tens of tons, naturally limit the volume and size of the telescope.

Now there is a spacecraft leased from the World of Warcraft, one can be sent to Mars at a time, and the cost of launch is reduced, nor is there to shrink the volume of the telescope.

It is necessary to know that the telescope has a larger diameter, and the observation is more detailed, the higher the accuracy.

The Hubble Space Telescope of Space has been sent in the past few years, and the diameter is limited by rocket, only 4 meters, the body is 12 meters, the block and a bus are quite.

Nowadays, the latest space telescope, the diameter reaches a horrible twenty-meter, and the observation ability is more than ten times that of the Hubble telescope.

Many telescopes constitute a defensive chain, with hundreds of millions of kilometers centers centered on NASA.

In this way, there is a thing of the country, naturally will not let the United States exclusive, Huaxia, Russia and the EU have been placed in space in space, which greatly enhances their monitoring capabilities.

In modern society, each country is very clear and the role of intelligence, one step in advance, which is far greater than the cost of manufacturing telescope.

Even the country, South Korea, Canada does not rent to the World of Warcraft spacecraft, spend huge prices, let China, Russia and other countries help send their telescope to space.


The lens will send a yellow warning to the Wade space telescope against Jupiter and nearby space, and suddenly cause the operator's attention.

"Is that a spaceship? Or Warcraft factory."

The operator saw the slightly blurred spacecraft shape on the screen, and suddenly he knew who's spacecraft.

The spacecraft produced by Huaxia, is small, and the shape is not the same.

When the alert suddenly released, the Wade space telescope still stared at the spacecraft, did not let it, always let it appear on the focus.

The number of spacecrafts rented in countries have only one, and they cannot waste every minute. It is not in the asteroid tape mining to transport the national to Mars, and only the World of Warcraft is only a residual spacecraft to conduct scientific examination.

"I think this spacecraft is a look of Jupiter. It may be dozens of astronomers, carefully study the status of Jupitar."

The operator said to several colleagues nearby, and the tone exposed a bit envy.

NASA is the most advanced in the earth a year ago, the most achieved national space bureau, each of which is proud of the inner work.

Just this pride quickly broke out by World of Warcraft, Max also did not reach the university classmate, respect the friend's faint, and the drop is great.

The American people looked at Li Xiuwen and World of Warcraft. It moved quickly in space. The colonial took a completed, and the new fire city on Mars was able to accommodate tens of thousands.

NASA is the object of the people: I spend so many taxpayers' money, even if private companies in Huaxia are more than? Why is it still not ashamed!

Max recently dared to leave on the Internet, as a member of NASA employees, otherwise commented to order a large insult sound.

"Fak, Warcraft factory can hide the information of Jupiter, and we published a lot of astronomical information in the outside, this round of us."

"Don't we let the rental spaceship, go to Jupiter, conduct scientific examination? At least this is not used by the domestic people."

"You will watch it! The spacecraft seems to drop to the inside of Jupita, is it a crash caused by an accident?"

Many people's faces, the expression of a smoked, as if seeing Warcraft Factory is very happy.

Mike swept the face of colleagues, and his heart sighed: so that the enemy encounters the expression of natural disasters, it is completely weak, I didn't expect the Space Bureau to fall so.

What is most frustrated is that Jiucheng's colleagues are excited, and some people even have a celebration, and the joy is like Christmas.


Max discovered the previous World of Warcraft, suddenly broke from the Jupiter atmosphere, Shun Yili came to space, sailing inside the solar system.

"This is impossible! Is it crash?"

"Jupiter is so powerful, the spacecraft can still appear! We must re-estimate the limit intensity of the spacecraft."

"It shouldn't, we tested that the rental spacecraft could not afford to tear the gravitation of Jupiter. The dead World of Warcraft, actually rented us of the monkey version of the spaceship!"

Those who have been drinking before, an angry like a lion, blush, and sweat, all the hair, do not reply.

Max suddenly thought of a possibility, the heart quickly jumped, and the voice said: "It is not required to enter the Jupiter atmosphere at all, and you said that the Warcraft factory does not want to use the Energy as an energy. Star, enter the atmosphere to extract the hydrogen element of nuclear polymerization? "

A dead in the hall, everyone is shocked, I don't dare to imagine Max assumes into true, bring serious consequences: no one is Li Xiuwen's opponent in the solar system.