Chapter 122

Chapter 122

Chapter 122


The alarm went off. The girl jumped out of bed and quickly turned it off.

Rebecca! Get up quickly!

Im up!

[What do you need to make music?]

Rebecca thought as she ate breakfast. A peaceful and ordinary day. Her dad was working on his phone while reading the newspaper, her mom was on the phone with someone.

[Talent? Effort?]

Dont miss the new violin lesson teacher whos coming today. Hes a famous persons disciple, so you have to learn well. Do you know how much money it costs for one lesson?


[No, its money.]

A boring narration flowed.

Rebecca and her friend George met a boy in the park. A lonely black-and-white boy in a colorful park that reeked of sadness.

Is that Seo-jun? Even though they knew him, it took them a while to notice.

The depressed boy looked nothing like Seo-jun. He was neither the prince of Seongnyeong nor Jin Natra. He was just Gray, nothing more.

As they played with Gray, he gradually brightened up.

Everyone smiled at Grays face that bloomed like a flower. His expression that was colorless became colorful, making the people who saw him feel happy.

It must be a healing story. The audience quickly forgot the annoying narration as they watched the children laugh.

They were proud of Grays violin skills that improved noticeably. They felt sorry for Gray who was already worried about money, but they smiled at Grays life with Swallow, the teacher his mom found for him.

It was obvious that Gray liked his teacher. They read books together, watched videos of violinists, listened to music and shared their opinions.

On days when he didnt have lessons, Gray practiced at home and waited for the lesson day. On days when he had lessons, he ran to the apartment next to the bridge with a brighter smile than ever. He was so beautiful that he made them cry.

They thought, Hes a good teacher, Gray got a good teacher and looked forward to Grays performance that would soar like in the eighth week of busking.

I have a teacher.

Gray said shyly and Rebecca and George blushed. They smiled like parents as they praised his teacher. But that smile didnt last long.

Gray rested his chin on the violin. Rebeccas bright smile froze. The audience was puzzled. Why? Wasnt that a good posture?

The reason was revealed soon. A terrible performance echoed through the speakers. Some of the audience were so surprised that they dropped the popcorn they were eating. Some almost got up from their seats. No, why!?

Spring of Four Seasons, which he learned from Rebecca, was sloppy but improved. It was ruined.

Rebecca shouted. Gray said. And a flashback scene appeared.

The hidden side of Swallow in the happy lessons. A scammer who didnt even know the b of violin was there.

The audiences mouths opened wide at the shocking twist.

Is that teacher a real violinist!?

Grays despairing face and the audience screamed inside. He wasnt a good person!? They forgot to eat the food they were holding and got absorbed in the movie.

Rebecca and George decided to go find Swallow with Gray. There must be some reason.

They held onto a thin hope and headed to Downlock the next day. Georges brother agreed to go with them because their parents said they couldnt send the kids to Downlock alone. Downlock was that kind of place.

The rain fell and the truth was revealed. It was so painful that the audience clenched their mouths.

They cried at the sight of Gray walking down the dark road. Gray and his mom sobbed.

After that, Rebecca and Georges crying faces were shown in their rooms. Rebecca, who had turned the blanket over her head, sobbed.

[What do you need to make music?]

It was a sincere and desperate voice, unlike the light tone at the beginning. The audience remembered the narration that had been on TV for weeks.

[Talent? Effort?]

Grays face that smiled brightly as he rested his chin on the violin was shown. Rebecca shed tears.

[No, its money.]

[If I had money, I could buy a violin that suited Gray! I could find a better teacher than that scammer! Money, if I had money!]

Rebecca buried her face in the pillow and cried again, thinking of Grays lonely figure disappearing into the rain.

[Gray didnt have to cry]

Sob, sob. There were people crying in the audience too. Some cried because they felt sorry for Gray, some cried because they remembered their dreams that they had to give up because of money.

There must be many Grays here. Imiyeon and Park Seong-ah also wiped their tears.

The movie time kept flowing even though the audience was immersed in Grays emotions.

They cried again at the staff paper and violin left in front of the door, and they were speechless at Grays genius that showed even in the despair of not being able to let go of music.

Gray, who was composing like crazy, suddenly lifted his head. A surprised expression appeared on his face full of tears.

In two days! At the park!

Two days! Gray left the door. He ran. He ran to the park.

Its been two days already.

It had been several days since then. He was afraid that his friends who said they would meet in two days wouldnt be there, that they would be disappointed because he didnt show up.

But Gray ran. They were good friends. He didnt want it to end like this. He breathed heavily and headed to the place where they met every day.

He ran fast and found something, then slowly stopped.

Over the Rainbow.

Whats at the end of the rainbow?


Youre late!

His friends were there, smiling brightly. He was so happy that he burst into tears. He had been crying for days, but his tears didnt dry up. Rebecca and George started crying too at Grays cry.

I thought you wouldnt come.

I was so scared because you didnt come

Im sorry Im late.

They cried for a while and their eyes were swollen. They laughed at their funny appearance and forgot that they had cried.

Cheerfully and bravely. They laughed as if they had blown away all the sadness.

They cried and laughed. The exhausted children ate the snacks George brought and replenished their energy.

Ah, happy. Gray smiled. He felt that way because he was happy. He was scared that he would fail and be discouraged again, but everyone was cheering for him. He didnt want to give up.

They set a big goal. The children worked harder on the videos.

They walked with Gray without giving up their school or their lives. The crowdfunding continued and was fairly successful.

They couldnt afford a good teachers lesson, but they could buy a decent violin.

Can I try this next time we busk?

What is it?

A song I composed.

Rebecca and George nodded their heads at Grays words.

Thats awesome! Everyone will be surprised!


George moved quickly. He wanted to make his friends first original song performance in a bigger and better place, where more people could hear it.

Rebecca and Gray worked on the sheet music together. Rebecca made some suggestions to Grays questions, and Gray chose the answer from them.

Rebecca had heard more songs than Gray, so the song was revised to a more refined feel.

George prepared the performance venue at the widest place in the park. There were many people and the place was spacious.

Gray looked around nervously as he stood at the place where he would play. The park manager and friends he had met a few times, and the people who came to watch the busking often.

And at the news of Grays performance, people who didnt go to the park often also appeared in the park.

They wore shabby clothes, but they were clean and neat. Gray knew. Even among the people of Downlock, who had a hard time making a living, there were some who had supported him.

Thump, thump. He heard a pleasant heartbeat.

He was so happy.

Gray rested his chin on the violin and held the bow.

The bow came down on the strings of the violin. The melody flowed out. The things that Gray had gone through were conveyed to the audience through the violin.

He was happy to meet his friends and enjoyed learning the violin. He was happy to meet his teacher and despaired at his teachers lies. At the end of the despair he couldnt escape, there was a rainbow, and beyond the rainbow, there was the happiness he had now.

The audience who knew Grays story shivered at the emotion and melody that pierced them like thorns.

They were happy with him, because his happiness was too raw. They despaired with him, because his despair was too vivid.

And they struggled to grasp the thin hope in the despair. In the end, he became happy. The melody that seemed to shine brightly, contrary to the expectations of the audience, did not burst, but slowly subsided.

When they thought it was over, the screen changed.

As the melody faded, the screen followed Gray and swept over the trees and leaves, then gradually rose to the sun.

The screen that shone brightly with the sunlight suddenly changed to lights. The camera slowly moved down.

The camera that showed the full and applauding audience turned back and showed one person.

He was wearing a black tuxedo.

It was Gray.

[I want to invite them all and play for them.]

He remembered his young vow and raised his bow to play the violin.

The screen was fixed, as if watching a solo concert right in front of the movie theater.

He became more refined and calm, but his vivid and lively Gray-like vitality developed further and Over the Rainbow came out.

The audience in the movie theater was captivated by the excellent performance.

As if it was really a solo concert, there was no narration or screen change from beginning to end until Over the Rainbow was over.

The ongoing performance finally exploded in brilliance.




All kinds of happy emotions in the world flooded the audience like waves.

Some of the audience closed their eyes and enjoyed the music. They felt like they knew how hard Gray had worked and how many people had helped him, just by the difference between the previous and the current performance.

He met a true teacher and bought a better violin. He worked hard and dreamed.

Even without watching the video, they could tell by listening to this violin performance.

Thats how the child of Downlock became a violinist.

Even though it was a very happy performance, he shed a tear. Imiyeon and Park Seong-ah wiped their eyes with a sob.

The performance that he wanted to keep listening to ran to the end. The last note echoed loudly in the concert hall as Grays bow stopped.

As Gray bowed, the audience in the video stood up one by one and applauded.

Meanwhile, the video was silent, without any background noise.

As if watching Gray Vainy perform somewhere live, the movie theater audience was immersed in the movie.

A person who looked like a staff member handed Gray a microphone. There was no editing in the meantime. The unedited video gave the audience a sense of reality.

Gray brushed his hair neatly and smiled. His appearance hadnt changed much, but his confident expression and gentle smile showed how much he had grown.

I didnt expect so many of you to come.

Gray looked at the audience. His expression was full of gratitude.

The people who had supported Gray Vainy with letters, they all had a body in front of Grays eyes.

His mother, Rebecca, George, the old man upstairs, the guy downstairs, the librarian at Starfill, the sandwich shop owner, the young child who supported him with his mother, the people who commented that his music helped them while they were hospitalized.

There were many people there.

Gray quietly looked around the audience and looked at the camera. The movie theater audience thought they made eye contact with Gray, and Gray in the screen smiled.

Thanks to your support, I was able to stand here. I sincerely thank you for your long support.


The applause sounded and the curtain fell on the stage. The applause continued. The movie theater audience also clapped their hands without knowing.

How long did they clap, the lights in the theater turned on, and the ending credits came up with a song.

[Grays Violin Performance NO.1]

It was a violin performance full of Grays gratitude and thanks. The audience was amazed by the performance that came out again.

Imiyeon, who was clapping, suddenly remembered something he had put in his bag before the movie started.

A 3,000 won souvenir. Imiyeon took out the ticket envelope from his bag with trembling hands. Park Seong-ah saw such a friend.

Imiyeon opened the ticket envelope and took out the ticket. He saw unusually glittering golden letters.

[Imiyeon. Thank you for your long support.]

[Violinist: Gray Vainy]