Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Seo-jun, who was playing alone with blocks until his mom came to pick him up, perked up his ears and jumped up from his seat. The teacher, who was finishing up some work, asked him.

Why, Seo-jun?

I think mom is here!

Really? Shall we go out?

Seo-jun held the teachers hand and went outside. As he had said, his mom was there.

The teacher, who had thought it was just a tantrum of the child, was surprised to see Seo-jun, but Seo-jun had already run to his mom and hugged her.

Im sorry for being late. You must have to go back to work.

Its okay. I still have some work left.

Seo-eun-hye handed a paper bag to the teacher. It was a snack she bought at the airport.

Please have this. There were a lot of delicious things at the airport.

Thank you. Ill enjoy it.

Yes. Thank you. Seo-jun, say thank you too.

Thank you!

Well, Ill be going then.

Oh, wait a minute. Seo-juns mom.

The teacher took out a flyer from Seo-juns bag and showed it to her. The flyer was brightly decorated and looked like a kindergarten.

It was full of pictures of Santa Claus in a red suit smiling brightly and Rudolph with a red nose.


A festival?

Lee Min-joon, who was putting some crab meat on Seo-juns spoon, tilted his head. Seo-eun-hye recalled the contents of the flyer.

Its a childrens festival on Christmas Eve. They sell food, toys, and have playgrounds.

That sounds fun. Seo-jun, do you want to go?

Seo-jun, who had chewed and swallowed the sweet and salty soy sauce crab and the white rice, nodded his head.


No, no. Wait. You cant. Seo-jun!

Seo-eun-chan, who had come by unexpectedly in the evening and brought soy sauce crab and spicy crab, put his hand down as he listened to the conversation of the couple and Seo-jun.

Seo-jun and the couple tilted their heads. Seo-eun-chan tapped his forehead.Ne/w novel chapters are published at

Even if Seo-jun is young, brother-in-law and sister dont know how famous Seo-jun is?

Seo-eun-hye and Lee Min-joons eyes met at Seo-eun-chans words. Seo-eun-hye shrugged her shoulders and answered.

I know. It was a mess on the first day of kindergarten. The teachers were speechless, the parents didnt know what to do, and the kids were crying and screaming at the sight of their mom and dad.

Seo-eun-hye put down the crab shell and shook her head. Seo-jun nodded and ate the crab meat that his dad gave him. It was his first time eating soy sauce crab, and it was delicious.

The news was huge too. The Demon had over 6 million viewers. There was also news that Seo-jun might play William in the US, and its quiet now, but until a few months ago, Seo-juns story was on TV every few days.

Lee Min-joon asked if he wanted some spicy crab. Seo-jun nodded. What would spicy crab taste like? The [Slimes Digestive Ability] that he couldnt use for three days because of making talismans moved vigorously.

But you want to go to the childrens festival with Seo-jun?

Isnt it quiet now? The kindergarten teachers seem to be used to it, and they treat him the same as the other kids. The parents of the kids just say hello and leave, right?

Seo-eun-chan drank some water in frustration.

Thats because theyve seen him all the time. At the childrens festival, everyone will be people Seo-jun has never seen before. That means, it will be like the first day of kindergarten.

The first day. Seo-jun and his parents faces hardened instantly as they were enjoying the seasoned crab. They could laugh about it now, but they wouldnt do it again.

Seo Eun-chan shook his head.

No, its worse. Its a childrens festival, but wont there be kids like Seo-jun? Relatives will come, and so will grandparents. The stores are looking forward to it, right? There will be lots of advertising. Then students will come, and college students In the end, itll just become a Christmas Eve festival.

Seo-jun and his parents swallowed hard.

Just imagine Seo-jun, your brother-in-law, and your sister in the middle of that. Its like a family of mice fallen into a pit of snakes.

Numerous snake eyes gleamed sharply, and long tongues flickered. The mouse family huddled together, trembling.

Seo-jun quietly put down his spoon at the image that came to mind.

I dont want to go.

Dad agrees.

Mom too.

Seo-jun and his parents raised their hands. It was just Seo Eun-chans thought, but it seemed likely.

They had filmed a music video, released a song, and were about to debut, when the plagiarism accusation came up.

It was a song by an unknown indie group from overseas, but the group had become popular on YouTube and reached Korea.

Since Brown Black was also active with self-composed songs by Hwang Ye-jun and Park Seo-jin, they had disbanded the group before getting involved.

After that, the president and the staff were reluctant to make a new idol group.

Seo Eun-chan was unhappy about that. They had to keep investing. They couldnt rely on Brown Black forever.

Thats why the company is like this. They keep spending the money they earned.

Where do the hyungs practice?

There is a practice room here, but its the one they used before debut. The facilities are not good, so they used their own money to find a place near their dorm.

Seo Eun-chan shook his head. He felt sorry for the singers who had to pay for their own practice room. The companys situation made him sigh.

Then, why did we come here?

Seo-jun tilted his head.

Wouldnt it be better to go to their practice room?

To get a camera. The camera they use for practice is broken. They need to buy a new one, and theyre looking for a good one online.

Are they going to upload their practice videos on YouTube?

Okay. After the music show ends. If I upload it now, there wont be any surprise!

Seo-jun nodded. A new video would be uploaded on his channel [JUN].


Its been a long time since I saw you in person!

Youve grown so much.

In the clean practice room of the 10-story building, there was Brown Black. Seo-jun ran to them and hugged them. Kevin lifted him up high and swung him around. Seo-jun laughed out loud. And then the other members also took turns lifting Seo-jun up.

After the lively greetings, they got down to business.

What song do you like, Seo-jun?

Maybe a calm song would be good if Seo-jun wants to sing too?

Fast songs would be too hard for sure.

Seo-jun and Brown Black listened to the songs that they had uploaded on YouTube and eliminated them one by one.

Finally, they found a song. The second mini album. TODAY.

Its calm and good for listening at Christmas.

The lyrics are not too hard either.

Shall we start practicing then?

Park Seo-jin, the lead vocalist, taught Seo-jun the song one by one. Seo-jun sang along diligently.

Higher here.

Slower here.

Pronounce the lyrics more clearly.

Seo-jun sang as Park Seo-jin told him. He raised his voice and sang along with the flowing MR.

How is it? Did I do well? His face was full of pride and Park Seo-jins eyes shook.


Seo-jun turned his head and saw his uncle Chan in the corner of the practice room, shivering and crouching.

He looked around and saw that the other hyungs were the same. They covered their mouths, but their eyes were squinted.

Thats. Seo-juns eyes narrowed.


Seo Eun-chan burst out laughing first. And then Brown Black also started laughing one after another. Seo-jun stomped his feet with his face turned red.

Dont laugh! Uncle! Its my first time!

Hahaha. I have to show this to your sister!

Yeah. Seo-jun. Its your first time. Itll be okay if you practice. You guys stop laughing too!

Park Seo-jin tried to comfort Seo-jun, but Seo-jun didnt hear him.

He tried to hold back his laughter, but it wasnt easy. He saw his uncle and hyungs snorting and glared at them with his eyes sharp.

He was going to be a superstar. Singing? What cant he do?

Hyung Seo-jin. Play the music.

Seo-jun said with a determined face.

He had a week left until the live broadcast on Christmas Eve.