Chapter 288

Chapter 288

Chapter 288

Even though he didnt have any scenes to shoot today, Kang Tae-young dropped by and exclaimed at Seo-juns acting.

Just yesterday, Lee Hyun-sung was smiling brightly, but today he was sitting next to Kim Seo-yeon with a stiff expression.

He really looks like Lee Hyun-sung after shooting the modern part.

Park Do-hoon nodded at Kang Tae-youngs remark.


Our Seo-jun is amazing! He did well yesterday, but hes doing great today too!Thê source of this content n/o/v/(el)bi((n))

Kang Tae-young was watching the set with an excited expression, as if he would wave a cheering stick vigorously if he had one.

Park Do-hoon shook his head at Kang Tae-young, who seemed to restrain himself a bit in front of Seo-jun, but showed his fanboy side everywhere else.

Well, the fans must know it too

Probably everyone among the staff knew it.

Cut, okay!

In the meantime, the first scene was finished.

Seo-jun, who had returned from Lee Hyun-sung to Lee Seo-jun, waved his hand at Kang Tae-young and Park Do-hoon who were standing on one side.

Park Do-hoon waved back slightly, while Kang Tae-young almost swung his arm as he waved back.

Seo-jun laughed, and his friends looked at where Seo-jun was looking.

Oh. Its Park Do-hoon senior!

Kang Tae-young senior is here too!

Speaking of which, Kang Tae-young senior is a fan of Seo-jun, right?

Hes been a fan since elementary school.

Seo-jun scratched his cheek awkwardly.

As Spring Has Come became a hot topic, the actors also started to get more attention.

Some reporters were looking for any scoop to increase their clicks, and they found something that they didnt care about before.

Some of the actors who were young or had not been acting for long were fans of Hollywood Star, Lee Seo-jun when they were ordinary people.

But it became a huge issue when a fan got to shoot with Seo-jun.

Everyone nodded at Yang Joo-hees words.

There were several articles with the title Fanboy Kang Tae-young.

There was also a list of celebrities who revealed that they were fans of Seo-jun in interviews.

Were starting to shoot!

Seo-jun and the kids, who were chatting about this and that, prepared for the shooting again at the assistant directors shout.


There were many scenes to shoot in the classroom, so there was still a lot left to shoot today.

Yu Cheong-ah, the writer, sent a lot of scripts so that they could shoot everything at once without having to set up the set multiple times.

Usually, the emotional lines are different in the first and second half, so it can be confusing.

PD Gong Hee-chan smiled as he watched the footage. Seo-jun and Jo Bo-ram would do well, so he could focus on editing after shooting quickly.

Then well start shooting the next scene!

The staff moved busily at Kim Dan-bis words.

The actors also took their places on the set.

Seo-jun sat next to Jo Bo-ram.

PD Gong Hee-chan raised his voice after checking that everyone was ready.

Ready, action!

Lee Hyun-sung sat next to class president Kim Seo-yeon as there was no shooting today.

As soon as the homeroom teacher left the classroom, the kids from the front and back seats and even those who were far away came closer to Lee Hyun-sung with curious faces.

Where did you come from in America?

Are you good at English?

He must be good at English since he lived in America!

Have you been to Hollywood?

Questions poured out at the mention of a transfer student from America. But there was no answer from Lee Hyun-sung. Kim Seo-yeon quickly opened her mouth as the silence lingered.

He must be nervous since its his first day. I would be scared too if you all came at me like this!

The kids nodded their heads and went back to their seats at Kim Seo-yeons words.

Kim Seo-yeon sighed inwardly and looked at Lee Hyun-sung, who was sitting with a blank expression. His face didnt look much different from when he first entered the classroom.

I dont think well get along very well.

But she thought she should treat him well until he adjusted.

She sighed again and tried to prepare for the first class by taking out a textbook from her desk drawer.

She stopped when she saw Lee Hyun-sungs trembling hand.

Cut! Okay!


A few days later.

The outdoor shooting was decided to be done at the high school that Yu Cheong-ah, the writer, used as a model.

Fortunately, the school also gladly gave permission.

However, since there were high school students who took classes even during the vacation, they decided to shoot on weekends when the students didnt come to school.

Its Lee Seo-jun!

Wow. I never thought Id see him

Some teachers seemed to have come to watch after hearing about the shooting.

There was a faint pink atmosphere between them, or so it seemed.

The staff admired the acting of the two actors.

They were so awkward in the cafeteria, but they changed the mood so quickly.

Right? Its amazing that they can act like this even when everyone is watching them.

Thats why theyre actors.

The staff whispered quietly so as not to interfere with the audio. Everyone around them agreed with their heads.

Cut, okay!

Possible additional sentences:

PD Gong Hee-chan, who was staring at the monitor without blinking, shouted.


The next scene is in the library.

Jo Bo-ram said as she drank some water. Seo-jun nodded as he closed his water bottle.

The staff moved the equipment to the library and set it up.

Seo-jun and Jo Bo-ram read the script and followed the emotional line of their characters.

They quickly sorted out their emotions from the cafeteria scene and brought out the emotions that suited the current scene.

Um. Yeah. A little.

Jo Bo-ram hesitated for a moment, then decided to be honest.

She thought it would be better to listen to Seo-juns advice, since he had more experience in shooting than her.

She opened her mouth hesitantly.

The shooting time is shorter than the others, but there are a lot of emotional changes in the same place.

Thats true. The school is the background, so we shoot a lot at once.

And since the past part was connected by Kim Seo-yeons flashback, they also had to cut it short and go on.

From being indifferent to being very fond of each other to being a little fond of each other. Its hard to adjust. I dont even know if Im doing well right now.

She sighed again at her words. Seo-jun smiled.

Dont worry. Youre doing well.


Yeah. Really. You dont get any NGs and you match well with me.

Jo Bo-rams face brightened at Seo-juns words.

I feel relieved when the worlds Lee Seo-jun says that.

She let out a sigh of relief as if exaggerating.

Seo-jun laughed at her expression.


Ready, action!

One day before the final exam.

Lee Seong-jin had a hard time adjusting to the school curriculum, which was different from the American one, so he decided to study with Kim Seo-yeon, the class president.

He rolled his eyes and opened his mouth.

Im sorry.

He was worried that Kim Seo-yeons grades would drop because she was helping him, since she was planning to go to college early.

Its okay.

She smiled softly as if she liked his cute look of concern.

She continued to speak.

The test range is up to here, so ask me if you dont know anything.

She opened the textbook and showed Lee Seong-jin the test range.

He looked serious as if he wouldnt miss a word.

This is my note. Ill ask you if I dont know any English words. And just so you know, Im bad at math, so dont bother asking me.

She said with a mock-serious tone.

He stared at her blankly for a moment and then smiled and nodded.

Im good at math, so its okay.

Really? Then teach me some.

The library that they borrowed from the teacher.

Kim Seo-yeon and Lee Seong-jin sat face to face and started studying for the exam.

Scratch scratch.

The sound of pencil lead and paper touching was heard, and warm sunlight shone through the window.

Lee Seong-jin lifted his head and looked ahead.

He watched Kim Seo-yeon studying with a serious expression and smiled softly.

She lifted her head and looked ahead.

He brushed his hair lightly as if the problem was difficult and she looked at him with a smile.

They looked at each other without knowing it,

And finally, their eyes met.

It felt like time stopped.

It felt like their hearts dropped.

They couldnt breathe or do anything but look at each other.


It was their first love.