
I don't know if long will come over day by day. Before she went out to practice, she left a note on her desk, "if I come to practice in the suburbs, I will sleep by myself."

This time, she did not practice on the roof.

Because of inhaling Yin Sha Qi, her magnetic field is more and more disordered.

If you practice on the roof, it will not affect the transportation and life and health of the residents of the whole building.

So she went straight to Xia Guohui's Development Zone in the suburbs, where she had chosen to build her house.

The Yin Qi there is vigorous and close to the vitality of heaven and earth. As soon as she gets close to it, the blood in her body will be boiling and excited.

Now she has no time to think about whether she will become a monster by absorbing Yin evil spirit like this

Because she herself does not feel that kind of cold from the Yin Sha, on the contrary, her recent practice has improved more and more quickly, and is about to complete the realm of guiding God and returning to yuan.

This realm is extremely difficult to break through. Even master Yuqing, who has lived for more than 100 years, can only slightly reach the primary level of guiding God and returning to yuan.

She was gifted. She could feel the vitality of heaven and earth from the first practice at the age of five, and the process of practice was much faster than that of normal people. Therefore, at the age of 13, she completed the process of guiding Qi into the body and entered the guiding spirit and returning to the yuan. She was amazed by the master s father, believing that she would definitely be able to practice Daoyuan transformation and surpass the patriarch.

Yang Zimei used crystal cloth to set the Seven Star spirit gathering array around him. Then he sat cross legged in the center. With the help of ink jade, he began to enter the realm of cultivation.

If someone passes by at this time, you can see with your naked eyes that the vitality around you, like fireflies, is shining with light and converges to the girl who is as bright as a fairy in the moonlight.

If there is a sky eye, you can still see that the accumulated dark resentment in the air also converges to her.

The intersection of light and shade forms a strange scene, which makes her skin more white and emits a light jade like fluorescence.

At this time, Yang Zimei's mind had never been clearer than before. The whole body's air flow was running through her body's meridians. Wherever she went, she felt very comfortable and comfortable, and her body gradually became lighter and lighter.

Even she did not notice that her body began to float, a centimeter above the ground.

However, it was only a moment.


City B.

An old man in a white Tang suit stood on the top of a tall building again with a compass to observe the sky.

When the compass is facing the East, it suddenly starts to appear disorderly again. The pointer on the compass seems to be crazy. It is turning rapidly without purpose

His heart sank!

This is the second time that the compass is out of order!

He looked up at city a!

In that small county town, what happened in the end, leading to chaos?

He raised his eyes to the sky.

Shrouded in the sky over city a, the sky seemed to be dyed with some halo. The haze was terrible, and even the stars in the sky suddenly lost their luster.

He vaguely saw that the haze concentrated in a certain place, like a hurricane at the bottom of the sea, moving and rolling to a place, and then being swallowed up and disappeared

However, the scene only lasted for about a minute.

When he regained consciousness, the haze cleared away, the sky was blue, the stars were clear, and the compass pointer in his hand began to point steadily to the south, as if everything was just his illusion.

He picked up his mobile phone and dialed an overseas call: "senior brother, it seems that the weather is going to change in a city!"

"Well, I vaguely feel something. I've been divining these days, but I can't deduce anything."

"When will you be back?"

"Not yet. You first observe and find the root of the disorder. If it doesn't work, I'll go back quietly


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