Chapter 246

Chapter 246

Chapter 246

Seo-jun got out of the car with his bag. As he closed the car door, the window on the passenger seat went down.

Lee Min-joon, who was sitting in the drivers seat, smiled and said.

Call mom when you get home tomorrow.


Dont give your brothers and uncle a hard time, okay?

I wont. Im not a kid.

He would be a high school student next year, but he still looked like a little kid in Lee Min-joons eyes.

Lee Min-joon smiled softly and nodded.

Have fun then.

Be careful, dad.

Waving his hand at Lee Min-joon, Seo-jun turned around and headed to Lee Ji-seoks house.

He entered the password that Lee Ji-seok had told him and took the elevator. Seo-jun took out his phone.

<Ji-seok hyung!

<Im at the entrance of the apartment!

<Im in the elevator!

<Im in front of the door!


Ji-seok: Is this how you send messages?


<Its summer.Reêad latest novels at


The sound of the door lock was heard and the front door that was in front of Seo-jun opened.

Press the doorbell. The doorbell.

Lee Ji-seok was standing there in a comfortable outfit. Seo-jun smiled and said.

Wasnt it fun?

Do you play like that with your friends? Middle schooler?

Ahahaha. Yes.

He looked like he had fun with his hyung too, as he chuckled.

Seo-jun followed Lee Ji-seok into his room and put down his bag.

Then, Kim Jong-ho, who was lying on the sofa, and Park Do-hoon, who was doing a 1,000-piece puzzle he got from a fan, greeted him.

Seo-jun is the last one.


Jong-ho uncle! Do-hoon hyung! When did you come?

We came early in the morning.

Lee Ji-seok looked at them with a bored face.

They acted as if it was their own house.

He felt annoyed.

We had nothing to do so we came early.

Me too. Seo-jun, are you hot? Do you want me to lower the temperature?

Im fine.

Park Do-hoon handed him an orange juice.

After drinking the cold orange juice, he felt refreshed.

Of course, the air conditioner in the living room also helped.

When Seo-jun seemed to catch his breath, Kim Jong-ho got up from the sofa.

Shall we look at the script first?

Yeah. Ive been curious for a month.

Jong-ho uncle, Ji-seok hyung, Do-hoon hyung too. They looked eager to read it. Seo-jun scratched his cheek shyly.

Its in my bag. Ill get it.

Okay. Hurry up.

While Seo-jun went to get the script from his bag, Kim Jong-ho got up from his seat and sat in front of the table.

Park Do-hoon and Lee Ji-seok also sat around the table.

What is a sofa to Koreans? Why dont they sit on the sofa they told me to sit on?

Seo-jun quickly came back with the script and saw the three actors sitting on the floor and an empty fluffy sofa.

He soon joined them on the floor.

I copied it from the company.

As expected from our Seo-jun!

One script per person.

When Seo-jun brought four scripts, Kim Jong-ho and Lee Ji-seok, who were growling at each other, smiled brightly.

The three actors turned to the first page as soon as they received the script from Seo-jun.

Ill read it well.

But have you read the original work?

I read it as soon as you told me. But it was harder to find the book, right?

It would be difficult to maintain the first atmosphere until the end of the play.

Besides, dont you hate acting with this kind of script?

In short, the script that Seo-jun wrote was a script that had no freedom for the actor from beginning to end.


Seo-jun took the script again and nodded.

He was satisfied with writing his own acting that he wanted to do, but he would have refused if Anh Da-ho brought him such a script.

He wanted a perfect script and it was a perfect script, but only for himself.

I need to fix it.

But I think the story flow is smooth. Theres no dialogue that stands out either.

I need to think more about how to use props.

Lee Ji-seok, Kim Jong-ho, and Park Do-hoon told Seo-jun what they needed or what they should change in his script.

They gave him advice so that he could choose his own way.

Seo-jun nodded earnestly and wrote it down.

No way! You cant do that! You wont be able to see behind!

But this is necessary! Besides, Yeoul Art Center is small enough to cover everything!

Well. He knew this would happen.

Then shall we eat?

Park Do-hoon smiled and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner as they argued every day without fail.

Lee Ji-seok and Kim Jong-ho also rolled up their sleeves and helped with dinner.

The beef sirloin was placed on the heated electric grill.


Kim Jong-ho, who held the tongs, flipped the meat at the right timing.

He put the cooked meat on Seo-jun and Park Do-hoons plates and focused on grilling again.

Lee Ji-seok grumbled as he ate the cooked beef by hand.

By the way, there was another play based on a novel, right?

Oh, I got the script. It was The Jury, right?

I got it too. Did you accept it?

Lee Ji-seok shook his head at Park Do-hoons question.

Im going to start my next work soon. How about you?

No. I declined too. Seo-jun, did you get the script?

Seo-jun, who was wrapping lettuce wraps, nodded.

Yes. I read the original work, but there was no suitable role for me. The judge and the prosecutor, and the lawyer are all older and minors cant be jurors either.

Thats true. How about uncle?

I signed a contract.

Seo-jun put a lettuce wrap in his mouth and widened his eyes.

Lee Ji-seok and Park Do-hoon also stopped their hands that were serving meat.

Kim Jong-ho smiled slyly and said.

Im playing Baek Won-kyungs father.

That suits you well.


Its perfect.

You brats!

The three actors laughed at Kim Jong-hos words.

Then we have to go see it. Shall we go together?

Im fine with that.

Seo-jun nodded at Park Do-hoons words. Lee Ji-seok, who was about to answer after eating a spoonful of soybean paste stew, opened his eyes wide.

Why is this so delicious?

Lee Ji-seoks reaction made Kim Jong-ho curious and he also tasted the soybean paste stew.

He was surprised.

Thats true. Its really delicious!

Seo-jun made that.


Seo-jun has a Korean cuisine certificate too.

Park Do-hoons words surprised Lee Ji-seok and Kim Jong-ho again.

They looked at Seo-jun and he laughed.


A few days before the second semester of Yeoul Art Center.

Im done!

Seo-jun looked at the neatly printed script with emotion.


[Original work: Choi Da-ye]

[Adaptation: Lee Seo-jun]

He finally completed the script for Mirror.