Chapter 243

Chapter 243

Chapter 243

After the reading discussion, Juhee sent the recorded file to the kids phones.

Seo-jun took his notebook where he wrote his impressions during the discussion.

Now, all he had to do was organize his notes and the recording, and one of his summer homework assignments would be done.

We finished earlier than I thought.

Thats because we all prepared well.

But what was that book concert you mentioned earlier?

The kids looked at Seo-jun curiously at Jukyungs question.

I was looking at books in a bookstore when a publishers employee asked me if I wanted to see a book concert. It sounded fun, so I went. There was no time for lunch, though.

Why did they have a book concert at that time?

That was because the book was on the verge of flopping, and it was hard to find a place at any other time, but Seo-jun and the kids didnt know that.

Jaehan, who loved books, sparkled his eyes.

Who was the author? Do I know them?

It was their debut work.

Seo-jun took out [Mirror] from his bag. Reêad latest novels at

The cover had Choi Dayes signature in black pen.

Jaehan quickly took the book and examined it.

A rookie author, huh? How was the book?

It was interesting. I got a signature too.

Seo-jun said he enjoyed reading it, and the other kids became interested too.

While they were looking at the book, Jinho quickly searched for Mirror on his phone.

There are no reviews on the internet.

I guess its not a very popular book.

Hmm. But the plot seems interesting. Seo-jun, can I borrow your book?

Jaehan seemed intrigued by the plot that Jinho showed him.


He was planning to buy another copy anyway, since he wanted to keep the signed one and use the other one for adaptation.

Besides, he had to show it to Dahohyung first, who had to talk to the publisher.

Jaehan smiled brightly and put [Mirror] in his bag.

So what do you want to do now?

The reading discussion, which was the reason they gathered today, was over, but it was too early to go home.

Juhee asked, and Jinho raised his hand.

Lets go to an escape room. Theres a new one nearby. They have various themes.

He must have searched it already, because Jinhos phone screen showed the escape room website. Among the many themes, one stood out.

Uh this one?

Hahaha. What is this?

Lets try this one!

A zombie-themed escape room game.

The name was [Escape].

Seo-jun and the kids burst into laughter at the familiar name.


After the weekend, on Monday.

Seo-juns manager, Anh Da Ho, visited Seo-juns house earlier than usual since it was summer break.

Dahohyung. Do you want to read this?

As usual, he put down a box with scripts and received a book from Seo-jun.


[Author: Choi Daye / Publisher: Hero]

The signed copy he got from Choi Daye was lent to Jaehan, and the book he gave to Anh Da Ho was a new one he bought after parting with his friends.

I never imagined there would be only one copy left in stock.

If there were no books in the warehouse or they were sold out in the meantime, he wouldnt have been able to show it to Dahohyung today.

Whats this book?

While Anh Da Ho examined the book, Seo-jun took out the synopses and scripts that Anh Da Ho brought and put them on the table.

He smiled contentedly at the six scripts and picked one of them.

I applied for a graduation performance.


Anh Da Ho and Team 2 were also helping Seo-jun find a work to perform for his graduation, so they knew well.

I want to do this one.

Theres no set background, props, or music for the stage, so I have to choose everything from scratch. I have some music in mind that I thought of while reading the book, but I dont know if it will suit the play.

Except for the original work, this play was like a blank sheet of paper that Seo-jun had to decide from start to finish.

It was a disadvantage and an advantage that he had a lot to think about and decide.

It will be hard, but fun.

He was happy just thinking about how to decorate the stage.

Will you adapt it yourself?

He had to change the novel into a script for a play.

He had to separate long sentences into narration and dialogue, change and compress the story to suit the play, cut out unnecessary parts, and arrange them to fit the play.

Seo-jun nodded at Anh Da Hos question.

Yes. I want to try it myself during summer break.

It seems like you have plenty of time.

Ive seen a lot of scripts and I have the original work, so it should be easier than creating something from scratch. And I have a lot of people to ask for advice.

There were directors and writers. If necessary, he could ask Baram Theater Group too.

Okay. Let me read it first.


While Anh Da Ho read [Mirror] slowly, Seo-jun read down the six scripts.


His perspective changed when he thought about directing the stage play.

He would have closed some scripts right away if they had boring plots or awkward dialogues, but he paid more attention to the direction of each scene than the story.

Wouldnt this be better than that?

Seo-jun drew a line on the first page of the script with his pen.

He could picture the scenes in his head with the movies and dramas he had seen so far.

He changed a full shot to a close-up shot, hid an intense characters emotion, and hinted at the culprits identity faintly.

After modifying fifteen pages like that, he read them from the beginning and smirked.

Its a mess.

He laughed when he saw how messy it was. It felt like he scribbled on a picture that was already completed in its own way.

Well. I didnt expect it to be done in a day.

He relaxed his tense muscles with a laugh. It was harder than he thought to apply what he knew right away.


Is it not going well?

Anh Da Ho asked with a smile as he watched Seo-jun while reading his book.

He must have seen a lot of works and scripts by now, but it was still difficult to put them into practice.

Seo-jun scratched his cheek and smiled sheepishly.

Well, I didnt think it would be done in a day.

Right. Take your time. You have plenty of time.


Seo-jun started writing something on his script again. He spun his pen around as if his head was complicated. He flipped through some pages and then opened the first page again.

He realized that this was a script for a movie, not a play.

Shooting from right to left, full shot to close-up shot, cutting and pasting scenes after shooting them all, movies and plays that had to be performed from start to finish on stage in front of the audience had different directions.



Do you have the scripts for the plays you showed me?

Yeah. Theyre in the companys warehouse.

Anh Da Ho nodded at Seo-juns question.

He had collected a lot of scripts for the graduation performance, except for a few that Seo-jun liked, they were all in Cocoa Entertainments warehouse.

Can you bring them to me?

All of them?

No, just the ones based on novels.

Okay. Got it.

While Anh Da Ho contacted Team 2, Seo-jun went into his room and looked through the scripts on his bookshelf.

It was a bookshelf with scripts of movies, dramas, plays, and other works that Seo-jun found interesting and cool.

Seo-jun took out the scripts of the plays that he liked the direction of.

He could do a better job of adapting [Mirror] if he analyzed how they adapted novels into plays, and what kind of direction suited the plays he liked.

Seo-juns eyes sparkled as he picked out one script after another.

He thought this play would be really fun too.

Four days later.

Considering the secondary rights, legal issues, positive and negative effects of YouTube exposure, and the promotional effect of the play on the book, Team 2 of Cocoa Entertainment dedicated to Lee Seo-jun was able to draft a contract.

Only after a rough contract was made did Anh Da Ho, Seo-juns manager, contact Kim Hyungwon, an employee of Hero, the publisher of [Mirror].