After hearing Yang Fan's words, the Huang family were all in a daze. They finally understood why this young man had so much energy.

Huang Shoucai, in particular, has a look of remorse on his face. You know, Ding Hao was a world-famous Shenhao and guardian of the world 50 years ago. Without him, I'm afraid that person with a different face would set foot on this land and cause great disaster to people.

Huang Shan's heart suddenly rose some five flavor grains, heart a burst of melancholy.

"Ding Hao turned out to be him." Huang Shan said in secret.

After leaving Huang's home, Ding Hao stopped a taxi and came to the gate of Qinglan University.

After getting off the bus, Ding Hao's eyes looked at the university students coming in and out of the campus. They talked and laughed. The happy smile appeared on the faces of the lovers. They walked hand in hand on the road and looked at each other with beautiful vision.

Ding Hao's mouth with a smile, looking at these energetic college students, his heart is full of emotion.

They still have a few years of college campus life. They don't have to worry about life like people entering the society. They lead a decadent or full campus life carefree. Looking back on their campus life in those years, they are happy and full.

Ding Hao stood in the same place quietly, and his mind was full of beautiful memories.

When everything seems silent, in the best moment, suddenly an untimely voice came to Ding Hao's mind.

"Brother, please get out of the way. You've been standing here for ten minutes."

Ding Hao turned his eyes to the front and saw that there were three cars parked behind him, all of which seemed to be waiting for him to get out of the way.

At this time, his face was embarrassed. He scratched his head helplessly. After leaving the road, he said apologetically, "sorry, just too melancholy."

Several cars soon disappeared in Ding Hao's sight.

"This classmate, I just saw that you are in a daze. You are very charming. I wonder if you are interested in joining our drama club. We will play a show at the new year's meeting tonight, but there is a role that has not been well chosen. I think you are particularly suitable." A beautiful woman in a white dress came over with a warm smile on her face and said.

Ding Hao is slightly stunned. It turns out that this woman regards herself as a student of Qinglan University, but he still asks curiously: "what role is it?"

"You and I will go to the drama hall first, and I will tell you." The woman said with a mysterious smile.

Ding Hao suspiciously follows the woman into the campus and returns to Qinglan university again. His heart is full of mixed feelings.

Qinglan University drama hall, all members of the drama club gathered here for the final rehearsal of tonight's program.

When people noticed that the woman came in, someone immediately said, "Lin Li, how did you come here? I started rehearsing right away."

The woman called Lin Li was the one who brought Ding Hao in. Lin Li had a mysterious smile on her face and cried out to the crowd, "sorry, everyone, I just had some delay outside, but I finally found a suitable person to choose the role I was looking for for for our program."

After hearing Lin Li's words, they all showed curious expressions on their faces. Naturally, they turned their eyes to the man beside Lin Li.

A woman in a black witch's robe looked up and down at Ding Hao. The corners of his mouth were smiling and said, "he's really cute and handsome."

Ding Hao's brow slightly wrinkled, feel the people around the inexplicable eyes, can not help feeling uncomfortable.

"What role do you want me to play?" Ding Hao asked suspiciously.

"I've prepared a good role for you. Our show tonight is snow white and the seven dwarfs, and your role is the prince in it." Lin Li said slowly.

"Prince? That's not bad. " Ding Hao nodded and said.

He also wanted to experience campus life again, so he didn't refuse Lin Li's proposal and agreed to play the role of Prince. However, when rehearsing, Ding Hao's heart was very painful.

As the prince in the drama, this scene has a total of 12 minutes, and his appearance time is five minutes. In the five minutes, he doesn't say a word, but always stands in the same place quietly.

The prince originally wanted to save the trapped snow white, but was put in place by Snow White's stepmother. Finally, the seven dwarfs joined forces to save snow white.

"Perfect!" A voice came out after the rehearsal of the play.

With a satisfied smile on her face, Lin Li said, "Ding Hao, you are a natural pantomime. You have been standing there in silence like a statue. For the first time in a long time, I have seen someone who can keep a posture for such a long time."

Ding Hao has a bitter smile on his lips. He is the most powerful monk and the most powerful Shenhao. He did not expect that one day he would be pulled by a schoolgirl to be a drama actor. What's more sad is that the character of the drama actor is still like a wooden person who doesn't speak.

If this matter is spread out, I'm afraid that business and martial arts leaders all over the world will be shocked to drop their chin.

However, Ding Hao is not angry. Instead, he enjoys the process of being with these younger students. Maybe it's because he is too lonely after invincible. What he looks forward to is the pursuit of simple life.

But soon, Lin Li's face showed a sad face and said, "it's a pity that my parents can't come to watch my play, otherwise they will be very happy."

"Lili, you are so excellent. Even if your parents don't see you, they will be glad for you." A girl said.

"No one is allowed to watch the party. Are your parents not free in the evening?" Ding Hao asked suspiciously.

"You don't know something about this. Lili's parents are white-collar workers in business. They have to work late on weekdays. How can they come to watch the show?" Said the girl.

Ding Hao suddenly realized, then asked: "which company do your parents work in?"

"Why, do you still want to ask for leave for Lili's parents? Even if you want to, Jinchuan Technology Co., Ltd. will not allow it. It's a first-class company in canglan city. Overtime is a hidden rule. Unless you are the boss of the company, you have the right to approve this privilege." One of the boys said.

"Don't talk like that. Ding Hao is also a big help for us to play the role of Prince. It doesn't matter whether my parents can come to see it or not. Let's have a good rehearsal. I'll treat you to dinner later." Lin Li said with a smile on her face.

After rehearsing for a while, everyone was familiar with their roles. Lin Li ordered takeout for everyone. After a short rest, they went into the foyer of the performance hall to wait and began to make up for the performance.

Ding Hao silently took out his mobile phone, edited a short message and sent it out. Then he began to prepare props and sat in front of the make-up mirror.