Chapter 70

Chapter 70

Chapter 70

The day of the second performance.

A group of students flocked to the Milky Way Center.

They were brought by Kim Suhan, who had seen the first performance.

Its really amazing!

I almost fainted watching it!

The two of them gestured wildly to convey how awesome it was, while the other three friends shook their heads in disbelief.

Come on, whats there to see in a childrens play?

If its really boring, Ill treat you to a PC room!

Instant noodles?


The students who were looking forward to getting a free meal stopped in their tracks. One of them said.

Can we watch quietly?

The lobby of the Milky Way Center was filled with children and parents.

Me too, Blue Dragon! I want to see you!! Heeju bragged so much! She even bought a Yeoui!!

Blue Dragon! Blue Dragon!! I have to make a wish!

Yeoui!!! Give me a Yeoui!!

The children in the lobby were divided into three groups.

The first group was smiling brightly and showing off their Yeouis, which they had bought as souvenirs, to their friends who had never seen them before.

The second group was the children who had seen the first performance and had gotten their Yeouis.

They had nagged their parents to come to the Milky Way Center again to meet the Blue Dragon and make a wish.

The third group was the children who had been dragged by their parents who had heard a recommendation from someone. They had no interest in the play or the Yeoui.

The high-pitched voices of the children hurt the ears of the students, who covered them and headed to the ticket booth. Kim Suhan looked exhausted from dealing with the children, and asked the weary-looking staff.

Do you have any tickets left?

Uh, what are you looking for?

The childrens play, Spring.

The friends who had followed Kim Suhan pretended not to see him, as if they were too old for a childrens play, but the staff and Kim Suhan had a conversation without any hesitation.

Yes. There are still some seats available.

Then Ill take five, please.

You must have seen the first performance.

Yes. I even bought a Yeoui.

What? You bought a Yeoui? Are you a kid?

Hehehe. Youll want to buy one too after you see it.

Behind them, the children were shouting Yeoui! Blue Dragon! and the three friends were dumbfounded by Kim Suhan, who had bought a Yeoui.

Seriously, what kind of play is this that causes such a fuss?


As soon as they entered the theater, the seats were half full. The students sighed softly at the chatter of the children, expecting a noisy show.

The parents seemed to be trying to calm them down, but the excited children wouldnt listen.

The children had Yeouis in their hands, which were sold as a special event before the show. They were blue and shiny.

Most of the children were happily playing with their Yeouis, but the children who had been brought by their parents had empty hands.

Do we really not have to buy one? All the other kids have one.

Its just a bead. Ill buy you a car later!

But the child didnt know that he would regret it in less than an hour.


A sound was heard, and soon the theater went dark.

Before the curtain rose, a loud thunder and lightning sound shook the audience.

Whats that?

The audience who had seen the first performance and came back to see it again turned their heads to the direction of the sound, which was different from the first show.

Seo-jun, who was standing on one side of the stage, smiled slightly and turned on the microphone.

[(Sen)The weak blood of the Blue Dragon Haecheolring is activated.]


A whimpering sound was heard.

The voice that was neither childlike nor adultlike, and the strange feeling that came from somewhere, made the children who were chatting excitedly and the adults who were tired of stopping them shut their mouths.

[My Yeoui!]

That one word united the stage and the audience. After that, it was the same as the first performance.

The audience was absorbed in the play, as if their souls had been sucked out and were floating on the stage. They put all their strength into their bodies and didnt take their eyes off the stage.

When Spring was in danger, they reacted as if they were in danger, and when Spring cried, they cried with her.

And then, the Blue Dragon appeared.

The sight of the Blue Dragon breaking through the screen made everyone move away from him, burying their bodies in their seats. His large and sharp eyes blinked. He had a fearsome and sacred presence.


The childlike voice of the Blue Dragon shattered them.

Seo-jun continued his acting with a new interpretation of the character. A part of his body became the Blue Dragon again, and his senses, especially his hearing, increased several times. He heard the breathing of the audience clearly in his ears.


Thats? An 8-year-olds voice?

Not only the students, but also the adults who saw the pamphlet looked back and forth between the theater where the sacred Blue Dragon was and the pamphlet.

Kim Suhan and his friends, who had seen both the dignified and the quirky Blue Dragon acting, made a more bizarre expression and said.

Is he a genius?

There are so many talented kids these days.

But the first performance was a bit different.

On the first day, the Blue Dragon was like a grandfather, but this time he was like a child.

That too, but I liked the feeling of being immersed from the beginning.

Its definitely more fun than movies or dramas that are edited and done. Its because its a play.

I wonder if the next performance will change too?

The rest of the three people decided to come and see the next performance after hearing the conversation of their friends who had seen the first performance. And they invited more friends.

The students of Juyeong High School, who were looking for a cheap and worth-watching play for their summer homework, gathered at the Milky Way Center.


Its so fun!

Seo Eunhye and Lee Minjun burst into laughter at Seo-juns words.

Seo-jun was looking forward to the day of the performance these days. He marked the performance days on a large calendar and waited for the time to pass by cutting the scissors.

The other kids were the same. They all laughed and made a fuss when they gathered in the practice room.

Dad liked the grandfather Blue Dragon.

Mom liked the child Blue Dragon.

I like them all!

The performance Spring that changed slightly every time had a lot of Nth audience. There were audiences who watched diligently from the first day to the last week of the performance, which was this week.

How did he know? It was because the audience sent him a signed poster with seven performance tickets attached through the staff.

He sent Na Jins signature first, but later he wanted to send a signature with the name Lee Seo-jun.

Is the audience seat full these days?

Yeah! Theres no empty seat!

A review was posted on the internet after the third performance, where the audience had a separate time to make wishes.

[Title: Childrens Play Spring Must See!]

Please watch the childrens play Spring at the Milky Way Center!

Its a really cool play.

Especially, after watching the play, if our child does a good deed, he gets a Yeoui divided into three pieces! as a souvenir.

If you collect three of them, the Blue Dragon will grant your wish, so he works harder than collecting praise stickers.

Thanks to that, he eats well, cleans up his toys, and reads books diligently. Hes looking for books with the Blue Dragon these days, but there arent many.

Of course, if the wish is too hard to grant, he says The Blue Dragon cant grant it either? and makes an excuse for the Blue Dragon. Im sorry. Blue Dragon.

Please show it to the children who have lost the effect of praise stickers!

Maybe it was because of the review on the mom cafe, but there were a lot of children, but somehow the word of mouth spread among the students and these days there were a lot of teenagers and adults.

The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, which was excited by the record of sold-out every day, sprinkled the materials to the reporters.

[Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism Support, Childrens Play Spring Sold Out Lineup!]

[Veteran Child Actor Leading Spring, Choi Soyoung!]

[Child Actors Who Cant Miss Anyone Have Appeared!]

[8 Years Old, Na Jin. Talented Voice Actor!]

[The Second Lee Seo-jun of the Voice Acting Industry! Na Jin!]

-These days, if you say youre a little bit popular, they call you the second Lee Seo-jun.

-You have to compare what you compare. Its just a play between kids. Its obvious that its childish.

=Theyre working hard, so praise them. The reporter put the title like that.

As the last performance was not far away, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism wanted to extend the performance, but the Spring team all shook their heads.

The kids were going to start school soon, and the adults wanted to let them know about Lee Seo-jun as soon as possible.


And the last day of the stage that lasted for three months came.

The end.

That one word weighed heavily on the actors of Spring. Seo-jun looked at the faces of his older brothers and sisters who were sitting in the practice room.

Now we wont have any snacks together, and we wont change the lines for the next stage together.

Someone sniffed and made a sound. At that sound, no one could tell who was first, but their eyes turned red. Seo-juns eyes also turned red. His vision blurred with tears.

It was so fun, exciting and happy for three months that it was so hard and sad to say goodbye. Its not that well never meet again, but I wonder if well ever be on stage with this team. Thats why Seo-jun was sadder.

Dont cry! Youll ruin your makeup!

Choi Soyoung jumped up. Even though she said that, Choi Soyoungs nose was also red.

Lets cheer up! Its the last time! Lets do the best acting!

At Choi Soyoungs words, everyone nodded their heads. As always during these three months, they reached out their hands without anyone being first.

They all put their hands on top of their sisters hand, on top of their brothers hand. They looked at each others faces and reddened their eyes.




The kids, Seo-jun shouted loudly.