Chapter 20: "Go take a look, the secrets of this world are much more than you can imagine"

Name:Superhunt Author:
Chapter 20: "Go take a look, the secrets of this world are much more than you can imagine"

Jonathan felt like he was stepping out of the tiger's den and into the wolf's lair when he stood in front of the Investigation Building.

In the morning, he had entered the city's sewer through a secret passage under the wardrobe in the safe house, climbed out of a manhole in a small alley a block away, and then took a hover rail car.

Black Sea City is a coastal city with a developed drainage system. The sewers are wide enough for two sports cars to race side by side. The water level in the sewers had risen due to frequent heavy rains in the past few days, but the rain had stopped today, and the water level was gradually dropping.

To avoid the smell of the sewer sticking to him, Jonathan had asked Fox to create a water curtain to isolate the smell and divert the sewage, delivering him to his destination.

"I always feel that I've discovered a lot of new uses for my super abilities by following you..." Fox said in a melancholy tone.

Washing dishes, watering plants, mopping the floor, and using water to create a protective layer to isolate smells, his super ability had truly been fully utilized by Jonathan.

After Jonathan got on the rail car, Fox left.

At five in the morning, when he was sleeping, Red sent a message asking Jonathan to go to work as usual, not to worry about the traitor, as he had already found some leads.

Jonathan's decision to go to work was not because of Red's words but because he had to make this choice.

If he chose to avoid work and disappear, the Investigation Department would become suspicious of him. If the mastermind last night was a mole from the Investigation Department, they could deduce his real identity from Jonathan's disappearance. Suspicion would then turn into certainty, and he would have no choice but to take the risk.

Jonathan was a key member of the Mechanical Dawn Organization, but he didn't know how much weight and value he held within the organization. Was his life more important, or was his mole identity and intelligence more important? Would Mechanical Dawn sacrifice his life for the latter?

If his full value of Jonathan was based on his identity as a mole, then losing that identity meant he lost his value. A person without value would not be taken seriously and would be abandoned by Mechanical Dawn.

Jonathan was already aware of Mechanical Dawn's iron-blooded and cruel nature, and he couldn't let himself lose his value.

As for the option to run away, Jonathan had thought about it, but it was unfeasible.

His biological information, his ID, everything about him was in the hands of Mechanical Dawn. Sean had escaped from the psychiatric hospital, but he could barely move in this highly advanced society. Surveillance cameras watched over the city, high-tech devices traced his every move, his account was frozen in the cashless society, and he couldn't even buy food.

Through Sean, Jonathan could anticipate his situation if he decided to run.

In addition to these, Jonathan would also have to face assassination. Fox was a bit naive, but he was also a qualified killer. His obedience stemmed from Jonathan being his superior and a core member of Mechanical Dawn. If Jonathan were to run away, Fox would definitely not let him go. He would go from being a useful tool to a blade pointed at him.

The intern security officer and member of Mechanical Dawn - these two identities were Jonathan's umbrellas in the Second World.

Before he had enough power to protect himself, he needed to maintain his identity and play the roles he should play.

"Welcome back, intern security officer Jonathan," Moss greeted as usual when Jonathan walked in.

"Good morning," Robert said behind him.

"Morning," Jonathan turned around to look.

"You have heavy dark circles. Didn't you sleep well last night?" Robert asked with concern.

"Yeah, I hardly slept all night." Jonathan yawned and walked into the elevator area.

"I have coffee there. Shall I make some to refresh you?" Robert offered.

"No need, it's too bitter." Jonathan pressed the elevator button, "There are tea bags in the break room; I'll just make some tea."

"Are you having trouble sleeping because of the upcoming interview?" Robert joked.

"That's part of it." Jonathan sighed.

There was an electronic screen in the elevator showing the time as 07:58. The working hours of the Investigation Department started at eight. In about an hour, he was going to have the interview.

Jonathan walked out of the elevator area, and the communicator in his pocket beeped.

Robert's communicator also rang. He took it out to check. "Moss sent today's work schedule. Let me see... Great, no tasks, no need to go out."

Generally speaking, when the squad needs to carry out urgent tasks, Moss will immediately notify the squad members through the building's internal broadcasting system. If there are no tasks, the day's work schedule and training plan will be sent to the members' personal communicators via emails for them to check.

Jonathan opened his email, and as expected, he saw the day's schedule - an interview.

No training, no fieldwork, just the interview.

Jonathan will lose this job if he fails the interview, so there's no need to send the next task schedule.

"I'm going to the tech room for my shift. Good luck with the interview." Robert raised his hand.

Jonathan took a moment to realize that Robert wanted a high-five, so he also raised his hand.

"Slap!" Their palms met.

Robert turned and left while Jonathan considered whether to use the spare hour to practice shooting in area A or catch up on sleep in the break room.

Before he could decide, Moss said, "Intern security officer Jonathan, your interview time has been changed. Please report to room 5313 on the fifth floor immediately. Your interviewer is waiting for you."

Jonathan was surprised. "Why was it changed?"

"There was a temporary shift in work arrangements. I'm sorry I can't explain the specifics to you. Please immediately go to room 5313 on the fifth floor for your interview."

"Okay." Jonathan turned and pressed the elevator button.

"Your second kill was Sean, the mentally ill fugitive?" Grolberna said.

"Yes," Jonathan said.

"What was it like to kill for the first time?" Grolberna asked.

Before Jonathan could answer, Beyema, next to Grolberna, said, "If you don't want to recall, you can refuse to answer. I know that recalling such things isn't pleasant."

Jonathan paused, choosing to answer: "Panic, confusion, fear, unreality... and nausea."

"What was different about the feeling of killing for the second time compared to the first?" Grolberna continued.

"The second time was even more hesitant than the first," Jonathan murmured, "But I was more proactive. I deliberately fired the gun, consciously thinking and judging, and decided to take Sean's life after deep consideration... but I do not regret doing so."

Grolberna's tone softened subtly: "You understand the reverence for life; that's good. Excessive rationality becomes cruelty, and excessive sensitivity is weakness. Finding a clear boundary between reason and emotion is what you need to do."

"I understand; thank you for the reminder," Jonathan said softly.

"You've been to the psychotherapy room, haven't you?" Beyema said, "How did it feel to receive psychological counseling?"

"I've been there; James is very nice, chatting with him is relaxing, I like the decor of the psychotherapy office," Jonathan joked, "Hmm... if I ever have an office in the future, I would consider James's decoration style."

Beyema laughed softly and said, "You're an interesting person, Jonathan."

"I would like to ask, are you related to James?" Jonathan asked, "You look much like him and speak similarly."

"I'm his cousin," Beyema said, "He majored in psychology in college, and I majored in criminal psychology. He became a therapist, and I became a security officer."

"I see," Jonathan said.

"Some people are very resistant to psychological counseling and therapy, especially those who are assertive and have achieved in some fields; they insist that mental illness is not a big deal. But psychological therapy is necessary. They may have strong bodies and excellent minds, but not necessarily indomitable spirits. People always refuse to expose their vulnerable side in front of others," Beyema said, "We have many such stubborn people in the Investigation Department, don't learn from them. If there's a problem, go to the psychotherapy office in time."

"I will remember your advice," Jonathan said.

Rinaldi asked Jonathan, "Do you have any goals you want to achieve?"

Jonathan said, "I don't have long-term goals at the moment. My short-term goal is to do my job well, strive for progress, and study hard."

"You can be pragmatic, but you can't just look at the present. You have to have a long-term vision," Rinaldi said.

Beyema laughed, "I quite like you, Jonathan. Would you like to move to our criminal detective team after becoming a regular employee? Your major is in criminal investigation techniques, your grades are pretty good, and your theory is solid."

Grolberna raised an eyebrow, "Are you planning to poach him already?"

I can't go there. Jonathan thought warily.

Rumor has it that Beyema's extraordinary ability is "lie detection." If Jonathan went there, the number of times he had to deal with Beyema would increase dramatically, and he couldn't possibly lie to Beyema every time they met. Not to mention that Jonathan has no theoretical knowledge of criminal investigation techniques. He is still struggling with his studies. It would be over if he went there.

Jonathan thought of an excuse, "I told Captain Martin that if other team leaders don't care for their subordinates as much as he does, I wouldn't request a transfer..."

A trace of a smile appeared on Grolberna's serious face.

Beyema pretended to be regretful, "Well, that's too bad."

Engapes' communicator vibrated on his body. He looked down at it and immediately stood up: "I have a mission, I have to go, everyone."

He nodded to his colleagues in the meeting room as a farewell and walked out without pausing.

The remaining three interviewers asked Jonathan some more questions, and he prudently answered them. The whole interview process lasted about fifteen minutes.

"The interview can end now." Beyema said, "We started the interview early this time because of time issues. Most of us have missions to carry out, and time is tight. It's hard to get together." She glanced at the time, "I have something to do and need to leave."

Jonathan couldn't help asking, "Did I pass my interview?"

"Of course." Beyema smiled, "Congratulations on officially joining the Investigation Department, Jonathan."

Grolberna also gave a small smile, "You're very good, Jonathan."

"Your information in the Investigation Department will be updated later, and your citizen level will be raised from four to three," Rinaldi said, "Welcome to the team."

The citizen level is a very important thing.

Depending on the citizen level, people enjoy different welfare benefits in society. For example, when someone wants to borrow from a bank, those with a higher citizen level are often more likely to get a low-interest loan, and there are different degrees of preferential treatment for the monthly pension payment and insurance business. Most law-abiding people are fourth-class citizens, those with minor criminal records are fifth-class citizens, those with major criminal records are sixth-class citizens, and sixth-class citizens will be deprived of political rights. Jonathan was promoted to a third-class citizen because he is now a federal government member, and his status is different from ordinary people.

This is a world with clear class distinctions.

Jonathan faintly guessed that this interview was not testing his personal ability but his heart.

The interviewers confirmed whether he was lying, whether his identity was true, and whether he had ulterior motives for joining the Investigation Department... As long as his identity and purpose were fine, becoming a regular employee would be almost guaranteed.

Grolberna came over to Jonathan and said, "Go find your captain. He will give you an induction training."

"Training?" Jonathan was taken aback.

"Yes, training." Grolberna said meaningfully, "To show you the other side of the world... Actually, you've almost seen it, and you just don't systematically understand those things."

Jonathan thought of it: "You mean..."

"Xenobiotics creature. The parasitic hydra you saw in your previous mission is just one of them. There are many more types of Xenobiotics creatures, and they are more dangerous and have more terrifying abilities," Grolberna said, "Go take a look, Jonathan. The secrets of this world are much more than you can imagine."